

Survey and Research on the Current Situation of Nethics of Higher Vocational Students

【作者】 邹荐轩

【导师】 邹小华;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 思想政治教育, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着互联网络迅猛的扩张和加速发展,互联网络对世人的影响也日渐明显。互联网络在给我们带来重大自由和方便等重多好处的相同时间里,也引发带来了许多消极不良的因素,诸如引发了一系列法律及伦理道德的问题,特别是对使用频率较高的大学生带来了较大的影响和冲击。现阶段,高职院校学生的网络道德问题明显加剧,已经引发了人们尤其是教育工作者的高度关注。所以,为了使作为双刃剑的网络工具既帮助学生拓宽视界,掌握更多的信息与知识,互动和交流,又防止他们陷入互联网络中的不良毒害,保证网络世界有序正常的运营,加强高职学生的网络道德教育就显得尤为重要。与普通高等院校的学生相比,高职学生有以下几个特点:一是,失落的心理:伴随着社会上人们对知识重要性的认同,参加高考继续深造的学生也日渐递增,考试的竞争也愈来愈激烈,高考成绩的不理想使他们自己多年的理想、希望和梦想一一被惊醒,得到高职院校录取通知书的他们,变得十分的失落和无奈;二是,未成年的心理:高职学生入校时有相当部分是初中毕业生,当他们来到了崭新的环境时,由于较小年龄、较少的阅历及受到了更多社会不良环境的影响,而无法完全控制自己;三是,迷惘的心理:当他们迷迷茫茫地走进’高职院校时,却对自己所学的新专业、社会的需求、今后的就业发展状况等知之甚微,既不知道自己在高职院校里应该学些和做些什么?也不知道或不愿去思想考虑自己毕业后将奔向何方?于是整天在高职校园内外无所事事,游手好闲,打发时光,常常流连于互联网络。正是由于以上的这些心理特点,使得高职学生更容易陷于网络不良影响之中,因此,加强对高职学生的网络道德教育指导变得更为重要。本文主要在分析高职学生网络道德教育研究现状的基础上,阐明了高职学生网络道德教育研究的意义,对道德、网络道德等几个主要概念做了严格界定后,指明了本课题的研究方法,随后,从三个方面展开大学生网络道德教育的研究和探索。第一方面:概括阐述了道德、网络道德的含义、特点、社会作用及网络道德建设的重要性。第二方面:通过对高职学生上网基本情况的调研考察,具体分析了当前高职学生的网络道德问题现状,并认真探究了高职学生的网络道德失范的原因和网络道德教育的必要性。第三方面:从学校、政府、社会、家庭四个方面提出了加强高职学生的网络道德教育的十条路径。

【Abstract】 With the rapaid development and expansion of internet,it is increasingly influencing humnan beings’life day by day.It has Provided human beings lots of benefits such as great convenience,freedom,as well as a large number of negative factors,which have caused a series of ethical and moral problems.The increasingly developing Internet has made great impact on college students who mostly use Internet.In the network society,Now nethics issures higher vocational students are becoming more and more obvious so that many countries has paid high attention on it. Therefore,it is indispensable and ugrent to focas on netwok morarlity in order that internet can bring benefit to human beings rather than do harm and the operational order of the intenet soeiety can be guaranteed,and maintained.Compared with general college students, higher vocational students have the following characteristics:1. Lost psychology:With the community’s recognition of knowledge, the number of students taking college entrance examination keeps growing and the competition become more intense. Seeing the disappointed marks, the students want to ignore their dreams. And they felt helpless and lost in the face of higher vocational colleges admission notice.2. Minor psychological:Some of vocational students are from junior high school students. When they came to a new environment, they cannot completely control themselves for their ages, experiences and social environment.3. Confusion psychological:drowsily admitted to higher vocational colleges, they know little about their new specialties, the future development prospects and the needs of society, nor think about their own aims after graduation, nor know what should be done at the university. So we can see many students doing nothing all day on the campus. It is these psychological characteristics that make it easier for vocational students to be caught in Internet. Thus, strengthening moral education of vocational students in Internet becomes more important.This article based on the analysis domestic and foreign study for status of nethics education of higher vocational students, arid it showed the meaning of the research. After the strict definitions of main concepts such as morality, nethics and so on, the author pointed out the research methods, and carried on more explorations of the following three parts::In the first part, the author expounded meaning, characteristics, social roles and importance of morality and nethics.In the second part, the author analysed the current situation of nethics of higher vocational students by investigation of their condition, and carefully researhed the reason why higher vocational students don’t obey the accepted moral rules, and the necessity of nethics education.In the third part, the author put forward ten methods to strengthen nethics education of higher vocational students from schools, government, society, and families.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期