

Experimental Study on the Mechanical Behavior of the Reinforced Block Masonry Short-Leg Shear Wall with Flange

【作者】 曹宏涛

【导师】 张洪学;

【作者基本信息】 吉林建筑工程学院 , 结构工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 经过多年的研究与工程实践,配筋砌块砌体剪力墙结构以其经济性和适用性,并与我国的住房需求和墙体改革方向相协调,越来越多的应用在我国当代房屋建筑当中。配筋砌块砌体短肢剪力墙结构是在总结配筋砌块砌体剪力墙结构、钢筋混凝土短肢剪力墙结构等结构体系优点的基础上提出的,必将有更为广阔的发展前景。本文通过对4片配筋砌块砌体带翼缘短肢剪力墙足尺试件的轴心受压试验和低周反复荷载试验,主要研究了水平钢筋对墙体受力性能的影响,并分析其破坏机理、承载能力、变形能力、翼缘影响以及各种材料的协同工作性能。试验表明,配置水平钢筋可有效提高配筋砌体的承载能力,并能够保持墙体开裂后具有良好的变形能力,增加水平配筋率对抗剪承载力影响不大;翼缘的存在,改善了墙体的延性性能;各种材料能够协同工作,使墙体保持良好的整体性。根据变角桁架理论,将变角与竖向压力及竖向钢筋联系起来,推导出水平钢筋对抗剪承载力的贡献表达式,在此基础上,考虑剪跨比的影响,并结合国内21片配筋砌块砌体剪力墙抗剪承载力试验数据回归分析,得到了本文建议的水平钢筋对抗剪承载力的贡献表达式。运用ANSYS有限元程序对配筋砌块砌体短肢剪力墙进行模拟,分析在竖向与反复水平荷载作用下,墙体的应力状态、裂缝分布和破坏特征等情况,并分别考虑了水平钢筋和翼缘宽度对承载能力和变形性能的影响。

【Abstract】 After years of research and engineering practice, the reinforced block masonry shear wall structure with its applicability, economy and the needs of our country also the coordination by wall reform used in our country’s contemporary buildings more and more. Reinforced block masonry short-leg shear wall structure is made on the basis of conclude the advantage of reinforced block masonry shear wall structure and reinforced concrete short-shear wall structure. It will have broader development prospects.This paper is based on four full size of reinforced block masonry short-leg shear wall with flange through axial compressive and low-cyclic reversed loading test to study the impact of force performance by horizontal reinforcement and to analyze the damage mechanism, bearing capacity, deformation capacity, effect of flange and concertedness of various materials. Tests showed that the horizontal reinforcement can effectively improve the shear-carrying capacity of reinforced masonry, and be able to keep well deformation capacity after cracking, The increase in the horizontal reinforcement ratio on the shear-carrying capacity have little effect. Because of the flange, the ductility performance of the wall is to improved. A variety of materials can work together to enable the wall to maintain good overall.According to variable-angle truss theory, contact variable-angle with the vertical stress and vrtical reinforcement, and derived the expression of contribution for horizontal reinforcement to the shear-carrying capacity, and on this basis, to consider the effects of shear span ratio also combine 21 reinforced block masonry shear wall shear-carrying capacity regression analysis of test data to get the adviced expression of horizontal reinforcement of contribution to the shear-carrying capacity.The use of ANSYS finite element program to simulate reinforced block masonry short-shear wall, analysis of repeated vertical and horizontal load, the stress state of the wall, cracks distribution, and damage characteristics of the situation, and separately to consider the influence of horizontal reinforcement and flange width to bearing capacity and deformation properties.
