

【作者】 周海宁

【导师】 黄纯艳;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 专门史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 新建立的李氏朝鲜王朝悉心吸收中国儒家文化,以维持统治秩序,其时自明朝亦有大量儒学经典传入朝鲜,由此而引发了一股朝鲜士大夫热衷于编写家训的浪潮。朝鲜士大夫将儒学运用于家族和家庭构建以及家庭成员之间关系的定位上,尤其推崇《朱子家礼》,使四礼在士大夫家庭中得以具有普遍性。同时,他们又将儒家礼仪与朝鲜半岛的俗礼相融合,因此使之带有民族性、创造性和时代性。士大夫还吸收了《大学》中的诚意、正心、修身、齐家、治国、平天下之道,意图构建一个和谐的家庭及社会。文中单独对朝鲜时代的女训进行了较为详细的透析,朝鲜时代女训同样受到了儒学的影响,女训是在不断学习和消化中国女训的过程中逐渐发展起来的,从基础的男女观念,到为人女,再至为人媳,及为人妻,最后到为人姑都有严格的规定和论述。本文的最后还梳理了家训中的经济内容,从中亦可看出,古代朝鲜士大夫对家中经济的管理也传承了中国家训的特点,随处都充溢着儒家思想。简而言之,本文即从李氏朝鲜时代的家训入手,叙述家训产生和繁荣的背景,分析家训内容所反映的古代朝鲜时代家庭结构,研究《朱子家礼》和《大学》对家训的影响,探讨朝鲜时代女训中所体现的儒学思想,最后梳理家训中的经济内容,从而考察出儒学对朝鲜时期家庭和社会的巨大渗透力,窥见中国儒家文化和朝鲜半岛的文化之间“源”与“流”的关系。并且这种关系不限于朝鲜半岛,而是扩散到整个东亚及东南亚国家,从而形成了现今的儒家文化圈。

【Abstract】 The new Korea Dynasty learnt Chinese Confucian culture seriously in order to maintain its ruling order. Because a lot of Confucian classics spread to the Korean Peninsula from Ming Dynasty, Korean scholar-bureaucrat threw themselves to compile family precepts. They used Confucian to construct the home building and the relationship between family members. They appreciated the Family Precepts written by Chu His, which made the Four Etiquette become popularity in their families. At the same time, the people there combined the Confucian etiquette with their local custom, and made the Confucianism in the Korean Peninsula become nationality, creativity, epochal character. The Korean scholars also absorbed principles from“Da Xue”, for building a harmonious family and society. This article analyzes the Woman Education. It was under the influence of Confucianism, too. And it developed by learning and imitating Chinese Woman Education. It gave different kinds of woman ranged from daughters to mothers-in-law different standard rates. At last, it was involved in my article that the Korean scholars used the Confucianism to manage the economy at home.Last but not least, the Chinese Confucian made influence not only to the Korean Peninsula, but also to the whole East Asian countries and countries in Southeast Asia. Thus, it has formed today’s Confucian culture circle.

【关键词】 儒家文化朝鲜时代家训影响
【Key words】 Confucian cultureKorea DynastyThe Family PreceptsInfluence
  • 【分类号】B312.5;B823.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】428