

Comparative Research on the Tourism Development of Shanghai Shikumen

【作者】 朱娜

【导师】 梁保尔;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 旅游管理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 石库门建筑是上海百年发展以来最具代表性和典型性的民居建筑形式,更是上海城市文化的重要部分。发展至今,尽管石库门建筑早已无法满足现代人不断提高的居住要求,在某种意义上说,它仍是上海人难以释怀的精神家园。在石库门建筑里展现的生活百态和市井风俗,是上海城市记忆的宝贵篇章。因此年久失修的石库门仍然是上海珍贵的城市遗产和有待开发的旅游资源。目前国内学者对各类居住建筑的旅游研究还有许多不足之处。从学科研究角度来看,对民居的研究大部分仍集中于建筑学领域,而旅游学研究则起步较晚。为数不多的旅游研究主要集中在对个案的资源开发研究上,辅以一些资源价值和影响等研究;一些在国外较为重视的研究方向如旅游者的体验与心理行为研究和相关利益者中的企业研究等在国内涉及较少。研究对象上集中于一些已经被列为世界自然和文化遗产的遗产地上,缺乏对其他遗产类型的挖掘研究,如城市遗产和近代建筑遗产的研究等。本文的主要研究对象设定为一般民众居住生活的石库门建筑。迄今,对旧石库门民居大致有三种处理方式,一是全部拆除;一是原地改造成更适宜人们生活居住的新里弄;还有一种是赋予老里弄新的生命,转换其使用功能,如进行商业开发,将居住功能置换成其他用途等。在石库门的创新利用实践上,上海探索出了新天地和田子坊这两种不同的代表性模式。本文从决策规划、产品开发和经营管理三个方面深入分析总结了新天地和田子坊模式各自的特点。新天地是由政府主持导向,由企业来进行具体的操作和规划;并采取整体置换的方法,将原住民全部迁出,彻底改变原来的居住功能而打造成为一个全新的商业中心。田子坊的发展则主要是在市场的引导下由当地居民和入驻企业自主进行,后期才加入政府的力量协助完成总体规划和基础管理工作;在产品开发过程中,更将石库门的商业利用和居住功能相结合。本文通过实地问卷调查搜集游客的反馈意见,通过数据分析进一步证明了这两个模式产品上的特点和各自的优缺点,并对新天地和田子坊模式的相似之处和差异所在进行进一步总结。在借鉴现有经验的基础上,本文对石库门旅游开发模式提出了一些设想。本文认为区别对待应该成为石库门进行旅游开发的首要前提。石库门在进行开发之前,应对其进行基础状况的详细评估,并根据评估状况的不同结果采取不同的处理方式。石库门作为老百姓的生活场所是较为特殊的旅游资源之一,应该尽量保留部分原有的居住功能。本文并认为对石库门居住建筑进行开发时应重视采纳当地居民的意见,其旅游开发应该由政府机构、当地居民和旅游业经营者三方共同进行管理,其他一些支持性机构和相关机构也参与其中。

【Abstract】 Shikumen building is the most representative and typical residential architectures since the development of hundred years in Shanghai; it is an important part of city culture. Although Shikumen has long been unable to meet the increasing residency requirement, it is still the spiritual home of Shanghai people in a sense. The living custom displayed in Shikumen is a valuable chapter in the memories of the city. However, the old broken Shikumen could not only be demolished, but a valuable resource to be developed.At present, the domestic tourism study on various types of residential buildings has many shortcomings. From the perspective of disciplinary research, most of the study is still in the field of architecture, relatively, the tourism study is at an initial stage. It focused primarily on resource development of the programs, adding some value and effect research that may related of. However, some study area which paid much attention to abroad, such as the experience and psychological behavior of tourists and corporation in seizing profits involved, are very little concerned in domestic area. The study objects often concentrated on the heritages have been listed as world natural and cultural heritage, and lack of research on other types of heritage, such as the urban heritage and modern architectural heritage studies. The main object of this paper is set to the Shikumen buildings that lived with general public.There are three ways to deal with the old Shikumen as yet, first is to remove it, second is transform it into the New Lanes that more suitable for living, third is to convert its using function, such as commercial development or other using purpose to be replaced of, giving new life to these old buildings. Shanghai had find out two different modes on the innovative use of Shikumen, Xintiandi and Tianzifang.This paper analysis and summed up these two modes’own characteristics from the decision-making, product development and management these three aspects. In Xintiandi, the general decision is made by government but the specifically operation is drived by the enterprise. It’s moved all the local residents out, changed its original function completely and become a new business center. In Tianzifang, the decision-making and management is mainly conducted by the local residents and businesses under the guidance of market, and the government forces joined to assist in the completion overall planning and management during the late stages of development. Then this paper collected feedback from visitors, and through the data analysis to further elaborated the product features and their merits and demerits, summarized similarities and differences.The paper put forward some ideas about the tourism development of Shikumen based on existing experience, and proposed that differential treatment should be the primary prerequisite. Before the tourism development, the situation of the Shikumen should be assessing in detail and then take different treatment based on different status. Shikumen as a special tourism resource should be used to retain part of the residential functions. And during the development, the voice from local residents should be appreciate and adopt, it should be managed by government agencies, local residents and tourism operators, and participated by other supporting agencies and related organizations.
