

【作者】 段红丽

【导师】 章秉纯;

【作者基本信息】 云南师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在传统农业社会中,广大农民安土重迁,有很强烈的“恋土情节”;小自耕农是封建国家赖以生存和巩固统治的基础,国家所控制的户口数量直接关系到赋税收入的多少及社会的稳定。但是,由于小农生产的薄弱性,很难抵御频繁发生的自然灾害、战乱、土地兼并及封建国家的超经济剥削,因而造成大量人口死亡和流徙。本文主要从以下四个方面来探讨唐代的逃户问题:第一,逃户的基本问题,包括逃户概念的界定、逃亡类型及逃亡方式。以两税法为界,唐代逃户前后特征稍微不同,但是其失去土地,浮衣寄食的本质特征并没有发生变化;根据逃亡的原因把唐代的逃户划分为:逃避战乱者、逃避赋役者、失地逃亡者、逃避兵役者、其他逃荒者几种类型;并划分了两种主要的逃亡方式:脱籍不脱产者(佃农佣工、自主肯荒者)和脱籍也脱产(为工商业者、寺院人口、为兵、匪盗)。第二,封建统治者继承了传统的重农富民思想,并在这一思想的指导下,采取了轻税之法、严密户籍管理制度、抑制兼并之法、搜检户口之法、户口增减与官吏考核、救灾损免之策等措施来稳定自耕农,控制劳动人手。第三,评价逃户问题及政府措施。本文认为,逃户问题与社会土地制度的变化相一致、封建政府控制力的削弱相一致、与人民的反抗斗争相一致;政府的措施,虽然使得在籍户口有所增加,但是并不能从根本上解决逃户问题。

【Abstract】 In the traditional agricultural society, lots of people have the strong "earth complex" that is the peasants are reluctant to leave their hometown. The owner-peasant is the essential foundation of the feudalistic solid control of the country. The number of the households under the government control directly relates to the amount of the tax and the stability of the society. Due to the weakness of the owner-peasants’production, however, it is difficult for them to withstand the frequent natural calamity, wars, annexation of the earth and the excessive exploitation of the feudal country. Thus plenty of people die or flee from their hometown and wander. This paper mainly discusses the fleeing household in Tang Dynasty from the four aspects as follows:Firstly, the basic problems of the fleeing household, including its definition, fleeing types and ways. With the dividing line of the Two-Tax Law, the before and after characteristics of the fleeing household in Tang Dynasty are slightly different, but the essential characteristic of land-lost and fleeing is the same. According to the reasons of them, the fleeing household is classified as wars-escaping, tax-avoiding, landless-fleeing, military service-avoiding, and others. Moreover, two main fleeing types are demonstrated:breaking away from the birthplace but not the land (eg. The tenant-peasants, hired laborers, the wasteland-reclaimers), breaking away from both the birthplace and the property/land (eg. The traders, people of the temples, soldiers and the bandits.) Secondly, the feudalistic controllers inherit the traditional thought of centering the agriculture and making the peasants rich. With the guide of this thought, the controllers adopt many measures, for example, the law of light tax, the intent households management, the annexation limiting, the households searching and checking, the increase and decrease of the households, the examining of officials, decreasing the disasters, and so on, to reassure the owner-peasants and control the number of laborers. The author thinks that the problem of fleeing-household equals to the change of the earth law, the weakening of the government controlling and the people’s fight. Though the government measure makes the number of the household increase, it could not overcome the problem of fleeing-households in nature.

  • 【分类号】K242
  • 【下载频次】113