

Study of Liability for Breach of Labor Contract

【作者】 简颖慧

【导师】 章亮明;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 经济法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 《劳动合同法》自2008年1月1日施行,这标志着我国劳动合同制度进入了科学有序化的轨道。尽管《劳动合同法》最大程度地保持着劳动者与用人单位的和谐平衡关系,但基于用人单位的强势地位,立法更加强化、明确了用人单位的劳动合同责任,对劳动者的劳动合同责任略有提及。由于劳动者整体水平参差不齐,许多劳动者的劳动合同责任意识淡薄,极有可能因某些情况的出现而承担相应的法律责任,这对他们是始料未及的。因此,研究劳动者的劳动合同责任重在使这一问题很清晰地展现在劳动者面前,使其更好地了解自身责任,切实履行劳动合同,即便出现劳动合同纠纷,也能主动从容应对,这对提高劳动者整体法律意识有重要作用。本文试着在分析我国现有的法律制度的基础上,结合实际情形,从我国目前的国情和社会发展的状况出发,分析劳动合同违约责任问题。从保护劳动者利益的角度出发,尝试着将劳动者承担违约责任的性质与用人单位承担违约责任的性质区别对待。并分析劳动合同违约责任的特殊情形,对劳动合同违约责任所面临的特殊问题、主要问题进行归纳和研究,在了解和把握劳动合同违约责任的基本问题基础上概括出劳动者和用人单位承担违约责任的方式并对此问题作了详细的阐述。

【Abstract】 Law of the People’s Republic of China on Employment Contracts was implemented in January 1, 2008, which marked the employment contract system stepped into a scientific and regularized track. The law does its utomost to maintain a balanced relationship between the employer and employees; however, it regulates and consolidates the responsibility of the employers which are considered superior to the employees, but lacks a regulation about the employees’ responsibility. The employees, with different educational background and legal awareness, might be faced with the assumption of legal obligation, which was unexpected by the law-makers. Therefore, to clarify the responsiblity of the employees’ and educate them how to solve relevant problems is very important to raise their legal awareness.The paper, based on the current legal system of China, will explore the problem of the breach of a contract. The research, with the aim of the protection of the employees, will differentiate the employees’ breach of contracts and the employers’ breach of contracts and propose the relevant solutions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期