

Study on the Changes of the Right to Know of Chinese Citizens from Disaster Events Report

【作者】 黄晓庆

【导师】 朱颖;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 新闻学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 灾难事件,由于它巨大破坏性、不可预知性等特点不仅给人类带来强烈震撼和严重后果,还使它总是成为公众关注的焦点。而新闻媒体对重大灾难事件准确、及时的报道,是公民能在第一时间了解灾难事件最新且权威信息的主要途径,同时也让公民应有的基本权利—知情权得到了保障。从新中国成立到今天,经过六十年的变迁,我国在对灾难事件的报道和满足公民灾难事件知情权方面已经取得明显的、突破性的进步,尤其是近几年的进步更是有目共睹,总的趋势是由过去对信息过度控制向信息完全公开、透明的方向转变,赋予公民应有的知情权。但是在实施的过程当中还是存在着很多不足,如:在人祸的灾难事件信息公开上很难做到和天灾相一致;由于受地方保护主义思想影响,中央和地方在对灾难事件的处理上存在很大的差异;我国传统文化中的官本位思想和思维定势,政府长期以来对灾难新闻的“控负”思想,及其我国长期以来新闻法制上的缺陷都是阻碍我国公民灾难事件知情权向前发展的障碍。本论文将1949年—2009年这六十年划分为三个具体的阶段,并选取了这三个阶段最为典型的四个重大灾难事件作为样本进行研究,从中对我国公民知情权的变化做一个简要的分析,窥探我国对于公民知情权保护的衍变轨迹,并对我国灾难新闻中公民知情权的发展提供一些建议。

【Abstract】 Disaster events, because of their enormous power of destruction and unpredictable nature, which not only brings great shock and serious consequences to our human beings, also makes themselves become the focus of public attention. The main way for people to acquire the information of the disaster when it is happening is the media’s accurate and timely reports. By doing this, it also can make citizens’ basic right—The Right to Know" be guaranteed. From 1949 to 2009, experiencing sixty years of great changes, china has achieved profound progress on disaster events reporting and greatly satisfied people’s right to know of disaster information, especially in the recent years. The main trend for disaster events of information opening is from excessive controlled to totally open, transparent which gives our citizens necessity of The Right to Know, .However, in the process of implementation, there is still much deficiency. For instance: during the man-made disasters, for the opening information which is quite difficult to achieve the consistency with natural disasters; due to the ideological influence of local protectionism, there is great difference between the central and local governments in handling disaster events; the official oriented consciousness, the fixed thinking mode, the affect of the thought of "control negative news" from our government, and the lack of the press law, all these become the obstacles to put the right to know of disaster events forward. In this paper, I will divide the sixty years into three specific stages, and select the four most typical , major disasters as samples to study, making a simple analysis on the changes of our citizens "The Right to Know " right. Moreover, I hope I can have a brief view on Evolution tracks of the protection for citizens’ right to know, and gives some recommendations for the development of The Right to Know in china.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】G212.2;D630
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】216
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