

The Research of Algorithm about Adjusting the Stamping Direction and Software Development

【作者】 周伟

【导师】 翟建军;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 航空宇航制造工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 大型汽车覆盖件的开发、研究已经成为工业界和学术界的研究热点,而大型汽车覆盖件开发的关键在于覆盖件模具的开发。冲压方向的确定在设计与模具冲压工艺制定中是十分关键的一步,它影响着拉深工艺补充面的设计、以至后续工序的确定。因此快速、合理地确定冲压方向,既能避免负角,方便成形,又能简化模具结构,不仅是冲压工艺数字化和模具CAE所关心的内容,而且对缩短模具制造周期,提高生产效率、降低成本有着十分重要的作用。本文在详细研究了确定冲压方向原则的基础上,根据实际冲压工艺要求,设计了三种自动快速准确地确定冲压方向的方法,它们是平均网格方向法、最小拉深深度法以及最大宽度法,并且给出了它们详细的算法流程。计算出来的结果可以彩图的方式表示出来,用以直观地观察调整的方向是否合理。最后针对对称件这种特殊情况进行了特殊的处理。以插件的形式开发软件,可较大地提高软件的可维护性和扩展性,进而降低软件系统开发成本,为了解决软件维护困难,用户新增需求难以满足的问题,本文详细地研究了插件技术的原理、插件的管理、插件的实现方案。在深入研究了冲压工艺相关知识和插件技术的基础上,本文给出了基于插件技术的CAE软件开发过程,以覆盖件冲压冲压方向调整为例,进行了插件开发,并成功地将其应用到某项目中,通过几个具体运用实例验证,结果表明:基于插件技术的覆盖件确定冲压方向模块具有良好的运行效率和运行效果,对实际确定冲压方向有很大的帮助。

【Abstract】 With the Automobile industry playing an increasingly important role in national economy, the research and development of big auto-body panel has become a hot pot in both industry and academe. The key point for big auto-body panel is the pane die. Among the stamping process design of the sheet part, the determination of stamping direction leads a crucial role. It affects the design of binder and addendum surfaces as well as the consequence of stamping processes. In that case, how to determine stamping direction quickly and reasonably, avoiding undercut area and simplifying die structures not only concerned by stamping process digitalization and CAE technology, but also performs profound significance in shortening the time of die manufacture, enhancing the efficiency of production meanwhile cutting down costs.Firstly, according to the request of manufacturing process, the principles of the stamping direction were summarized, three methods for determining the direction have been suggested: grid average normal method, minimal draw depth method and maximal width method. The detailed arithmetic flows were also displayed. The results were analyzed and described as color pictures, which can help us adjust directions if they are not suitable. Aiming to the symmetry parts, special treatment has been performed lastly.The software developed in the form of plug-in, the results indicate that the maintainability and expansibility can be improved markedly, so that the development cost can be reduced. To solve the difficulty of maintenance and meet the new demand of consumers, in this thesis, the principle, the management and the realization blue print of plug-in were carefully researched.On the basis of summarizing the relative knowledge of stamping and plug-in technology, the development process of CAE software was presented, the plug-in developed by us already has been applied in some projects. After experiments and validation, the module based on plug-in technology can perform smoothly, this would be helpful for determining the stamping direction.
