

On the Perfection of the Employment Discrimination Non-lawsuit Settlement Mechanism

【作者】 石红玲

【导师】 章群;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 经济法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 就业歧视是个世界性的问题,随着2001年我国第一起就业歧视诉讼案件的审理,就业歧视问题在我国逐渐引起广泛关注和研究。就业歧视不仅侵害了劳动者的基本人格尊严和每个公民所享有的平等就业权,而且还阻碍了人力资源的正常流动与和谐劳动关系的构建。就业歧视是与社会所追求的公平正义不符的,是对社会资源的不合理分配,严重影响了我们每个人的健康发展及社会主义和谐社会的构建。在就业形势如此严峻的今天,各国政府都致力于禁止就业歧视、保护公民的平等就业权,为此出台了一系列法律、指令、政策,并设立了专门机构具体负责反就业歧视法律的执行和为歧视受害者提供法律救济;而我国不仅没有完善的反就业歧视法律法规,甚至某些法律条文和政府政策本身就是带有歧视性质的,成为制度性歧视的根源;同时,就业歧视争议解决机制也不完善,有关部门也没有对就业歧视投入足够的重视。虽然,迄今为止,已经有很多学者对就业歧视相关问题进行研究,并在反就业歧视法律的构建上提出了一些建设性意见,但专门、具体研究就业歧视非讼解决机制的却为数不多。有古法谚云,无救济则无权利,空谈法律规制而忽略对权利的救济是无法真正实现对权利的维护的,所以,本文从我国就业歧视及其非讼解决机制的基本理论入手,分析我国现有就业歧视非讼解决机制的弊端,结合域外国家和地区在就业歧视非讼解决机制方面的经验,提出我国构建准司法性质的反就业歧视专门机构来为受歧视者提供非讼争议解决途径的构想,从而为我国就业歧视非讼争议解决机制的完善提供有益的参考。全文共分为序言、正文和结论三大部分。序言部分主要介绍本文研究的缘起及意义,研究现状综述,本文的写作目的、结构安排和研究方法。就业歧视现象是世界各国都普遍存在的问题,世界各国也都在与就业歧视做着斗争,经过长期的努力,已经取得较大的进展,具体体现在各国反就业歧视法律制度、保护平等就业权政策以及就业歧视争议解决机制上;我国反就业歧视法律制度的不完善和解决机制的缺失,是我国就业歧视现象如此严重的症结之所在,而我国相关研究的不足,尤其是对歧视非讼解决机制研究的缺乏,阻碍了我国反就业歧视的法治进程,所以笔者选择对就业歧视非讼解决机制进行研究,尤其是对反就业歧视专门机构提供就业歧视争议非讼解决途径这一模式进行研究,试图从理论上和实践上对我国反就业歧视法律机制的完善提出一些建议。正文分为四个部分,主要涉及了法解释学、社会学、法学等学科知识。正文第一部分是对就业歧视及其非讼解决机制的概述。这部分首先对就业歧视进行了界定,明确就业歧视是对公民就业机会和职业待遇的平等享有的侵害;其次,明确就业歧视的特征,即歧视主体包括了一般意义上的雇主和工会等劳动组织,所有领域的劳动者都应当涵盖在歧视对象里面,歧视阶段应当从招聘广告的发布到劳动关系终止,同时指出哪些情况属于歧视例外;再次,将就业歧视争议界定为劳动争议,为后文研究定下前提;然后,对与就业歧视息息相关的平等就业权进行了界定,明确平等就业权包含就业机会的平等和职业待遇的平等,就业歧视是对平等就业权的一种不合理限制;最后,结合相关文献资料将非讼解决机制界定为争议解决过程中,解决途径和解决机构有机结合的整体,阐述了非讼机制的特点及不足,分析了就业歧视非讼解决机制与诉讼机制比较的合理性,明确非讼机制更符合就业歧视争议解决的要求,为本文的研究定下方向。正文第二部分是我国就业歧视非讼解决机制立法现状及不足。本部分首先对我国就业歧视非讼解决机制从现有立法上进行了考察,为各位读者勾勒出我国现有就业歧视争议非讼解决机制的概况;然后具体分析了我国现有就业歧视争议非讼解决机制存在的弊端,主要表现为两方面,首先,非讼争议解决途径协商、调解、仲裁本身的弊端,如协商、调解因缺乏公信力和独立性而逐渐流于形式,仲裁难以进入且日益行政化、诉讼化,非讼途径与诉讼途径衔接不畅;其次,非讼解决机构的缺失,如现有争议解决机构职能重叠,缺乏独立性、权威性等。正文第三部分是域外国家和地区就业歧视非讼解决机制的考察。就业歧视是个世界性问题,经过长期的研究,西方多数国家在就业歧视争议解决上卓有成效,取得了突破性进展,值得我国学习和借鉴。国外就业歧视争议解决主要有司法和非司法途径,鉴于就业歧视争议关涉劳动者工作机会的获得和职业待遇的享有,会直接影响劳动者及其家人的生存,他们基本都为歧视受害者提供了快捷、便利、柔性的非讼争议解决途径,以期使争议得到迅速、温和的解决,尽量消弭误会、弥合裂痕,维持雇佣双方之间的关系。而非讼机制要有效发挥作用关键在于它的权威性、中立性、专业性和便捷灵活性,因此由独立、专业的反就业歧视专门机构提供非讼解决途径就成为国外就业歧视争议解决的主要模式。本部分主要介绍了美国、加拿大、荷兰以及我国香港地区就业歧视争议非讼解决机制下的反就业歧视专门机构的法律地位、性质和构成以及它们处理就业歧视争议的具体程序,从而指出由反就业歧视专门机构提供非讼解决途径这种模式在相关国家和地区就业歧视争议解决中的优势,以及在反就业歧视进程中所表现出来的积极作用,明确我国应当借鉴该种模式,构建我国的反就业歧视专门机构为受歧视者提供非讼解决途径,确定本研究的落脚点。正文第四部分是我国就业歧视非讼解决机制的完善。因为本文的研究重点在于就业歧视非讼解决机制中专门为受歧视者提供非讼解决途径的反就业歧视专门机构的构建,所以本部分首先对我国就业歧视非讼解决途径的完善简要提出一些建议。其次是重点对我国就业歧视非讼解决机构的完善进行探讨,指出我国应当借鉴域外经验,构建反就业歧视专门机构来具体负责提供非讼解决途径。该部分具体从有效保护公民平等就业权,解决就业歧视取证难问题,提高争议解决效率、节约争议解决成本和推广平等观念及政策等四个方面论证了我国构建反就业歧视专门机构的必要性,结合我国的具体国情分析了设立反就业歧视专门机构的可行性;最后提出了我国反就业歧视专门机构的具体制度设计,指出反就业歧视专门机构应当是由国务院设立的准司法性质的机构,同时阐明了机构的产生和人员构成情况,机构处理就业歧视争议的具体程序以及机构的其他职权,如向社会公众宣传和推广平等概念,为相关用人单位和雇员提供培训和咨询服务,研究就业歧视和平等就业等相关课题并向公众公布研究成果,提起就业歧视公益诉讼等。最后论述了机构与现有争议解决机制的相互衔接问题。反就业歧视是一个长期的过程,保障公民平等就业权在我国现阶段是一个任重而道远的任务,不能仅仅依靠法律制度的完善,还需要政府正确行为的引导,需要国家相关法律制度的保障,需要公民平等观念、权利意识的树立,需要企业社会责任的承担,需要社会各界的积极配合和共同努力,所以,我们还应加紧研究相关问题,寻求社会方方面面的配合与努力。笔者相信,经过全社会长期的努力,我国的反就业歧视工作一定会取得很大的进展。

【Abstract】 Employment discrimination is a global problem.As in year 2001 China’s first cases of employment discrimination litigation proceedings, employment discrimination in our country is gaining widespread attention and research. Employment discrimination not only infringe the basic human dignity and the equal employment right as a fundamental human right, but also impeded the normal flowing of human resources and building a harmonious labor relations.Employment discrimination is not conform to the pursuit of social equality and justice,and the unreasonable distribution of social resources,that has seriously affected the healthy development of individual and the construction of a harmonious society.In such a severe employment situation today, governments are committed to the prohibition of employment discrimination and the protection of citizen’s equal employment right, for which the issued a series of laws, directives, policies and set up a special agency to enforce specific anti-employment discrimination laws and to provide legal remedies to the victims of discrimination;China not only does not have a specific anti-employment discrimination laws,not have a complete employment discrimination dispute settlement mechanism, and even some of the provisions of the law and government policies itself are discriminatory and become the source of systemic discrimination, and the relevant departments to resolve the employment discrimination dispute not input sufficient attention. Although so far there have been many scholars to research of employment discrimination problems and to pose a number of constructive ideas on construction of anti-employment discrimination laws, but specially,specifically to study non-lawsuit dispute settlement mechanism is one of the few. We all know that no relief had no right, the neglection right relief can not be true maintenance for the right. Therefore, this paper start from the basic theory of employment discrimination and its non-lawsuit settlement mechanism,to analysis the shortcomings of the existing employment discrimination non-lawsuit settlement mechanism, and combined with the experience of extraterritorial on employment discrimination non-lawsuit settlement mechanism, to pose the vision of build our quasi-judicial specialized anti-employment discrimination agency to provide non-lawsuit settlement ways for the victims of discrimination,so provide a useful reference on perfecting the non-lawsuit settlement mechanism of our country.This paper consists of three parts:The preamble introduces the origin and significance of the study, the summery of research,the purpose,structure and methodology of this article.Employment discrimination is prevalent around the world, countries around the world are all fighting against the employment discrimination, after a long-term effort has been made more progress in specific reflect on countries anti-employment discrimination laws, protecting equal employment right policies and employment discrimination dispute resolution mechanism; the imperfect of our anti-employment discrimination legal system and the lack of dispute settlement mechanism is the crux of the serious employment discrimination problem in our country,and our lack of research, especially for discrimination non-lawsuit settlement mechanism, hindering China’s anti-employment discrimination process, so I chose to study on non-lawsuit settlement mechanism of employment discrimination dispute, especially on the type of specialized anti-employment discrimination agency to provide non-lawsuit dispute settlement ways ,trying to put forward certain proposals to improve China’s anti-employment discrimination legal mechanism from theory and practice. The body is divided into four sections, mainly related to the interpretation of law, sociology, law and so on.The first part of the body is a overview on employment discrimination and the non-lawsuit dispute settlement mechanism. This part first to define employment discrimination, had to clear the concept, characteristics and the nature of employment discrimination; then, to clear-cut the equal employment right which closely related to employment discrimination and to make clear that the employment discrimination is a unreasonable restriction to equal employment right; finally, to define non-lawsuit mechanisms and non-lawsuit dispute settlement mechanism of employment discrimination , to provide an overview of the characteristics and the lack of non-lawsuit mechanism ,to analysis the rationality by compare of the non-lawsuit mechanism and the lawsuit mechanism, to clear that non-lawsuit mechanism is more in line with the demond of employment discrimination dispute settlement. The second part of the body is the status quo and inadequate of our employment discrimination non-lawsuit settlement mechanism. First of all, this part to investigate our employment discrimination non-lawsuit settlement mechanism from the existing legislation, in order to outline our readers that the overview of existing employment discrimination dispute non-lawsuit settlement mechanism; and then a detailed analysis of the shortcomings of China’s existing non-lawsuit settlement mechanism, mainly for the deficiencies of non-lawsuit settlement ways and missing of non-lawsuit settlement bodies, such as consultation, mediation gradually become a mere formality as a result of a lack of credibility and independence, difficult to arbitration and increasingly access to the administrative and legal, the relevant agencies to address duplication of functions and lack of independence, authority and so on.The third part of the body is the study on related to national and regional employment discrimination non-lawsuit settlement mechanism. Employment discrimination is a worldwide problem, after a long-term research, the majority of western countries were fruitful on settlement of employment discrimination dispute and has been made a breakthrough, which worthy of our to learn from. Foreign employment discrimination disputes solution mainly have judicial and non-judicial means, in view of the characteristics of employment discrimination disputes,which involved the possess of workers working opportunities and treatments, a direct impact on workers and their families surviving, they are almost provide a fast, convenient, flexible,non-controversial,non-lawsuit settlement mechanism for the victims of discrimination, with a view to quickly, moderately to solute the dispute, as far as possible to eliminate misunderstanding, to bridge the rift between the two sides to maintain the employment relationship.The key of the non-lawsuit settlement mechanism effectively play a role in that is the authority, neutrality, professionalism and flexibility and convenient, so build a independent, professional specialized anti-employment discrimination agency to provide non-lawsuit settlement ways become the main way of foreign employment discrimination dispute solution. This section introduces the legal statu,nature and composition of United States, Canada, Netherlands, as well as Hong Kong’s specialized anti-employment discrimination agencies, and their specific procedures to deal with employment discrimination disputes, to point out the advantages and the positive role of this model in anti-employment discrimination, as well as clear that we should to draw lessons from this type to build our own specialized anti-employment discrimination agency to providing non-lawsuit settlement solutions for the victims of employment discrimination.The fourth part of the body is the perfection of our own non-lawsuit settlement mechanism. Owing to the focus of this reseach,the writer made some proposals of our non-lawsuit settlement ways firstly.Then followed by the focus on our employment discrimination dispute non-lawsuit settlement agency, pointing out that we should learn from oversea’s experiences, to build our own specialized anti-employment discrimination agency specially responsible for the provision of non-lawsuit settlement ways, to discusse the necessity and feasibility of construction of China’s specialized anti-employment discrimination agency,to discuss the specific design of this system,which including the nature ,legal status and the personnels of the specialized anti-employment discrimination agency, the specific procedures for agency to deal with employment discrimination disputes, as well as such other functions, such as to propaganda and popularize the concept of equality to the community public, to provide promote training and advisory services to the related employers and employees, to research employment discrimination and equal employment and other related issues and to release the researches to the public, and so on. Finally to discuss this agency to link with the existing dispute resolving mechanisms.Anti-employment discrimination is a long-term process and to safeguard people’s equal employment right in our country is a long way to go at this stage ,we can not rely solely on improving the legal system, also need the correct behaviors of government to guidance, need the related legal system to protection, need the citizen’s conception of equality and right to establish,need the cooperations’social responsibility to take,need all aspects of society to seek their co-ordination and efforts. I believe that after the long-term efforts of the whole society, China’s anti-employment discrimination work will be a lot of progress.

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