

The Research of Double-Object Structure Whose Distant Object is Predicate Composition in Modern Chinese

【作者】 张祎

【导师】 齐沪扬;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 双宾句是在古今汉语中都存在的一种较有特色的句式,很早就引起了国内外学者的关注。但以往的研究多集中在远宾语是名词性成分的双宾句上,对远宾语是谓词性成分的情况却少有涉及,本文便着眼于该类双宾句,分别从结构内部和外部两个角度作深入分析,以期有新的发掘。全文共分为六章。第一章是绪论部分。主要介绍论文的选题意义,以往学者对带谓词性远宾语双宾句的研究综述,以及本文研究的主要问题、理论基础和研究方法等。第二章是带谓词性远宾语双宾动词的确定以及类别的划分。首先,从与易混句的辨析入手,参考《现代汉语词典》(第5版),确定可带谓词性远宾语的双宾动词范围;然后结合动词的语义特征和该类句式的意义,对其进行划分,从而得出两个大类,六个小类的研究结果。第三章和第四章是从结构内部入手对其进行分析。第三章是对句式的句法语义属性进行的考察。首先对句式中各论元的语义角色选择进行了分析;然后通过与带名词性远宾语双宾句的对比,对其句法特征进行了描写;接下来,从VP的类型、语义指向等方面入手,对各小类的语义和句法特征做了一定的描写和比较。第四章是对句式中V和VP的性质进行的考察。各小类句式的主动词和谓词性宾语间存在着联系强度的差异,因此,可以根据距离象似原则,建立各类之间的连续统,并且可根据主动词的控制力表现、谓词性远宾语的“事件化”程度得出谓宾的独立性等级。第五章是从结构外部入手进行分析的,尝试对句式的引申机制进行探讨。用认知语言学的相关理论对该类句式的产生作了初步构拟,认为远宾语是名词性的“给予”类是双宾句式的原型,通过隐喻和转喻,带谓词性远宾的“给予”类句式引申分为两步,带谓词性远宾语的“获取”类在前者的基础上多出一步。第六章是结语部分。对论文探讨的主要内容进行了总结,说明论文的研究价值和可能的创新点以及存在的一些不足,为以后的研究留下探讨空间。

【Abstract】 As a distinguishing structure in ancient and modern Chinese, double-object structure highly attracts linguists’attention. However, previous studies pay little attention on the distant object who is composed of predicate composition. This article makes a thorough analysis separately from the interior and exterior angle of this kind of structure in order to have further research. The paper is divided into six chapters. Chapter one is the preface. It introduces the purpose and significance of the paper, also concludes a comprehensive analysis which is related to this thesis.Chapter two analyzes the double-object structure whose distant object is predicate composition and related verbs. According to the semantic features of verbs and construction grammar theory, we designate verbs which can enter the structure and divide them into two types, six classes.Chapter three and Chapter four analyze from the interior of the structure. The third chapter emphasizes on the semantic and syntax types of the structure. Analyze the semantic and syntax role of every argument, then describe the different syntax and semantic behaviors of the six classes.Chapter four we make an investigation of the nature of“V”and“VP”. As there is a link of intensity difference between the main verb and the predicate object, we can build a system among these classes and find a degree of independence of the predicate distant object according to the distance principle of iconicity.Chapter five analyzes from the exterior of the structure, try to find generation mechanism of the structure. We use cognitive linguistics to form the generation of acquisition type of double-object structure. Then by using the theories of metaphor and metonymy, we separate the different generate steps of every classes.Chapter six is the conclusion. We summarize our view points, explain the value and the innovation of this thesis. We hope we can go deeper with this research later.
