

【作者】 顾正云

【导师】 石书臣;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,随着我国经济体制和社会结构的转型,社会价值观领域日益呈现出多元化的态势。对于置身于中国社会转型时期的当代大学生,他们最容易接受新的社会事物和社会变迁,形成新的价值观念。因而,大学生价值观教育遇到了许多前所未有的新情况和新问题。本文以加强大学生价值观教育为主题,从价值观形态的角度对大学生价值观的变迁进行了一些探讨。马克思主义认为,社会存在决定社会意识。价值观是人们对各种事物和现象的价值进行认识和评价时所持的基本观点和看法,它随着社会历史条件和客观环境的变化而变化。改革开放以来,我国大学生价值观形态变迁的基本特点,是从“一元性”到“多元性”,多元性的结构特点是一元主导与多元并存的有机统一。在价值观结构上具体表现为价值取向、价值目标和价值评价标准的变化;大学生价值观形态的变化是社会转型、对外开放、教育改革等方面综合因素的结果;当代大学生价值观形态具有动态化、层次化、多元化等发展趋势。要以社会主义核心价值体系为指导,通过强化社会舆论导向、深化大学生思想政治理论课教育、加强大学校园文化建设等具体措施,引领当代大学生价值观健康发展。

【Abstract】 With the transformation of Chinese economic system and social structure, a trend of diversification has been growing in the field of social values since reform and opening up. For the university students in the transitional period of Chinese society, it is very easy for them to accept new things and social changes, formulating new concepts of value. Therefore, college values education encounters a great many new situations and problems that unexpected. Taking the theme of strengthening the values education of college students, this paper tries to explore the values changes of college students from the perspective of values morphology.According to Marxism, social beings determine social consciousness. Values are the basic principles and views that people hold about all kinds of things and phenomenons, which changes with the social and historical conditions as well as its objective environment. Since reform and opening up, the basic characteristics of changes in values morphology is from "unitarianism" to "pluralism", the structure of which is characterized by the organic unity of "unitarianism dominates and diversities coexist". In values structure, it is characterized by the change of orientation, goals and evaluation criteria; changes of university students in values morphology is the result of social transformation, opening up, educational reform and so on; contemparary values of university students are of a dynamic, hierarchical, and diversified trend. Taken socialist core value system as the guidance, by strengthening the social orientation of public opinion and deepening college education in ideological and political theory, specific measures should be taken to strengthen the construction of campus culture, leading the healthy development of values in contemporary college students.
