

【作者】 伍冬松

【导师】 余海宗;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 营业网点渠道和自助设备渠道共同编织构成了商业银行物理经营网络,相对于传统营业网点,发展自助设备渠道是一种成本较低、速度较快的物理经营渠道扩张方式,能够扩大商业银行的业务覆盖面,对商业银行展示市场形象、向客户提供便利服务、提高分销密度和品牌美誉度起到了重要作用。随着我国金融改革的深入发展,银行之间的竞争日趋激烈,各家商业银行纷纷将自助设备渠道建设上升到战略发展的高度,超常规地投入自助设备和发展自助设备渠道业务,从中获得了巨大的经营效益和稳定的客户基础。目前商业银行投放的自助设备主要是自动柜员机(ATM),布放模式分为附行式和离行式。这两种自助设备布放模式针对不同的目标客户群体,实现不同的经营效果。附行式自助设备的作用主要表现在分流柜台交易,让自助设备完成客户取款、转账、代理缴费、查询等交易需求,释放营业柜台的服务压力,让柜员腾出更多的时间从事效益更高的金融产品销售工作。离行式自助设备除了分流柜台交易作用之外,更能体现银行服务延伸的功能,发挥营业网点替代作用,实现更多综合效益。从未来战略发展的角度,如何更优的布放附行式自助设备和离行式自助设备,获取最大的综合效益,是商业银行自助设备渠道建设过程中必须解决的问题。本文结合成本会计学的有关理论,通过对商业银行自助设备管理基本原理的阐述,结合笔者在商业银行工作实践中搜集的资料和案例,分析了附行式自助设备和离行式自助设备的投入产出情况,得出了未来自助设备渠道发展建设的策略和建议。论文共六章,第一章简要介绍了论文研究目的、意义以及研究方法和框架。第二章阐述了商业银行自助设备基本概念、功能和发展状况。第三章结合四川CC银行自助设备管理和营运实际情况,介绍了四川CC银行自助设备的发展现状,分析了管理和交易操作情况。第四章和第五章分析了自助设备投入(成本)和产出(收入)的构成内容,分解测算了附行式自助设备和离行式自助设备在各项投入、产出构成内容的实际数据,得出了每台自助设备的年均投入产出情况和单笔交易的成本和收入。第六章,根据分析测算结果,得出了离行式自助设备综合效益优于附行式自助设备的结论,并根据工作实际提出了布放离行式自助设备的政策建议。本文主要贡献在于引用了大量商业银行最新的自助设备经营管理实践经验,从投入产出角度分析了不同布放模式下自助设备的综合效益,结合四川CC银行自助设备渠道发展趋势,提出了布放离行式自助设备的政策建议,对国内商业银行自助设备渠道建设有一定参考借鉴作用。本文是作者以一名商业银行从业人员身份,从会计角度对银行自助设备投入产出情况进行的一次分析。但由于本人水平有限,加之受到视野和国内研究资料的局限,分析不够深入。论文的水平非常有限,错误之处在所难免,敬请各位老师、同学和读者批评指正。

【Abstract】 The channels of bank outlets and self-service kiosk together constitute physical network of commercial bank. Compared with traditional business outlets, it is a low cost and time-saving method of expanding physical management channel to develop self-service kiosk channel. In addition, it plays an important role in expanding the coverage of commercial bank business, presenting market image and providing clients with services. Also, it enhances densities of distribution and brand reputations. With the further development of our country’s financial reform, the competitions between banks are increasing fiercely. Each bank moves up the construction of self-service kiosk channel to the degree of strategic development. In order to obtain huge profits and stable customers, they vigorously increase input in self-service kiosk and develop the business of self-service kiosk channel.At present, the self-service kiosk which is launched by commercial bank is Automatic Teller Machine, including in-bank and off-bank. The two models aim at different target customers, and achieve the distinctive management effect. The functions of in-bank self-service kiosk are mainly in diverting the transactions through the counter, letting the self-service kiosk accomplish the transaction demands like cash withdrawal, transferring and query , releasing service pressure of counters to let bank tellers have more time to deal with sales work of financial products which has high profits. Besides diverting the transaction through the counter like in-bank self-service kiosk, the off-bank self-service kiosk embodies more functions of services, such as exerting the substitution effect of bank outlets and realizing more comprehensive benefits. From the perspective of future strategic development, how to more efficiently lay the in-bank and off-bank self-service kiosk, and obtain the largest comprehensive profits are key problems that must be solved in the process of construction of self-service kiosk channel.Through the expatiation on basic principles of the management of commercial banks’self-service kiosk, and according to the relevant theories of cost accountancy, materials and cases collected in this paper at commercial bank, the author analyses the input-output situation of in-bank and off-bank self-service kiosk, and obtain the strategies and suggestions of developing the self-service kiosk channel in the future.The article contains six chapters. The first part introduces the purpose, significance as well as research method and framework of self-service kiosk. The second part expatiates on basic concepts of commercial bank’s self-service kiosk. Also its definition, functions and development status are included. The third part, combined with the actual situations of management and operation of self-service kiosk in CC Bank Sichuan Branch, presents its development status and analyses operational practice of management and transaction. The forth and fifth parts, analyses the contents of input-output situation of in-bank and off-bank self-service kiosk, measure its actual numbers, and finally come to the conclusion of the annual average of input-output ,as well as cost and profit of a transaction for each self-service kiosk. Finally, the sixth part, based on the numbers measured, come to the conclusion that the off-bank self-service kiosk is better off in-bank self-service kiosk. Furthermore, the author presents suggestions on the lay of off-bank self-service kiosk.This article’s major contribution lies in the facts that it cites a great deal of practical experiences about the latest automatic equipment’s management in commercial bank . In addition, from the point of view of input-output, it presents the comprehensive benefits of self-service kiosk under different laying models. On the other hand, combined with the development of self-service kiosk in CC Bank Sichuan Branch, it brings forward policy suggestions of laying off-bank self-service kiosk, which has a reference value for similar work to the construction of self-service kiosk channel in domestic commercial bank.As an employee working in the commercial bank, the author analyses the bank self-service kiosk’s input-output situation from the point of view of accountancy. The author would appreciate it if anybody including teachers, students and readers could bring forward their suggestions.

  • 【分类号】F832.33
  • 【被引频次】6
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