

Research of Species in Ricanidae and Their Biology, Ecology and Control of Main Species in Tongren

【作者】 顾昌华

【导师】 李子忠; 金星;

【作者基本信息】 贵州大学 , 农业推广, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文首次报道了贵州铜仁地区广翅蜡蝉种类及主要种类生物学、生态学和防治,结果如下:1、初步鉴定铜仁地区广翅蜡蝉种类有5种:即圆纹广翅蜡蝉(Pochazia gutiferawalker.)、八点广翅蜡蝉(Ricania speculum Walker.)、白斑广翅蜡蝉(Pochaziaalbomaculate Vhler.)、柿广翅蜡蝉(Ricania sublimbata Jacobi.)、带纹疏广翅蜡蝉Euricania ocellus(Walker)。通过调查铜仁地区广翅蜡蝉主要种种类是圆纹广翅蜡蝉(Pochazia gutifera walker.)、八点广翅蜡蝉(Ricania speculum Walker.)。2、铜仁地区圆纹广翅蜡蝉、八点广翅蜡蝉一年1代,白斑广翅蜡蝉、柿广翅蜡蝉一年2代。系统调查得知2007年8月11日,在樟树上圆纹广翅蜡蝉、八点广翅蜡蝉有一个明显的高峰,每100网虫量成虫272头,若虫92头。两种广翅蜡蝉均以卵在樟树、海桐、柑橘类、桃树类、苹果、中华文姆、金弹子、女桢、小叶女贞、桂花、茶花、紫薇、迎春、映山红、乌桕、梧桐等寄主枝条上越冬。3、成虫习性,广翅蜡蝉成虫均有趋光性、趋荫性和群集性,稍受惊易飞翔;成虫产卵在寄主植物枝稍和叶背中脉处,卵成直线排列,多数2列,少数1列,着卵量与产卵部位有一定关系,在枝稍上平均每毫米1.2粒,叶片上平均每毫米0.8粒,着卵处常有白色絮状物覆盖;产卵枝稍有一定的选择性,在柑桔枝梢直径2-5mm的占85%以上,大于6mm,小于2mm的枝梢产卵为数很少;越冬卵历期长达180-210d,卵孵化率80%以上。若虫习性,若虫性活泼,有群集性。常数头在一起,若虫稍受惊即横行斜行斜走,并作孔雀开屏状动作,惊动过大时则跳跃;4月初孵化,体有白色棉毛状蜡丝,若虫常数头在一起排列于叶背、枝上,以剌吸叶汁危害寄主;若虫向着着卵枝梢附近的嫩枝和叶片移动,群集在叶片背面上危害且蜕皮,使叶片发黄,枯死。4、不同地点广翅蜡蝉种群数量差异明显,2007年7月13日铜仁市(阔叶林)的平均每百网圆纹广翅蜡蝉和八点广翅蜡蝉虫量最大,分别是146、121头;江口平均每百网虫量为52、43头,德江、玉屏、印江、思南、万山危害不严重。圆纹广翅蜡蝉和八点广翅蜡蝉与天敌昆虫类群草蛉、瓢虫、蜂类、蚂蚁、蜘蛛等有关系,其中与蜘蛛关系密切,在铜仁平均每百网虫量中蜘蛛为34头,应加强对蜘蛛的保护,充分发挥天敌的自然控制作用,减轻蜘蛛的跟随现象。5、抽样技术和空间格局研究结果表明,五点、随机、对角线3种抽样方法中对角线、五点与随机处理间每叶若虫数量极显著,3种抽样方法中随机、五点与对角线处理间每叶成虫数量极显著,3种抽样方法中对角线、五点与随机处理间每叶成虫、若虫数量总和不显著。成虫、若虫在南面及中部虫量最大,显著高于东、北、西面,在东、南、西、北、中不同方位上的虫量分布无显著差异。若虫、成虫及若虫成虫总和均在南面虫量最大,极显著高于东方、西方、北方及中部,与东方、西方、北方虫量分布为极显著差异。成虫与若虫总和在叶片上呈聚集分布,符合负二项分布数学模型。6、室内施药方法试验表明,室内3种方法以喷药法最好,其次浸药法,药后2d,用10%吡虫啉wp 1000倍、1500倍的处理,其喷药法与浸药法的虫口减退率均为100%。经过室内4种药效比较试验表明,10%吡虫啉WP稀释1000-2000倍、40%氧乐果稀释1300倍具有很强的防治效果,用药2d后,虫口减退率均为100%;室外田间药效试验表明:10%吡虫啉WP2000倍和40%氧乐果EC1300倍喷雾法防治,其防治作用很强,喷药10d后,虫口减退率分别为97.3%、91.8%,校正防效分别为96.7%、90.5%;另18%蚧扑净EC1200倍、20%三氯一哒EC3000倍喷雾法防治,也有一定防治作用,喷药10d后,虫口减退率分别为69.4%、67.2%,校正防效分别为64.7%、61.9%;各处理与清水对照处理达到极显著差异水平。

【Abstract】 In Tongren County of Guizhou,Species of Ricania and its main species of biology,ecology and the prevention and treatment were first reported in this article,the result was following:1.There were five species of Ricania in Tongren County by preliminary identify,that were:Pochazia gutifera walker,Ricania speculum Walker,Pochazia albomaculate Vhler., Ricania sublimbata Jacobi.,Euricania ocellus(Walker).Through investigating the main species in Tongren County were Pochazia gutifera walker.and Ricania speculum Walker.Pochazia gutifera walker.and Ricania speculum Walker.were one generation a year,while Pochazia albomaculate Vhler.and Ricania sublimbata Jacobi.were two generations a year.By systerm investigation to hear that Pochazia gutifera walker.and Ricania speculum Walker.were obvious peak plied on the camphor tree in August 11,2007,.the volume of every 100 adults webworm content was 272 adults and 92 nymphs.The egg of the two species were overwintering on the host branches of Camphor tree,Pittosporum,citrus,peach category,Apple,Chinese text el,the billiards,women-ching,lobular privet,sweet-scented osmanthus,camellia, Lagerstroemia indica,to greet the spring,azalea,Chinese Tallow,Indus and so on.3、The behavior of adults,the adults of Pochazia gutifera walker.had phototaxis shade and cluster,easy to fly by a little scared;adults producted eggs on host branches and midrib of blade black,their eggs arranged in a straight line,most of the 2 trains and afew of 1 train.a certain relationship was lying between the eggs and oviposition site.The mean number ofeggs is 1.2 every mm on the shoot and 0.8 on the leaf,white matter resembling cotton often coved on the oviposition site;there was a certain Selectivity to the shoot of oviposition,The eggs accounted for more than 85%in the Citrus shoot 2-5mm in diameter,a few eggs producted on the greater than 6mm and less than 2mm of the shoot;duration of overwintering eggs were up to 180-210d,egg hatching rate was over 80%.The behavior of nymphs,nymphs were lively and had cluster.They often aggregated, nymphs run away by lateropulsion and oblique with a little startled,and had peacock-like opening screen action,with too alarmed they would jump.They hatched in early April with white-silk cotton-like wax,nymphs aggregated online in branches and leaves,absorbing the host juice by spine;Nymphs moved toward the young shoots and leaves,the eggs were harming to them and molting by formicating,making the leaves yellow and die.4、In different locations,the number speices of Ricania were obvious differences.July 13, 2007 Tongren City(broad-leaved forest),the volume of every 100 adults webworm content of Pochazia albomaculate Vhler.And Ricania speculum Walker.the largest and were 146,121 separately.And Jiangkou were 52,43 separately while not serious in Dejiang Yuping Yinjiang Sinan and Wanshan.Pochazia gutifera walker.and Ricania speculum Walker.had relationship with their natural enemies of insect cicada groups Chrysopa,ladybug,bees,ants,spiders and so on and closely related to spiders.in Tongren volume of every 100 adults webworm content the spiders were 34,The first should be to strengthen the protection of the spider and give full play to the role of natural enemies of natural control,to reduce the phenomenon of the spider followng.5、Random pattern of space technology and research results showed that in the 3 random pattern of space technologies of 5 point,random and diagonal,the difference number of every leaf of nymphs was extremely significant between diagonal 5 point and random,and the difference number of every leaf of adults was extremely significant,while the sum of nymphs and adults was not extremely significant.Adults and nymphs were most in the south and center significantly higher than the east,north and west,in east,south,west,north and center different position there was no extremely significant.The sum of nymphs and adults was largest in south and extremly significantly higher than the East,West,North and Central.The sum of nymphs and adults were aggregating distribution on the leaves,according with mathematical model of negative binomial distribution.6、Indoor pesticide apply method tests showed that in the 3 kinds of methods the method of spraying drug was the best method,followed by the dipping drug method,after 2d,treated by 10%Imidacloprid wp 1000 times and 1500 times,decresae rate of spraying drug and dipping drug was all up to 100%.After 4 indoor comparative efficacy test showed that 10%of imidacloprid WP-fold diluted 1000-2000 times and 40%omethoate diluted 1,300 times had a strong effect,after spraying 2d,decresae rate was100%;Outdoor field efficacy test showed that: 10%Imidacloprid WP2000 times and 40%omethoate EC1300 times spray method had strong role in prevention and treatment,after spraying 10d,the insect decresae rate was 97.3%,and 91.8%separately,correction control effects were 96.7%and 90.5%separately;Otherwise 18% of the net head-scale EC1200 times and 20%triclosan Da EC3000 times spray method also had a certain role in prevention and treatment,after spraying 10d,the insect decresae rate was 69.4%and 67.2%separately,correction control effects were 64.7%and 61.9%separately;to deal with the clear water,all treatments were up to to very significance difference levels.

【关键词】 广翅蜡蝉科种类生物学生态学防治贵州铜仁
【Key words】 RicaniaSpeciesBiologyEcologyPrevention
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 贵州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期