

【作者】 王英

【导师】 韩健鹏;

【作者基本信息】 中共黑龙江省委党校 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 我国村民自治制度的建立开创了中国特色的农村民主政治建设模式,它普遍地培养了农民的民主精神,训练了农民的民主能力,大大拓展了我国社会主义民主的基础。在社会主义新农村建设战略提出的背景下,我国政府将大力推进农村的整体建设,其中包括村民自治这一中国特色基层政治建设。新农村建设和村民自治的发展有着密切的关系,新农村建设的大环境将促进村民自治向更深、更广发展,而村民自治的发展要为整个新农村建设的整体服务。本文主要研究新农村建设时期村民自治的定位及其走向。本文采用的研究方法有:第一,文献查阅。通过查阅相关文献(如国家和地方的相关制度、法规及研究此类问题的专家的各种重要著作)来了解村民自治的基本历史背景及最新发展动态;第二,访谈法。访问农村中不同阶层的人,进而了解人们对村民自治的认可程度及其现实实施状况;第三,比较分析和历史分析法。在积累了相关资料的基础上对已有资料进行比较分析和历史分析,以此获得对村民自治更准确的认知。全文由引言、正文和结论三部分构成。引言:课题研究的时代背景及现实要求。正文的第一部分:村民自治的基本理论。这部分首先交代了村民自治的基本含义;接着论述了村民自治的四大民主形式,即民主选举、民主决策、民主管理和民主监督;最后阐述了村民自治的历史发展进程。正文的第二部分:村民自治的定位。这一部分是本文的重点之一。文章分别从村民自治的目标、关系结构、性质和作用四个方面阐述了村民自治的定位。正文的第三部分:从新农村建设看村民自治。这个部分是本文的承前启后的部分。首先,介绍了新农村建设战略的大背景;其次,论述了新农村建设和村民自治之间的关系;最后,分析了新农村建设对村民自治提出的新要求。正文的第四部分:村民自治的现实状况及其在新农村建设背景下的走向。这部分首先介绍了村民自治的发展现实,主要指出了村民自治的困境及不足之处;然后从“四个民主”的协调发展、优化村级治理模式和完善村民自治的推动机制三个方面系统论述了村民自治的未来走向。结论:对本文探讨的内容进行总结,加深理论认识并展望未来。

【Abstract】 The founding of the villagers autonomy system initiated a constructive pattern of democratic politics in the rural area, which cultivated the democratic spirit among peasants and trained their democratic ability at large. This contribution greatly pioneered the foundation of our socialist democracy. Under the backdrop of putting forward the strategy of constructing new rural area, our government will make great efforts in prompting the all-around construction of rural area, which including the villagers autonomy this basic political construction that possesses of Chinese characteristic. There are consanguineous relationships between the new rural construction and the development of the villagers autonomy. The macro-environment of the new rural construction will prompt the development of the villagers autonomy deeply and extensively, whereas the development of the villagers autonomy need serve for the whole new rural construction. This article is addressed primarily to the research of the positioning and tendency of the villagers autonomy in this new rural construction period and written by these research methods as follows:firstly, referencing literatures. Through searching the related literatures and books (such as the relevant systems, laws of the state and local government as well as famous works of the experts who research problems in this field) we can recognize the fundamental history and recent development of the villagers autonomy. Secondly, interviewing method. Interviewing various people from different classes in the rural area, we can gain access to the information about the extent that this system can be accepted by villagers and its realistic status. Thirdly, comparative analysis and historic analysis. Based on accumulating relevant materials, we can analyze the existent materials comparatively and historically so as to understand the villagers autonomy system exactly.This article consists of there parts:foreword, text and epilogue.Foreword:The periodical background and realistic requirement.The first part of the text:The basic theory of the villagers autonomy. This part previously introduces the basic definition of the villagers autonomy and then discusses four forms of democracy, namely democratic voting, democratic decision, democratic administration and democratic supervision; following expounds the historical development process of the villagers autonomy.The second part of the text:The positioning of the villagers autonomy. This part is one of the important parts of this article. From the targets, relation structure, character and effect of the villagers autonomy, expound the positioning of the villagers autonomyThe three part of the text:Viewing the villagers autonomy from the new rural construction. This part is the transition part of this article. Firstly, introduce the background of the strategy of the new rural construction. Secondly, discuss the relationship between new rural construction and the villagers autonomy. Thirdly, analyze the new requirements for the villagers autonomy system during the process of constructing the new rural area.The four part of the text:The realistic status of the villagers autonomy and its tendency under the background of the new rural construction. This part previously introduces the realistic status of the development of the villagers autonomy and mainly points out the corner and its weakness. From developing the four democracies harmoniously, optimizing the village administrative pattern and perfecting the incentive mechanism of the villagers autonomy this three parts, systematically expound the future tendency of the villagers autonomy system.

【关键词】 新农村村民自治定位走向
【Key words】 new rural areavillager self-controlpositioningtendency
  • 【分类号】D422.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】152