

Smallanthus Sonchifolius High-yield Cultivation Technology

【作者】 何长松

【导师】 陆引罡; 彭义;

【作者基本信息】 贵州大学 , 农业资源利用, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究将雪莲果引种到贵州中部地区,以种球繁殖的方式进行种植,采用不同的用种量,不同的播种时期,不同的种植密度,不同的施肥期与施肥量的方式对雪莲果的高产栽培技术进行研究,并采用不同的田间管理方式探讨我省雪莲果的最佳栽培管理模式。试验结果表明:(1)不同的用种量直播,虽然对雪莲果的产量影响不够显著,但从生产角度出发,降低投入产出比,提高出苗整齐度,最适宜的用种量应该是每株用种球50克。(2)不同的播种期对雪莲果的产量影响明显,在贵州中部地区开春后的2月上、中旬直播入土的雪莲果产量最高。(3)通过雪莲果的种植密度试验得出,采用不同的种植密度,单株产量和单位面积(亩)产量不相同。种植密度为80cm×60cm时单株产量最高,而种植密度为80cm×40cm时单位面积产量最高,在农业生产中,我们追求的是提高群体(亩)产量,所以在实际生产中适宜的种植密度应是80cm×40cm为宜。(4)通过化学肥料试验得出对雪莲果产量起关键作用的是氮肥的施用,要达到雪莲果的高产,除保证4000公斤/667m2的腐熟有机肥之外,实际化肥施用量应是氮肥34.9Kg/667m2,磷肥44.4Kg/667m2,钾肥30Kg/667m2。(5)通过试验得出,不同的田间管理方式对雪莲果的产量和外观品质有很大的影响。一是出苗后15天即进行早耕,并采用每株保留壮苗4-5枝的方式间苗可提高雪莲果产量;二是在7-9月的雪莲果旺盛生长期适时浇水不但可以提高雪莲果产量,而且可以减少果实裂纹,对生产中提高商品果的产出率起着关键性的作用。

【Abstract】 In this study, Smallanthus sonchifolius has been introduced to the central region of Guizhou, planting with propagation ways, carry on an investigation into snow lotus fruit High-yielding cultivation technology which the ways using different numbers of seed with different sowing times and in different planting densities, different amount of fertilizer application period and fertilization methods and adopt different field management to discuss the best cultivation management of Smallanthus sonchifolius in our province. The results show that:(1)Different numbers of seeds with direct seeding did’t had enough influence, but from the perspective of production, reducing input-output ratio to improve germination uniformity, the most suitable weight should be 50 grams per plant.(2)Different seedtime have a great influence on yield of the Smallanthus sonchifolius, their highest yield was which direct seeding in Guizhou center region on early February.(3)Through the Smallanthus sonchifolius planting density experiment obtained that using different planting density, yield per plant and unit area (mu) production are different., When Planting density of 80cm x 60cm the highest yield per plant, while the planting density of 80cm x 40cm, the highest yield per unit area. In agricultural production, what we need is to improve the groups (mu) production, so in actual production of suitable planting density should be 80cm x 40cm.(4)Obtained from chemical fertilizer experiments on Smallanthus sonchifolius we can know that nitrogen fertilizer play a key role in the production of Smallanthus sonchifolius, to achieve high-yield Smallanthus sonchifolius, beside to ensure that 4000 kilograms/667 m2 of the decomposition of organic fertilizer, the actual amount of chemical fertilizer nitrogen should be 34.9 Kg/667 m2,44.4Kg/667 m2 phosphate and potash 30Kg/667 m2(5)Obtained from experiment, different field management have great influence on Smallanthus sonchifolius’s production and appearance quality. The first 15 days after emergence to early farming and adopt mode that retain strong seedling 4-5 per plant can increase Smallanthus sonchifolius’s production; Second, in the July-September growth period of Smallanthus sonchifolius strong timely watering will not only improve the fruit production, but also can reduce fruit cracking, and that play a crucial rule of improve output rate of the production.

【关键词】 雪莲果栽培技术产量
【Key words】 Smallanthus sonchifoliuscultivation technologyyield
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 贵州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期