

Study on Simulation and Technology of the Management of Pinus Yunnanensis Natural Forest in Central Area of Yunnan Province

【作者】 喻景深

【导师】 刘思慧; 许彦红; 廖声熙;

【作者基本信息】 西南林学院 , 森林经理学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以生态学为基础,参考近自然森林经营的理论和方法,结合滇中地区云南松天然林分生长情况,对云南松天然林分进行经营模拟,并对相关经营技术和方法进行的研究、探讨。研究结果对云南松天然林分的经营管理、采伐更新、结构调整以及保护利用等方面具有一定的指导和实用价值,同时也为开展云南松天然林可持续经营管理的具体工作提供了一定的理论基础。本文参照森林模拟经营模型的一般建模方法及近自然森林经营的理论技术,采用林木潜在生长函数和竞争修正函数,首次建立了滇中云南松天然林分单木生长模型,该模型包括单木胸径生长模型和树高生长模型。在此基础上,分别采用自然生长和近自然森林经营两种不同的经营方式,对云南松模拟林分进行了30年模拟经营,并对两种经营模式的模拟结果进行了分析和比较。结果表明:在云南松林分年龄为50年(主伐年龄最低限)时,近自然森林经营的林分在整个经营期内原木收获量较自然生长林分多60m3/hm2,木材经济价值较自然生长林分的经济价值高168457元/hm2,林分的胸径分布结构较自然生长林合理,有利于林分质量的提高和稳定,由此证明近自然森林经营是一种较适用于云南松天然林的经营模式,对云南松天然林的可持续经营有重要意义。本文根据云南松的生物学、生态学特性,以及林分的生长特点,按照近自然森林经营的原则和要求,首次提出云南松天然林近自然森林经营的重要技术指标。将云南松天然林分中的林木分为目标树、干扰树、特殊目标树、一般林木四类。目标树要求有8m以上完好的干材;生长旺盛;冠长占1/4全高以上(或冠高比≥0.25);健康无损伤。目标树的目标胸径为35cm。根据林分的立地质量确定目标密度,控制在100~400株/hm2内。持续择伐干扰树、达到目标直径的林木、干形不佳无培养前途的林木、枯立木等,以促进保留木的生长和幼树的天然更新。每次择伐的林木数量(择伐强度)参照自然稀疏林木的数量。择伐形成的林隙最好为圆形或椭圆形,面积以20m2为宜。在林隙内或林冠下可补植补种其它适宜生长树种,以提高云南松林的混交度和森林质量。

【Abstract】 In this paper, based on ecology, referenced the theories and methods of close-to-nature forest management, combined with the growth of Pinus Yunnanensis Franch. in central area of Yunnan Province, simulate Pinus Yunnanensis Franch nature forest management, and study the techniques and methods of the simulation management. The results have some guidance and practical value for management, logging and regeneration, structure adjustment and protection and using of Pinus Yunnanensis Franch natural forest, the results also provide some theoretical basis for carrying out sustain management of Pinus Yunnanensis natural forest.In this paper, refer to general methods of forest management model establishing and the theories and techniques of close-to-nature forest management, and use the potential individual tree growth function and the adjusted individual tree growth function to establish the individual tree growth model of Pinus Yunnanensis natural stand, this model include the individual tree BHD growth model and the individual tree height growth model. On this basis, respectively, simulate the use of natural growth and close-to-nature forest management to manage the stand 30 years, and compare and analyze the simulation results of two management mode. The results showed that: when the simulation stand at the age of 50 years (minimum felling age), the entire volume of logs of the close-to-nature forest management stand than the natural growth stand more about 60m3/hm2, the total economic value of timber of the close-to-nature forest management stand than the natural growth stand higher 168,457 yuan / hm2, the diameter distribution of stand structure of the close-to-nature forest management stand than the natural growth stand more reasonable, good for improving the quality and stability of stand. All above prove that close-to-nature forest management is a kind of more applicable management mode to Pinus yunnanensis nature forest, and play an important role in sustainable management of Pinus yunnanensis natural forest.In this paper, based on biological and ecological characteristics of Pinus yunnanensis and stand growth characteristics refer to the principles and requirements of close-to-nature forest management, the first time bring forward the important technical indicators of close-to-nature forest management. Divide trees in Pinus yunnanensis natural forest into target tree, interference tree, special target tree, common tree. Target tree requires good wood more than 8m; growth strong; crown long more than 1/4 full high (or crown height ratio≥0.25); health and no injury. The target diameter of target tree is 35cm. refer to stand quality to decide density of the target site and control in the 100-400 trees/hm2. Stand the light of the number of self-thinning of trees, continued selectively cut to interference tree, tree which reach the target diameter, without the future of cultivating tree, dead standing, etc., which to promote the save tree growth and natural regeneration of saplings. According to natural dead tree number decide selective cutting tree number. Selective cutting gap had better is circularity or oval, area about 20m2, circular gap diameter or oval gap short diameter are better more than 1.5 times the average of the high of stand. Plant other appropriate tree in gap or under crown of trees to enhance the mixed level and forest quality of n Pinus yunnanensis nature forests.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南林学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期
  • 【分类号】S791.257
  • 【下载频次】79