

The Researches of Difference Doses of Dexamethasone on Liver Damage of Rabbits

【作者】 吕嵘

【导师】 王生奎; 张应国;

【作者基本信息】 云南农业大学 , 临床兽医学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 地塞米松属于糖皮质激素(Glucocorticoids)的一种,具有抗毒素、抗休克、抗感染、抗过敏等特性,随着近年来小动物临床诊疗的迅速发展,地塞米松已经成为不可缺少的药物,对疾病的治疗起着重要的作用,但超生理剂量和长时间的运用地塞米松对肝脏会造成损伤。地塞米松对肝脏的实际损伤程度目前国内外研究还尚未明确。本研究以健康日本大耳白兔为实验动物,注射不同剂量的地塞米松,观察研究日本大耳白兔血清生化指标值和肝脏病理学变化,探讨不同剂量地塞米松长时间运用于机体,对肝脏组织的损伤程度的影响。本实验选用25只健康的日本大耳白兔,随机分成5组:对照组、正常剂量组、2倍剂量组、4倍剂量组、10倍剂量组,对照组皮下注射注射用水,其余组别分别皮下注射相应剂量的地塞米松,并与给药前、给药后的第1、4、7、14、21天分别测血清ALT、AST、ALP、TBIL,并于第21天后,剖杀实验兔,进行病理组织切片和电镜切片的制做和观察。得出以下结论。1不同剂量地塞米松能引起家兔血清ALT、AST、TBIL不同程度的升高,证明超正常剂量地塞米松对肝脏组织有不同程度的损伤,且损伤的程度与剂量成正相关。2光镜显示:给予超正常剂量地塞米松后,家兔肝脏组织发生病理学变化,正常剂量组,肝细胞结构清晰,无变形与坏死;其他组别,不同程度的显示肝脏组织出现肝细胞空泡样变性,红细胞大量沉积。3电镜显示,正常剂量组肝细胞线粒体脊正常,超微结构无明显改变;低剂量组出现线粒体嵴肿胀、模糊不清,部分嵴消失,大量的类脂类内含物沉积,而高剂量组出现大量纤维化物质。

【Abstract】 Background: dexamethasone is an important glucocorticoids. It is essential for life and regulates or supports a variety of important anti-toxic, anti-shock, anti-anaphylaxis, anti-inflammatory functions. The dexamethasone is more important in clinical application with the develop of animal clinical medical. high dose dexamethasone were used in long time would damage the liver . but several questions on the damage action remain.Medthod: 25 healthy adult rabbits were randomly divided into 5 grounps, control grounp, basic grounp(0.5 mg/kg), 2 times grounp(1 mg/kg), 4 times grounp(2 mg/kg), and 10times grounp(5 mg/kg) administracted with dexamethasone, After 21 d rabbits were killed and through the measurement of activities of alanine aminotransferase(ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase(AST), alkalinep hosphatase(ALP)and total bilirubin(TBIL) in serum were determined 0d, 1 d, 4d, 7d, 14d and 21d. At the same time, the rabbits’livers were collected and pathological changes of liver were observed under light microscope and election microscope.Conclusion : 1 there is a significant difference in serum ALT, AST, and TBIL, and the injury degrees is increased with the doses. 2 the different degrees of pathological changes of liver were found, the cell structure of liver in basic group was clear, there was no denaturetion and necrosis. In other groups. The cell structure of disorder, the cells swelling, there were some red cells. 3 under electron microscope, in basic group did not some difference. In lower group. some of the mitochondrial ridges were destroyed, vesiculated and disappeared. Some lipoid substance was appeared. In high group, hepatic fibrosis was appeared in some cells.

  • 【分类号】S859.79
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