

【作者】 刘焰

【导师】 徐波;

【作者基本信息】 云南师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 百余年来,中国人一直艰苦跋涉于追求现代化的长途历程之中。经济现代化是整个现代化的核心内容和关键部分,它包括市场化和工业化两个层次,其中市场化是基础和前提。由于特殊的地理环境,在云南经济近代化过程中,长途贩运贸易对城乡市场的发育、整合起着重要作用,两者同时又是云南经济近代化、市场化的重要内容。对其进行研究,有助于丰富云南近代经济史、云南近代化史的内容,并为当代市场经济的发展提供有益的借鉴。目前尚少有人对此作系统深入的专题论述。本文在吸收学术研究成果的基础上,对1840至1936年间云南长途贩运贸易与城乡市场的发展、整合、互动等作了较系统的研究。文章主要从三个阶段来阐明了近代云南长途贩运贸易的发展以及城乡市场嬗变和整合。首先,由于云南特殊的地理条件和交通状况,使云南经济发展呈现自身特点。传统贩运贸易既成为城乡市场的纽带,又成为其充分发育的瓶颈。城乡市场发展不完善,成为制约近代云南贸易与市场发展的重要因素。与此同时,近代初期,云南通过与周边国家进行的贩运贸易已初步构建起了覆盖东南亚的市场网络,为云南市场的近代发展提供了有益的历史基础。其次,开埠之后,云南交通贸易及市场体系出现新的变化。对外贩运贸易出现较大发展,市场开始从传统向现代转变,市场网络随之不断扩大。受长途贩运贸易的刺激,城乡市场之间的网络联系更为紧密,市场整合加速。第三、1910年,滇越铁路通车,对外进出口贸易迅猛增长,同时内地贸易也进一步发展。由于大量进口货物的分销和出口土特产的集散使城乡市场之间联系更为紧密。城市市场成为国际市场的重要组成部分,同时农村市场也成为市场网络中的一个“网结”。城乡市场的发展也完全依赖于长途贩运贸易的发展与否,市场本身开始脱离自然经济的束缚,参与社会分工,城乡市场网络体系形成。

【Abstract】 In the last one hundred years, the Chinese people has been in difficult t o travel long distances in pursuiting of the process of modernization. Economi c modernization is the core and the key part of the modernization of content., including two levels, they are its market and industrialization, and the market is the basis and prerequisite for. As the special geographical environment, Ion g-distance traffic in the urban and rural markets plays an important role in tra ding on the development of integration on the economy in Yunnan in the proc ess of modern times. They are both important in modernization of the econom y and the market. To research this is helpful to enrich Yunnan modern econo mic history, and the history of the modern Yunnan Province. It’s a useful less on for the contemporary market economy and the developmentYet, There is few people that devote to research this systemly and for in-depth feature on. Based on the absorption of academic research results on t he basis of the 1940-36 trade between Yunnan and long-distance traffic in urb an and rural market development, integration, and more interactive systems, it researched systemly.The article mainly from three stages to illustrate the modern Yunnan long-distance traffic in the development of trade and evolution and integration of u rban and rural markets.First of all, because of the unique geographical conditions and traffic con ditions of Yunnan, the economic development of Yunnan show its own charact eristics. Traffic in a traditional trade is the ties of urban and rural markets, bu t it has become the bottleneck of its full development. The development of ur ban and rural markets are imperfect. It’s an important factor to constraint the modern trade and the market development in Yunnan. At the same time, on th e early modern times, the traffic trade has been building Yunnan with the nei ghboring countries and the initial coverage of the market network in Southeast Asia, It provides a useful basis for the development of modern history.Second, after that, the trade and transport in Yunnan emergence of new market system changes. Trafficking in a larger foreign trade developed, the ma rket began to shift from traditional to modern, market network then continuing to expand. Being stimulated by the long-distance traffic, the urban and rural markets become more closely linked network, and it accelerate the integration of the market.Third, in 1910, the Dianyue railway are opened, the import and export of foreign trade grew rapidly, the development of trade in mainland is also dev eloped further more. Because of the large number of imports of goods distribu tion and export of native products of the house, the link between the urban an d rural markets are closer. City market has become an important component of the international markets, the rural market has also become a market network in a "networknode." The development of urban and rural markets are complet ely depend on in the development of long-distance traffic trade, whether the market itself started from the shackles of natural economic, the labor of socia 1 divided, urban and rural market network system is formed.
