

【作者】 李雪蕾

【导师】 朱滨;

【作者基本信息】 云南师范大学 , 广播电视艺术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 从1989年到1999年的十年间,我国的省级电视台全部上星,省级卫视利用上星的契机,完成了从区域性电视媒体向全国性电视媒体的转变。因其在我国电视媒介市场中所处的位置,面临着中央电视台、城市电视台、境外卫星电视以及新兴电视媒体的竞争,随着省级卫视在各省之间的交叉覆盖,省级卫视之间也存在着激烈竞争。如何在众多的不同类型电视媒体的夹击中突围,是当下省级卫视共同面临难题,本文认为实施品牌战略不失为省级卫视突围的好方法。本文共分为五部分。第一部分是绪论,论述了论文的背景和意义、研究的基本思路、内容结构以及相关问题的研究综述;第二部分是对省级卫视品牌战略的界定,主要对品牌、品牌战略以及省级卫视作相关阐述;第三部分是对省级卫视发展现状的思考,这个部分主要对现阶段省级卫视所处的市场环境和存在的问题进行了分析;第四部分对针对省级卫视在当前的市场环境中出现的一些问题提出了实施品牌战略的具体建议;第五部分是结语,对整篇文章进行总结。

【Abstract】 During the ten years from 1989 to 1999, Provincial satellite channels gradually broadcast to the Nationals by satellite. From then, the Provincial satellite channels change from the Regional television media to the national television media. Provincial satellite channelsare in a special place. With the coverage of the Provincial satellite channels cross the provinces, there are intense competition among the Provincial Satellite TV stations and also with the CCTV, City TV Stations, outside Satellite TV and Emerging TV media. How Provincial satellite channels break through from the converging attack of the many different types of television media, is the current common problem facing by the Provincial satellite channels. This paper considers that the implementation of brand strategy of the Provincial satellite channels is a good way to break through the converging attack.This thesis totally has five parts. The first part is introduction. It covers the background, significance and structure of this thesis. The second part states the brand strategy of provincial satellite channels, mainly expound the brand, brand strategy and provincial satellite channels. The third part considers the present development of the provincial satellite channels, especially analyzes the media environments and existent problems of them. The fourth part puts forward some specific advices aiming at the problems of the provincial satellite channels. The last part is the conclusion, summing up the entire thesis.

【关键词】 省级卫视品牌战略
【Key words】 Provincial satellite channelsBrandStrategy