

【作者】 高佳禾

【导师】 杨庆余;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 新一轮的数学课程改革提出了将传统单一、被动接受式的学习方式转变为主动探究式的学习方式。现代数学教育对学生的要求是要从已有的生活经验出发,借助自身已有经验将实际问题抽象成数学模型,并能够进行解释与应用。数学教育的目的在很大程度上是培养学生思维能力、情感态度与价值观等多方面得到进步和发展。本研究立足于新课程改革理念,从对学习方式的研究入手,提出将基于任务的学习运用到课堂中的现实性和必要性。首先,通过对教育研究视野转变契机的分析,提出现今教育环境中转变、完善学生学习方式的迫切性。然后,对几种较为常见的学习方式进行梳理,引出基于任务的学习方式的特征,呈现出小学数学教学中基于任务学习的基本概貌。同时,对基于任务的学习的发展、概念、本质特征和理论基础进行论述,探讨了基于任务的学习对小学生数学学习的重要价值。本研究通过数学教学案例分析等方法来说明基于任务得学习在小学数学教学中的具体运用,从教学前期准备、基本课堂教学组织原则和一些具体的组织策略等来较为详尽地阐述这一学习方式在课堂教学中的操作过程。望能在实践的层面上为基于任务的学习的教学组织提供一些指导性建议和具体相关案例的举例说明。最后就基于任务的学习提出值得进一步探讨的问题和注意要点,旨在能引起更多数学教育者的关注,并能不断深入本研究。

【Abstract】 The new round reform of mathematics curriculum puts forward that we should change the traditional learning style which is simplex passivity to a new active exploration pattern. Nowadays, modern mathematics education requests students’learning method based on the life experience, they should go through the process in which realistic problems are abstracted to mathematic model and students can explain and apply with mathematics. Moreover, students may obtain the development and progress on the learning sensibility and attitude, value notion, etc.This research is based on the new round curricular reform and introduces the Task-based Learning into elementary mathematic teaching. First, the author describes and analysis three research opportunities in education to show the importance and urgency of changing the learning style. After that, the author shows several different kinds of learning styles and discusses the development, concept, essential character, academic bases of Task-based Learning, and its importance to students’math learning in elementary school.The research lays emphasis on analyzing application of Task-based Learning in elementary math teaching through some material cases. It includes the basal courses and its character, teaching preparation, teaching principle and some teaching strategies. All these can offer teachers many directions and examples in the process of practice. Finally, some problems which are worth discussing further are also mentioned, for encouraging more and more researchers to care and enrich Task-based Learning.
