

Designing an Online Examination System

【作者】 李利花

【导师】 李迟生;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 网上考试系统是辅助教学、检测教学质量和信息化建设的重要内容,是公平、公正、合理地检验学生真实水平的良好工具。传统考试要求老师出试卷、印试卷、安排考场、监考、收集试卷、评改试卷、讲评试卷和分析试卷等工作,这是一个漫长而复杂的过程,需耗费大量人力、物力。从而迫切需要一种新的考试方式来解决这些问题。在网上技术逐渐渗入社会生活各个层面的今天,传统的考试方式面临着变革,而网上考试则是一个很重要的方向。它具有传统考试手段所无法比拟的优点。目前,网上考试系统有多种实现技术,可以采用传统的客户机/服务器(C/S)型的MIS型架构,但其考务工作比较繁琐,而且考试程序放在客户机上,安全性也受到一定影响。另外一种考试系统采用Web技术实现。Web技术超越了传统的“C/S”两层结构,采用了三层体系结构的MVC(Model、Viewer、Controller)的设计模式,它有着更好的灵活性、安全性,它是一种B/S结构。但目前大多数是采用ASP技术,其移植性较差。本文采用J2EE技术对网上考试系统进行设计。并对遗传算法(GA)在组卷中的应用作了积极的探索,取得了较好的成果;为了确保考生答案的安全性和保密性,同时还对SSL应用于TOMCAT服务器进行了有益的探索。

【Abstract】 Online Examination System is to assist the teaching, testing the quality of teaching and information important content of building a fair, just and reasonable level of testing the students a good tool for the real. Asked the teacher out of the traditional exam papers, printed papers, arrange the examination room, invigilator, collecting papers, assessment reform papers, commenting on papers and analytical papers, etc., this is a long and complex process, would entail a lot of human and material resources. Thus an urgent need to test a new approach to solve these problems. Internet technology is increasingly infiltrated all levels of social life today, the traditional entrance examination is facing change, while the online exam is a very important direction. It has unmatched by traditional test methods advantages.At present, there are a variety of online examination system implementation techniques, can use a traditional client/server (C/S)-type MIS-type structure, but their examination duties for more cumbersome, and the examination process on the client machine, security has also been a certain extent. Another test system using Web technology. Web technologies beyond the traditional "C/S" two-tier structure, adopted the three-tier architecture MVC(Model, Viewer, Controller) design pattern, it has greater flexibility, security, it is a B / S structure. But most are using ASP technology, poor portability. In this paper, J2EE technology for online examination system design. And genetic algorithms (GA) in the test paper in the application of the active exploration, achieved good results; in order to ensure that the candidates answer to the safety and confidentiality, but also to the SSL server used in TOMCAT useful exploration.

【关键词】 网上考试系统MVC遗传算法(GA)SSL
【Key words】 Online Examination systemMVCgenetic algorithm (GA)SSL
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期