

Research and Application of Transformer Substation Remote Digital Video Integration System

【作者】 袁建国

【导师】 邱家驹; 何云良;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 电气工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文根据目前电力行业视频监控系统的研究和运行现状,结合系统的建设特点和发展方向,提出了电力局变电所视频监控系统统一平台的建设与解决方案。文章结合集成化、标准化、流程化、实用化的主要方向,基于软、硬件平台的协同工作环境,实现了地区电力局变电所视频数据采集和处理的协同工作。对原有的视频监控系统做集中改造,开发统一软件平台,同时开放相应的数据和视频通讯协议,采用统一的解码格式,使其具有统一性、兼容性和稳定性,实现了不同厂家的监控设备的真正意义上的无痕迹切换。而且对于以后新厂家的视频监控系统的接入,只要符合统一平台的数据接口规范就能方便地接入,无须平台厂家的配合。由于采用统一的解码格式,也就不需要添加不同厂家提供的解码模块控件或动态库。视频监控系统最基本的目的是将变电所的各个监视点,如主控制室的设备运行情况、主变、断路器、隔离刀闸等的运行状态、防火防盗等智能设备报警信息传输到监控中心,监控人员可通过实时图像和远动信息对变电所的运行情况进行综合监控分析与处理。本规范对视频监控系统功能、图像编解码方式、图像网络传输方式、系统网络结构、系统网络通讯媒介及带宽需求、系统性能、设备构成及安装等提出了相应的技术要求。

【Abstract】 This thesis present the construction and solution of transformer substation video monitoring system, according to video monitoring system research and trend of development in present electric power profession。This paper realized the joint operation of local transformer substation video data acquisition and processing based on software and hardware platform。Transformation to the original video monitoring system, development of unified software platform, opening corresponding data and the video frequency communication agreement,use the unified decoding standard to insure the unity, compatibility and stability of system. Realized the different factory monitoring equipment in the true sense of non-trace cut. To the new video monitoring system which want to turn on,it just need to follow unified decoding standard. Because of using unified decoding standard,there is no need to offer decoding controls and dynamic linked library。Video monitoring system’s main function is sending information of Transformer substation such as equipment of Master control room, transformer, breaker, switch, fire security to monitoring center,then missionary can analysis and processing the situation of Transformer substation by Real-time image。This paper also sets some request:the function of video monitoring system, The image coding/decoding way, Image network transmission mode, system network architecture, system network communicationn medium and band width demand, system performance, equipment constitution and installment。

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期