

Structural Strength Assessment Comparison Research on Semi-submersible Platform

【作者】 魏涛

【导师】 任慧龙;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 港口、海岸及近海工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 为确保半潜式平台结构的安全,对平台进行结构强度评估是十分有必要的,世界各主要船级社如挪威船级社(DNV),美国船级社(ABS),中国船级社(CCS)都颁布了自己的规范,通过一些初步的比较研究发现不同船级社所提供的方法之间存在较大的差别。本文根据各主要船级社(ABS、DNV、CCS)颁布的海洋平台建造与入级规范中关于半潜式平台的规定及其他文献和资料,以实际半潜式平台为例,对半潜式海洋平台强度评估过程的一些关键环节进行了较为详细的比较分析,主要研究内容如下:1)研究了设计波法中确定性方法和随机性方法确定波浪参数的方法,对ABS、DNV、CCS三种规范中相关规定进行比较分析,并结合实例分析对比之间的差异。2)对比有撑杆和无撑杆两种结构的半潜式平台,提取主要构件的应力进行比较,研究撑杆对平台主要构件的影响。3)对ABS、DNV、CCS三种规范中规定的半潜式平台屈服、屈曲强度校核的准则和方法进行比较分析,并结合实际平台的整体强度校核,研究不同规范之间的差异。4)介绍疲劳强度的评估原理和方法,运用基于谱分析的直接计算法对实际平台上的关键部位节点进行疲劳强度校核,并比较分析各规范之间的差异。

【Abstract】 ABSTRACTIt is necessary to evaluate the structure strength of Semi-submersible platform in order to ensure its security. The main ship classification societies in the world, such as American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), Det Norske Veritas (DNV), China Classification Society (CCS), promulgate rules. Many differents are found through the preliminary study of comparing different methods provided by the classification societies. This thesis is to compare the pivotal steps in the analysis of structure strength carefully among the ABS, DNV, CCS rules. So the following problems are emphatically investigated.1) The design wave method of determining the wave parameters which would be used in the calculation of wave load include the deterministic method and the stochastic method. Two ways will be studied. The ABS, DNV, CCS rules will be compared respectively.2) The platform without brace will be compared with the original platform. The influence of the brace will be studied.3) The principle and approach of yield and buckling strength for semi-submersible platform will be compared among the ABS, DNV, CCS rules. The differents of the rules will be studied through evaluating the Liuhua-FPS platform.4) The theory and method of fatigue strength assessment will be discussed. The pivotal joints in the unit using direct computing method based on spectral analysis will be checked. The differents of the rules will be studied.
