

Research on Consumer Purchase Behavior of Personal Financial Product in Commercial Banks

【作者】 叶彧佩

【导师】 李胜; 陈仲维;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 物流管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,随着国民收入的不断提高,理财意识不断增强,人们越来越关注自身资产的保值增值与结构合理化。购买商业银行个人理财产品已成为人们理财的重要方式之一。同时,各大银行纷纷发行自己的理财产品,吸引消费者的目光,占领理财市场。很多学者也开始研究各种银行个人理财产品,包括银行理财产品设计;产品结构合理性研究;理财产品风险研究;理财产品服务提供研究等等。本文在许多国内外研究的基础上,希望通过对银行理财产品的研究,了解真正可以影响消费者购买行为的各种因素,并且为银行金融产品设计和服务的改善提供借鉴。理财是评估客户各方面财务需求并提供专业理财规划以实现客户理财目标的综合过程。商业银行提供的个人理财产品,是凭借其多年累积的个人客户服务经验和行业优势,依靠高科技、现代化的服务手段,由商业银行理财专家根据各个客户的资产状况及其对风险的承受能力,通过对金融产品、服务方式、服务渠道的整合和创新,帮助或代理客户实现其资产的保值增值,或为客户资产的保值增值提供便利、安全、快捷的服务的一系列产品,以满足客户各种各样的理财要求。激烈的市场竞争下,各家银行无不推陈出新以吸引更多的消费者投资,因此究竟什么因素可以影响消费者的购买行为已经成为各家银行关注的焦点。同样,消费者也希望银行可以更加了解自己的需求,从而提供完美的产品与服务。也就是说,提供高质量的产品及令人满意的服务必将是抢占市场份额的优势来源,因此了解可以影响消费者购买行为的各个因素显得尤为重要,是银行进行改善与修正产品开发和经营策略的主要依据,如消费者对产品形式和服务质量的不同要求等。但是,目前学者对于商业银行个人理财产品的研究多数是从银行和政策的角度出发,介绍银行理财产品的概况、理财产品的发展趋势和前景分析、理财产品的收益与风险分析、经济环境对理财产品的影响、银行理财产品的法律监管等。这些研究没有从普通消费者的角度去了解究竟消费者本身需要怎样的产品和服务。因此,本研究试图在广大商业银行个人理财产品的消费者中展开调查,了解他们的购买需求和购买心理,从理财产品收益与风险、便利性、服务质量、个性化服务、银行品牌声誉几个方面了解消费者对银行的满意度和信任,从而分析可以影响其购买行为的因素。本文在第一章中首先介绍了研究背景及意义,并阐述了国内外研究现状与本文的研究目的和过程;第二章对商业银行个人理财产品的定义和分类有所介绍,并界定了本文所研究的商业银行个人理财产品范围;第三章主要是关于消费者购买行为及相关理论的文献综述,总结了消费者感知价值、关系质量的定义并进行了文献概述,对相关理论做出了总结;第四章中,根据以往理论研究提出了本文的理论模型与研究假设;第五章与第六章是本文的核心所在,分别系统论述了本文问卷的形成与研究设计,并进行了数据分析与假设检验;第七章中针对之前的实证研究得出研究结论,阐述了本文存在的局限性及未来研究方向。本文在成都市各家银行现场发放调研问卷,并在问卷调查的基础上,利用软件SPSS 15.0和AMOS 7.0对调研所得数据进行了分析。通过对调研数据的信度分析、探索性因子分析与验证性因子分析验证了模型的拟合程度。然后用结构方程模型进行了数据的假设检验,并根据模型与数据关系的一致性程度,对理论模型进行适当评价,得到了可以衡量影响消费者购买行为的因素。本研究结果显示,可以影响消费者满意度的因素有收益与风险、银行品牌声誉、便利性;服务质量对消费者信任的影响显著,便利性对消费者信任具有一定的影响;消费者满意度与购买意向呈正相关关系;消费者信任与购买意向呈正相关关系;消费者满意度对消费者信任有显著的影响;并且消费者信任在消费者满意度对购买行为影响的过程中具有部分中介效应。

【Abstract】 With the improvement of living standard and financial awareness, people start paying more attention to the increase of assets value and the rationalization of the structure. Thus, personal financial products have become one of the most important ways of financial management. In the same time, commercial banks are releasing different kinds of financial products to increase market share.As the market is filled with fierce competition, banks have to create new products to attract the attention of investors. As a result, the main elements that convince people to invest become the key focus of commercial banks. At the same time, investors are also looking forward to receiving perfect products and services from banks. That is to say, it is essential for commercial banks to know how to satisfy customers, how to discovery the real needs of them and how to make a difference according to customer demands.However, most researches are delivered from the angel of commercial banks and policy. Such as introducing the overview of financial products, banking financial management, trends and prospects of financial products, analysis of earnings and risks in financial products, economic environment for financial service, and the supervision. However, there is short notice of the consumer demands and needs from the perspective of investors themselves. As a result, this study carries out an investigation among ordinary investor that tries to reveal and understand their purchase demands. The investigation includes the elements of earnings and risks, convenience, service quality, personalized service and brand reputation. Also, it concerns about the satisfaction and trust of financial products investors, which have great influence to customer behavior. Besides, invest experience is also considered as a possible influence element to customer behavior.Questionnaires are released in commercial banks in CHENGDU. Collected data are analyzed using SPSS 15 and AMOS 7.0. The results of this study indicate that elements that can influence the satisfaction of investors are bank brand reputation, quality of service, income and risk; elements that can affect the confidence of investors are the quality of service and bank brand reputation. Investor satisfaction and investor confidence keeps a positive relationship with the intention to buy.

  • 【分类号】F832.2;F224
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1307