

Study of Weathering Carbonate Rock by Rock Microorganism

【作者】 丁丽君

【导师】 连宾;

【作者基本信息】 贵州大学 , 微生物学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是世界上碳酸盐岩分布面积最大的国家,由于碳酸盐岩的风化溶蚀速率慢,成土速率更慢,且碳酸盐岩地区存在土层薄,土石结合差,降雨量较充沛,降水期较长,水土流失严重等状况,造成了碳酸盐岩地区石漠化日趋严重,因此研究碳酸盐岩的风化就显得十分重要。本文利用从碳酸盐岩中分离纯化出的101个微生物菌株,利用碳酸钙风化试验筛选出风化效率最高的一株细菌F8B008(地衣芽孢杆菌Bacillus licheniformis)和一株真菌FeM001(曲霉属Aspergillus sp.)。研究了这两种微生物对碳酸盐岩的风化作用过程与机理,初步探讨了微生物在碳酸盐岩风化中的高效性应用。采用液体培养方法研究了3株细菌和3株真菌对碳酸盐岩风化作用,结果表明,微生物可以促进碳酸盐岩的风化,不同微生物之间存在对碳酸盐岩风化速率的差异,大致表现出真菌(FeM001>FeM002>BYwM020)>细菌(BYB013>F8B008>GZKB01)的趋势。温度和机械作用对碳酸盐岩的风化影响不大,第10d时Ca2+浓度在20-30ug/mL之间;无机酸对碳酸盐岩的风化作用较人,考虑到微生物的广泛分布和惊人的繁殖能力,在已有研究结果的基础上提出微生物对碳酸盐岩的风化作用远大于化学对碳酸盐岩的风化作用。对碳酸盐岩的微生物风化作用过程研究发现,真菌对碳酸盐岩的风化作用主要是吸附包裹,细菌则以吸附为主,这造成真菌对碳酸盐岩的风化能力普遍大于细菌,微生物对碳酸盐岩的包裹或者吸附能力是影响到对碳酸盐岩风化能力强弱的重要因素;接种量、菌种转接次数、微生物的繁殖能力、生长速率、嗜碳酸盐岩性等都是微生物风化碳酸盐岩的影响因素。微生物的代谢产物对碳酸盐岩风化也有着很大影响,柠檬酸和曲酸对碳酸盐岩风化有很强的作用(风化效率达到30‰以上),乙酸对碳酸盐岩风化作用不明显;乳糖、多糖对碳酸盐岩的风化效率分别为:0.09‰、4.95‰;乳糖风化碳酸盐岩作用不明显,多糖对碳酸盐岩的风化作用较大(风化效率达到5‰左右);微生物产生的碳酸俄酐酶有促进碳酸盐岩风化的作用,并且可能是微生物蛋白中主要对碳酸盐岩起风化作用的蛋白质。试验还发现外界因素如机械作用、温度和pH值等都是微生物风化碳酸盐岩的重要因素。论文从地质微生物和微生物地球化学的角度探讨了微生物对碳酸盐岩的风化作用,为这一领域的研究提供了基础资料,研究结果增进了对碳酸盐岩微生物风化作用过程和机理的认识,并为碳酸盐岩地区石漠化治理提供了新的思路。

【Abstract】 Our country has the largest carbonate rock dispersal area in the world since the weathering speed of carbonate rock is slow the speed of carbonate rock to change into soil is evenslower. Futher, the soil layer of carbonate rocks area is thin, the capability of soil bonding with stone is lower, the rainfall amount is quite abundant and the precipitation is long, and the soil and water loss is serious, it has created the stone desert of carbonate rocks areas. Therefore, the result obtained in this work could have a significant impact on studies of carbonate rock with the microorganism weathering. A total of 101 different kinds of microorganisms separated from carbonate rock was used in the screening with the highest weathering efficiency microorganisms, bacterium F8B008 (Bacillus licheniformis.) and fungus FeM001 (Aspergillus sp.) using CaC03 weathering test. The carbonate rock weathering process and mechanism of these two kinds of microorganisms and the application of highly effective weathering carbonate rock of microorganism was also studied.The mechanism and the process of F8B008 and FeM001 weather carbonate rock was investigated using submerged fermentation. The result indicated that microorganism could promote carbonate rock weathering, the speed between the different microorganism weather carbonate rock is different and the tendency is fungus (FeM001>FeM002>BYwM020)> bacterium (BYB013>F8B008>GZKBO1). The temperature and the mechanical did not influence the carbonate rock weathering to a signaificant extent, achieving 20-30ug/mL in 10d. The promoter action of inorganic acid which makes decent to carbonate rock is strong but is much higher than in the external environment microorganism quantity of the inorganic acid content and, as the microorganism are living things there is continuous reproduction so long as the nutrition is sufficient, therefore the present study considers the microorganism is better than chemistry in the ability to enhance the carbonate rocks weathering. The experiment revealed that fungi to carbonate rocks sufficiently primarily absorbs the bacterium allowing the fungus to to the carbonate rocks with a greater efficiency. The microorganism is generally affects the decency strong and the weak to the carbonate rocks package or adsorptive capacity the factor; The vaccination quantity, generation cycle, microorganism’s reproduction ability, and growth speed are addicted to the carbonate morphology and so on all are the microorganism decency carbonate rocks influence factors. Microorganism’s metabolite has very tremendous influence to the carbonate rocks decency, the citric acid and kojic acid has very strong function to the carbonate rocks decency (weathering efficiency to achieve 30‰above), the ethanoic acid is not obvious to the carbonate rocks weathering efficiency; The lactose, the polysaccharide to the carbonate rocks weathering efficiency respectively are:0.09‰,4.95‰; The lactose function relations is not big, the polysaccharide function is big (weathering efficiency to achieve 5‰about); Microorganism’s carbonic anhydrase has the function which the promotion carbonate rocks make decent, and took in the microorganism protein mainly gets windy to the carbonate rocks the function protein. The experiment also discovered the outside factor mechanical effect, the temperature, the pH value all are the microorganism decency carbonate rocks primary factors.In the experiment discovered, microorganism when decency carbonate rocks may fall low-water the chemical oxygen demand, has the degeneration function to the heavy metal manganese.In the paper, the process and mechanism of carbonate rock weathering by microorganism were studied from the microorganism geochemistry angle, which could supply evidences of the field in the world. Theory and method of advantageous in enhances the carbonate rocks to make decent the earth speed, compared with other report, the speed of carbonate rock to change into soil was enhanced, it provids one rationale how to prevent the stone desert of carbonate rock areas.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 贵州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】P512.1;P588.245
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】320
  • 攻读期成果