

Job Burnout Situation and Its Influencing Factors’ Model Construction of Kunming Elementary School Teacher

【作者】 刘倩倩

【导师】 李辉;

【作者基本信息】 云南师范大学 , 应用心理学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在职业倦怠的心理学研究中,对职业倦怠理论的探讨仍是研究的主题。虽然有关职业倦怠的理论及模式研究能够帮助我们更全面、更准确地了解倦怠和预防倦怠。但已有的理论模型仍需要进一步整合组织因素、工作特征、个体因素和认知调节变量,构建更为合理的职业倦怠理论模型。由于现有的研究很少考虑到多个变量之间复杂的整合性关系,因此研究所建立的关系模型具有一定的局限性,并限制了理论模型的解释能力。本研究通过三个彼此独立而又相互联系的研究,首先考察了MBI的因素结构并修订了适合我国文化背景的具有良好信度和效度的测验问卷;然后考察了昆明市小学教师的职业倦怠状况,并系统分析了教师职业倦怠在人口背景上的差异,探讨了工作压力、生活质量、人格特质和社会支持与教师职业倦怠的关系及其对教师职业倦怠的影响;最后基于整合研究的思路,通过结构方程模型技术将工作压力、生活质量、人格、社会支持和职业倦怠变量纳入到一个整合的关系模型中,探讨了各影响因素对职业倦怠的作用途径及其效应,构建了有关职业倦怠影响因素的整合性关系模型。通过上述研究获得以下主要结论:(1)职业倦怠问卷由情感耗竭、人格解体和个人成就感降低三个分量表构成,17个测验项目具有较高的区分度和内部一致性信度,量表具有较理想的构想效度。(2)昆明市小学教师职业倦怠可以概括为情感耗竭、人格解体和个人成就感降低三个方面,其中最主要的因素是情感耗竭。(3)昆明市小学教师的情感耗竭程度较高,个人成就感降低和人格解体的程度次之,有相当比例的教师表现出倦怠倾向。(4)昆明市小学教师的情感耗竭显著高于美国教师,而人格解体和个人成就感显著低于美国教师。(5)教师情感耗竭的发展趋势呈M状,人格解体的发展趋势是随教龄的增长先上升后逐渐下降,个人成就感的发展趋势是随教龄的增长先下降后逐渐上升。教龄为2-5年的教师职业倦怠最为严重,而教龄在16-20年的教师的高情感耗竭应引起注意。(6)性别、婚姻状况、是否班主任、宗教信仰、是否患病、是否有离职意向、教龄、学历、学校类别对职业倦怠的一个或多个维度有显著影响。而任教年级、个人月收入、是否有行政职务、校外兼职对职业倦怠没有影响。(7)教师的工作压力、生活质量、人格和社会支持与职业倦怠有显著相关,并对职业倦怠的不同维度有一定的预测作用。(8)构成职业倦怠、工作压力、生活质量、人格和社会支持的一阶因素分别可以进一步概括为一个二阶因素,即职业倦怠、工作压力、生活质量、人格和社会支持本身。(9)工作压力、生活质量对职业倦怠有显著且直接的影响,而且可间接影响职业倦怠。社会支持对职业倦怠只有间接影响。人格直接影响对职业倦怠。(10)生活质量对职业倦怠的积极效应大于工作压力对职业倦怠的消极效应,工作压力对职业倦怠直接影响的消极效应大于工作压力对职业倦怠间接影响的消极效应。

【Abstract】 In the psychology research of job burnout, the theory discussion to the job burnout was still the research subject. Although the related theory and the pattern research of job burnout can help us to understand and prevent burnout more comprehensively and accurately. But the existing theoretical model still needed to go a step further to integrate organization factors, the work characteristics, the individual factors and the cognition adjustment variables, constructed the more reasonable job burnout theoretical model. Because the existing research considered the complex integral relationship between many variables very little, therefore the relational model which research established had certain limitation, and limited the explanative ability of theoretical model.Through three separate and interrelated studies, this essay first inspected the factors structure of MBI and emended the test questionnaire, which suited our cultural background and had good reliability and validity; then the job burnout situation of Kunming elementary school teachers was inspected, and analyzed the difference of teacher’ job burnout on demographic variables systematically, and to explored the relationship of the work pressure, the quality of life, personality, social support and teacher’s job burnout, and the effect of the work pressure, the quality of life, personality and social support to teacher’s job burnout; finally, based on the idea of integration research, through structural equation modeling technology brought the pressure of work, quality of life, personality, social support and job burnout variables into a integrated model ,which constructed the integrated model of job burnout and its influencing factors and explored the effective path and effect of each influencing factors to job burnout. Through the study, the results showed as following:(1) job burnout questionnaire was composed of three sub-scales: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment, 17 test projects had high distinction validity and internal consistency reliability, scale had ideal structure validity.(2) Job burnout of elementary school teachers in Kunming can be summarized as three aspects: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment, the most important factor is emotional exhaustion.(3) Job burnout status of the Kunming elementary school teachers showed the higher emotional exhaustion was, the lower depersonalization and personal accomplishment were. A considerable proportion of teachers tended to show burnout.(4) Emotional exhaustion of the elementary school teachers in Kunming was significantly higher than that of the American teachers, and the depersonalization and personal accomplishment were significantly lower than that of the American teachers.(5) The development trend of teachers’ emotional exhaustion is in "M", the developmental trend of depersonalization rose first and gradually declined as the growth of teaching age, the developmental trend of personal accomplishment declined first and gradually rose as the growth of teaching age. Job burnout of teacher with 2-5 years’ teaching age was most serious, and higher emotional exhaustion of teacher with 16-20 years’ teaching age should be given attention.(6) Sex, marital status, whether in charge of a class or not, religious belief, the illness, intention to leave, teaching age, qualifications, category of school, these factors had significant effect on one or more dimensions of job burnout; while teaching grade, personal income, administrative duty and part-time job had no effect on job burnout.(7) Teachers’ work pressure, the quality of life, personality and social support were correlated significantly with job burnout, and predicted the different dimensions of job burnout to some extend.(8) The first-order factors composed of job burnout, work pressure, quality of life, personality and social support can be further summarized as a second-order factor separately, that is, the job burnout, work pressure, quality of life, personality and social support itself.(9) The pressure of work and the quality of life had direct and significant effect on job burnout, and may indirectly affect job burnout. Social support only had indirect effect on job burnout. Personality impact on job burnout directly.(10) The positive effect of the quality of life to job burnout is greater than the negative effect of work pressure on job burnout, the direct negative effects of work pressure on job burnout is greater than the indirect negative effects.

  • 【分类号】B849;G443
  • 【被引频次】6
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