

Research on Professional Post-graduate Degree Education Based on Scientice Education and Vocational Education in China

【作者】 李娜

【导师】 杜希民;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 高等教育学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 专业学位研究生教育是学位与研究生教育的重要组成部分。我国自从1991年开始实行专业学位教育以来,经过二十年的摸索与发展,已经成为培养高素质、高层次应用型人才的重要途径。但由于我国专业学位研究生教育起步晚、历史短暂,人们对它认识和定位仍比较模糊,在理论上和实践上都存在偏差和误区,使我国专业学位研究生教育的发展处于自我迷失的状态。本文将专业学位研究生教育分别置于科学教育与职业教育两大体系中进行定位和现状分析,在此基础上,探寻我国专业学位研究生教育的本性和未来的发展设想。论文首先进行了概念界定,梳理了与专业学位研究生教育有关的主要概念,如学位、专业学位、科学学位等。通过对概念内涵、外延的深入探讨,为研究奠定了良好的理论基础。其次,通过对科学学位与专业学位研究生教育的比较研究和中外专业学位教育的比较研究,深刻剖析了我国专业学位研究生教育培养模式中存在的问题,并提出了发展对策,即增强职业性、弱化学术性、坚持复合型和重视应用型。再次,在职业教育视野下对专业学位研究生教育进行分析研究。主要探讨了专业学位教育与高等职业教育的相似性和关联性。最后,本文提出了我国专业学位教育在近期和远期将如何发展的设想。从近期来看:(1)继续维持在普通高校培养专业学位教育的同时,要及时总结专业学位教育的办学经验,以便在条件成熟的职业高等学校推广。(2)大力扶持和帮助少数条件成熟的职业高校举办专业学位教育。(3)积极开展职业高等教育研究,创造职业高等教育发展的社会环境,理顺职业高等教育的办学体系。从远期来看:(1)要以专业学士教育为纽带,带动提升我国职业高等教育的层次,逐步实现高等职业教育与专业学位研究生教育的衔接,进而完善我国职业教育体系,实现专业学位研究生教育与高等职业教育发展的双赢。(2)专业学位教育与职业任职资格制度密切挂钩,进一步提高职业教育的社会地位。

【Abstract】 Professional Degree Graduate education is an important part of graduate education. The professional degree education system has a fast development since its implement in China from 1991 till now. It has been an integral part of degree and postgraduate education. It also has been an important way to nurture application-oriented and compound talents of high quality and high-level. However, since the Professional Degree Graduate Education in China started late, and it has a short history, people only have a vague understanding and identification of it, and there is deviation in the understanding of it theories and practices. Thus, its development is in a lost state. In this paper, the professional degree graduate education is placed in two different systems-- science education and vocational education, through making analysis and position to explore the nature of professional degree graduate education and its development in the future.At the very beginning, the paper introduces some basic concepts, which are related to Professional Degree Graduate Education, such as degree, professional degree, degree in science, and so on. The deep discussion of connotation and extension of concepts, discussions lays a sound theoretical basis for the study. Secondly, through comparison of science graduate and professional degree graduate education, and comparison of Chinese and foreign professional degree education, this paper discusses and sums up problems and solutions in the development of domestic post-graduate professional degree, which include to enhance the profession and weaken academy , adhere to compound type , and focus on application-orientation. Thirdly , it analyzes our professional degree graduate education from the perspective of vocational education and mainly discusses similarity and relevance between the professional degree education and vocational education. Finally, this paper presents the vision how to develop the professional degree education in China in the near term and long-term. From the short term: Firstly, while continually maintaining cultivating professional degree education in ordinary university, we should sum up the experience of the professional degree education experience, so that to promote it vocational colleges and universities in which conditions are prepared;Secondly, we should vigorously support and assist a small number of vocational colleges and universities with conditions to organize specialized professional degree education;Thirdly, we should actively carry out research on professional higher education , create social environment for development of professional higher education, and smooth out the system of vocational school of higher education. From the long term: First of all, with the tie of professional degree education, the level of China’s vocational higher education should be driven and enhanced, interface of higher vocational education and professional degree graduate education should be realized progressively, thus to improve China’s vocational education system, and achieve a win-win development of professional degree graduate education and higher vocational education;Secondly, professional degree education and professional qualifications system should be closely linked.
