

Effects of Rice Straw Mat Mulch on Soil and Water Erosion and Soil Properties of Upland Red Soil

【作者】 王艳

【导师】 郑毅;

【作者基本信息】 云南农业大学 , 植物营养学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过人工模拟试验和两年田间径流小区试验,在10°、20°、30°坡度的坡耕地红壤上,对水稻秸秆编织成的编织物覆盖控制水土流失的效果进行了研究。研究结果表明:1.水稻秸秆编织物覆盖能减少坡耕地红壤地表径流量。裸地+100%稻秆覆盖与裸地比较,在10°、20°、30°坡度时2007年和2008年平均分别减少地表径流96.66%、82.24%、73.08%,10°坡耕地上采用100%覆盖处理控制径流效果最好。20°坡耕地上,裸地+50%稻秆覆盖和裸地+100%稻秆覆盖与裸地比较,两年平均分别减少61.71%和82.24%,在20°坡耕地上100%稻秆覆盖效果好于50%稻秆覆盖效果。田间径流小区试验,100%稻秆覆盖处理与裸地差异显著。2.水稻秸秆编织物覆盖能减少坡耕地红壤土壤侵蚀量。裸地+100%稻秆覆盖与裸地比较,在10°、20°、30°坡度时两年平均分别减少侵蚀量98.86%、95.94%、94.08%,10°坡耕地上采用100%覆盖处理控制土壤侵蚀效果最好。20°坡耕地上,裸地+50%稻秆覆盖和裸地+100%稻秆覆盖与裸地比较,两年平均分别减少85.79%、95.94%,在20°坡耕地上100%稻秆覆盖效果好于50%稻秆覆盖效果。3.坡耕地红壤的水土流失量受降雨影响,降雨量与地表径流量相关系数︱r︱为0.9999**,达极显著水平。降雨量与侵蚀量相关系数︱r︱为0.8621*,达显著水平。降雨强度与径流量和侵蚀量呈显著的正相关关系,随着最大30分钟降雨强度的增大而增大。4.无覆盖(裸土)小区和100%稻秆编织物覆盖小区,雨季后与雨季前相比土壤容重有降低趋势,分别减少5.50%、9.28%。100%稻秆编织物覆盖处理,相同坡位土壤容重在雨季后期差异显著。100%稻秆编织物覆盖上坡土壤容重有增加趋势。5.总体而言,沉积物pH值大于土壤的pH值,平均分别为6.82和5.89。稻秆编织物覆盖的径流小区土壤颗粒组成中,>0.02mm的颗粒(砂粒)占30.97%, 0.02mm~0.002mm的颗粒(粉粒)占24.18%、<0.002mm颗粒(粘粒)占44.85%,与无覆盖相比砂粒高22.93%,粉粒和粘粒分别平均低2.40%、10.36%。试验小区沉积物的颗粒组成为砂粒28.15%,粉粒29.58%,粘粒42.27%。

【Abstract】 Simulation experiment and two-year field runoff plot experiment were conducted to investigate the effects of rice straw mat mulch on soil and water loss of upland red soil. The results showed as follows:1. Rice straw mat mulch reduced the surface runoff of upland red soil. Compared with non-coverage plots (bare soil), 100% rice straw mat mulch reduced average surface runoff in two years (2007 and 2008) on 10°、20°and 30°plots by 96.66%、82.24%、73.08%, respectively. On 20°plots, 50% rice straw mat mulch reduced average surface runoff in two years (2007 and 2008) by 61.71% compared with non-coverage plots (bare soil). The surface runoff have significant difference between rice straw mat mulch and non-coverage in two-year field runoff plot experiment.2. Rice straw mat mulch reduced the sediment of upland red soil. Compared with non-coverage plots (bare soil), 100% rice straw mat mulch reduced average sediment in two years (2007 and 2008) on 10°、20°and 30°plots by 98.86%、95.94%、94.08%, respectively. On 20°plots, 50% rice straw mat mulch reduced average sediment in two years (2007 and 2008) by 85.79% compared with non-coverage plots (bare soil).3. There are significant correlations between rainfall and runoff and sediments yield. The correlation coefficient︱r︱of rainfall and runoff is 0.9999** .The correlation coefficient︱r︱of rainfall and sediment yield is 0.8621*. There are significant correlations between rainfall intensity and runoff and sediments yield,which increase with Max﹒30-minute rainfall intensity.4. Soil bulk density in non-coverage plots (bare soil) and 100% rice straw mat mulch plot have decreased by 5.50% and 9.28% respectively after rainy season. There is a significant difference in soil bulk density at the same slope position with 100% rice straw mat mulch plot after rain season.The soil bulk density at upslope tends to be higher.5. The average pH of sediment is 6.82 compared with 5.89 of soil. Soil particle composition with 100% rice straw mat mulch is >0.02mm 30.97%,0.02~0.002mm 24.18%,and<0.002mm44.85%,which are respectively 22.93% higher,2.40% lower and 10.36% lower than that of soil bare.The particle composition of sediment is 28.15%sand, 29.58%silt, 42.27%clay.

【关键词】 水稻秸秆坡耕地红壤径流量侵蚀量
【Key words】 Rice strawUplandRed soilRunoffErosion