

The Economic Feasibolity Evaluation of FX City’s Kernel-apricot Intensive Process Project

【作者】 陈峰

【导师】 杜丹丽; 梁庆菊;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 项目管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,农副产品精深加工已成为国际食品业发展的趋势,发达国家初级产品与加工产品消费比已达2:8,而我国是8:2。FX市原矿产资源储量丰富,但近年来日益枯竭,作为全国唯一的“资源型城市经济转型试点市”,其将仁用杏精深加工项目列为近年的工作重点。但FX市并没有形成规模的仁用杏加工企业,因此建设大型仁用杏加工企业,拓展仁用杏产业链条迫在眉睫。为了使该项目能够在经济、技术、环保、社会影响等众多方面收到良好效果,成功稳健的上马,本文通过以下几方面对其进行经济上的评价:首先,本文从项目的状态入手,基于国内外的研究现状,运用可行性研究和层次分析法等理论对所采集的大量数据与信息进行科学的分析。分别采用PEST模型和SWOT分析表对其宏观市场和微观市场环境进行分析,从市场需求和市场竞争入手确定了该项目的生产方案、技术方案和设备选择。其次,本文具体给出了该项目的相关财务基本数据和报表,建立了适合该项目的新评价体系,对相关指标进行财务评价,科学计算并做适当分析。最后,应用层次分析法对项目相关因素进行综合评价。即对项目的财务、环境和社会影响因素进行综合评价。依照综合评价结果给出了处理措施,确保项目周到稳妥的实施,获得全面丰收。

【Abstract】 At present, the intensive processing of agricultural byproduct has become the globle development trend of the international food products, ratio of the primary products to intensive processing products in developed countries is2:8, but China is still 8:2. Past days, mineral resources of the FX city abundant reserves, but in recent years, it gets exhausting. As the only " resource-based cities economic transformation of pilot city "in China, the intensive processing of kernel-apricot is listed on the job. But the FX city didn’t have large-scaled and kernel-apricot intensive processing enterprise, thus building large-scale processing enterprises, expand the industry chain is urgently.In order to received good effect on the economy, technology, environmental protection and social influence, to realized the project successfully, based on the following aspects we give the economic evaluation:Firstly, based on the research situation at home and abroad, we starting from the project status, and use the feasibility study and analytic hierarchy process to analyse the large amounts of data and information science. Using PEST models and SWOT do analysis of the macro and micro market environment, from the market demand and market competition we make out the production plan, technology solutions and the equipment selection.Secondly, this paper presents the basic data and related financial statements, establishes suitable evaluation system, make finance evaluation of index, scientific computing and make appropriate analysisFinally, use the application of analytic hierarchy process (ahp) to comprehensive evaluate projects related factors, including the financial, environmental and social factors affecting.At last, these problems are given in accordance with the measures, to ensure that project implementation successfully.

  • 【分类号】F326.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】72