

Research on Dynamic Response Characteristic of Turbojet and Naval Structures Integrated Anti-shock under Working Condition

【作者】 章丽丽

【导师】 郎济才;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 船舶与海洋结构物设计制造, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 船舶设备的抗冲击性能是衡量船舶生命力重要指标。当船舶停泊于海港时遭受攻击的可能性较小,当船舶在作战状态即船舶设备处于工作状态时遭受敌方攻击的可能性较大,因此船舶设备冲击环境特征之一在于其处于运行状态时遭受水下爆炸冲击作用。然而由于缺乏相应实船实验数据资料,且因军事保密原因,国外相关领域的研究进展也很少见诸发表,所以目前针对工作状态下船舶设备抗冲击性能评估国内尚未形成成熟计算方法。因此依靠数值仿真进行工作状态下船舶设备抗冲击性能实验显得尤为重要。本文以船体大型设备汽缸为例,基于数值实验对工作状态下船用设备与船体结构的一体化抗冲击动响应特性进行研究。首先,结合船用汽缸在运行时的四种典型工况对其力学特性进行分析。得到汽缸内外缸壁及内部支撑构件的定常压力系数Cp及脉动压力系数CP’随Ma数的变化特点。并对汽缸内部支撑构件的脉动力频率进行分析,得到构件的各阶脉动力频率值。其次,通过对船用汽缸进行模态分析,将得到的汽缸结构固有频率值与流体力作用频率进行对比,发现汽缸排汽口加强结构及汽缸前支撑板的固有频率与流体力作用频率相近,发生共振可能性较大,应在结构设计中予以注意。第三,将计算流体力学软件计算得到的瞬态力加在相应的结构上,分析工作状态下流场压力对结构的作用。最后进行工作状态下船体设备一体化抗冲击动响应特性分析,并与非工作状态下响应结果进行对比,给出对比结果。建议中近场抗冲击性能分析考虑工作状态下流场力对结构的作用。

【Abstract】 Shock resistance performance of Ship equipment is a significant parameter to ship survivability. The attack possibility of when ships at the harbor is smaller, however, ship particularly in the operational status that the ship equipment in working condition when subjected to enemy attacks are more likely, therefore one characteristic of the shipboard equipment shocking environment is shipboard equipment suffering underwater explosion shocking under working condition. But there is no relative shock test and trial data. In addition, there is no research advancement published in the journal overseas in this field because of keeping secret. Consequently, numerical experiment on ship equipment of anti-shock performance under working condition seems very important. Take the ship main steam turbine for instance in this paper, by means of numerical experiments research under working condition the cylinder and hull structure integration of dynamic response characteristics。First, combination of a Marine cylinder of four typical working condition carry on its mechanical properties analysis, inside and outside of the cylinder and internal support components unsteady pressure coefficient Cp and fluctuating pressure coefficient C′P characteristics as the number of Ma changes, and carry on dynamic frequency analysis of the cylinder internal support components, received frequency value of every components.Secondly, carry out modal analysis of the involved cylinder, compared the cylinder component modal value to the frequency of flow, found that strengthen structure of cylinder vent and supporting structure of natural frequency of cylinder are similar to the frequency of fluid, more likely to happen resonance, structural design should be attention.Thirdly, put transient power calculate by CFD software on the corresponding structure, and analyze the fluid pressure effect on the structure。Finally taking a hull equipment integration impact analysis of dynamic response under working condition, and compare with non-working state response results, give comparative results. Suggest that middle and close field under-water explosion of shipboard equipment anti-shock ability analysis adopt considering marine steam turbine on working condition inner vapor fluid influence to structures.

  • 【分类号】U661.44
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