

The Effect of Different Phosphorus Nutrition Levels on the Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Newhall Navel Orange

【作者】 王立新

【导师】 樊卫国;

【作者基本信息】 贵州大学 , 果树学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 以嫁接1年生枳砧纽荷尔脐橙(Newhall navel orange)幼树为材料,采用土培和营养液培养的方法分别对其进行5.00mg-kg-1、25.00mg-kg-1、45.00mg-kg-1、65.00mg-kg-1、85.00mg-kg-1、105.00mg-kg-1、125.00mg-kg-1 7个不同供磷水平处理和O.OOmg·L-1、5.00mg-L-1、25.00mg-L-1、45.00mg-L-1、65.00mg-L-1、85.00mg-L-1、105.OOmg-L-1、125.00mg-L-’8个不同供磷水平的处理。研究了不同供磷水平对枳砧纽荷尔脐橙地上部及根系生长发育状况、根系活力、光合特性、酸性磷酸酶活性、叶片矿质营养元素含量、培养介质及土壤根际pH值的影响;分析评价了不同供磷水平对纽荷尔脐橙生长、叶片矿质营养含量水平及部分生理指标的影响程度;初步确定了纽荷尔脐橙土壤磷养分供应的适宜浓度。试验结果表明:土壤供磷水平为25.00mg-kg-1-45.00mg-kg-1时,纽荷尔脐橙生长旺盛,生长势强于其它供磷水平处理;供磷水平低于25.00mg·kg-1和大于45.00mg-kg-1,其生长都明显受到抑制。土壤供磷水平为25.00mg-kg-1时,纽荷尔脐橙株高最高;生物量及干物质量最大,分别达到118.05g/株和63.47g/株,45.00mg-kg-1的处理次之;在土壤供磷水平为25.00mg-kg11时根冠比最小,为1.11,而45.00mg-kg-1处理为1.12。在营养液培养条件下,供磷水平为25.00mg·L-1-45.00mg-L-1时,根系生长良好。供磷水平低于25.00mg·L-1和大于45.00mg·L-1,其生长都明显受到抑制。供磷水平45.00mg·L-1时,根系表面积最大,达到137.14cm2/株;根系总长和根系体积在25.00mg-L-1处理下最大,分别达到307.54cm/株和4.85cm3/株,45.00mg·L-1次之;根系活力在25.00mg-L-1、45.00mg-L-1和65.00mg·L-1处理之间没有明显差异,但以45.00mg-L-1处理最大,为1.73mg-h-1·g-1FW。供磷水平为25.00mg-kg-1-45.00mg·kg-1时,磷养分的合理供应提高了纽荷尔脐橙叶片各种营养元素的有效性,纽荷尔脐橙叶片各营养元素含量都达到适宜值范围。土壤供磷水平为25.00mg·kg-1时,纽荷尔脐橙叶片中氮、磷、钾、钙、镁、铁、铜、锌、锰、硼含量都达到适宜值范围,其值分别达到2.58%,0.14%,1.03%,3.87%,0.31%,128.43mg-kg-1, 7.25mg·kg-1,22.39mg-kg-1,26.58mg-kg-1,46.14mg·kg-1;而在45.00mg-kg-1的处理下含量次之,且上述营养元素的含量值也处于适量范围。在供磷水平为5.00mg-kg-1条件下,纽荷尔脐橙叶片中氮(营养液培养条件低于5.00mg-L-1的处理)、磷、镁、锌、硼、锰的含量显著降低,处于缺乏水平;随供磷水平的增加,含量明显上升,但上升的幅度逐渐减弱;供磷水平大于85.00mg·kg-1,纽荷尔脐橙叶片中氮含量低于2.50%,硼含量低于37.00mg·kg-1都处于缺乏范围;供磷水平为125.00mg·kg-1时,纽荷尔脐橙叶片中钾含量低于1.00%,也处于缺乏范围;65.00mg-kg-1-125.00mg-kg-1处理下纽荷尔脐橙叶片中锌含量都处于缺乏范围。土壤供磷水平为25.00mg·kg-1时,净光合速率、蒸腾速率和水分利用率都最大,上午10:00时分别达到7.66μmolCO2m-2-s-1,1.85μmolCO2m-2-s-1,4.14mmol·mol-1;在供磷水平低于25.00mg·kg-1和大于45.00mg·kg-1条件下,光合速率、蒸腾速率和水分利用率都受到不同程度的抑制,叶绿素含量也明显降低;土培条件下,25.00mg-kg-1处理的光合速率日变化明显高于其他各处理,45.00mg-kg-1处理次之。土培和水培在供磷水平低于25.00mg·kg-1(mg·L-1)条件下,土壤pH值和根际pH值都降低,生长环境酸化;纽荷尔脐橙根系、根系分泌性、叶片和培养土壤的酸性磷酸酶活性显著提高。随供磷水平的增加,pH值上升,酸性磷酸酶活性明显降低。

【Abstract】 In this study, the materials were Newhall navel oranges planted one-year which were grafted on Newhall navel orange. The treatments of soil culture method have seven different phosphorus levels, including 5.00mg-kg-1,25.00mg-kg-1,45.00mg-kg-1,65.00mg-kg-1,85.00mg-kg-1, 105.00mg-kg-1,125.00mg-kg-1. At the same time, the nutrient solution cultivations with eight different phosphorus levels were also studied. They were O.OOmg-L-1,5.00mg-L-1,25-OOmg-L-1, 45.00mg-L-1,65.00mg-L-1,85.00mg-L-1,105.00mg·L-1 and 125.00mg-L-1.The effects of different phosphorus levels on Newhall navel orange growth and development of root activity, photosynthetic characteristics, acid phosphatase, the content of mineral nutrients of the leaf and soil cultivation medium pH values of rhizosphere were studied, and level Newhall navel orange growth, mineral nutrient content of leaf level and some physiological indicators were also analyzed and evaluated. Suitable nutrient concentration of soil phosphorus supply were determined preliminary on Newhall navel orange.The study showed that, under the condition of the phosphorus levels whose were 25.00mg-kg-1 and 45.00mg-kg-1, the growth of Newhall navel orange were vigorous, and the Newhall navel orange growth potential was stronger than the other phosphorus treatment, and the growth of Newhall navel orange are subject to different degrees inhibition when the phosphorus level was lower than the 25.00mg-kg-1 or higher than 45.00mg-kg-1. Under the condition of the phosphorus level of 25.00mg-kg-1 in soil, Newhall navel orange plant height, total biomass and dry matter were all the highest or largest,118.05g per plant and 63.47g per plant, but the root shoot ratio was the smallest and it was 1.12. To the root shoot ratio, the second lever was 45.00mg·kg-1.Under the condition of the phosphorus levels on water cultivation whose were 25.00mg-L-1 and 45.00mg-L-1, the growth of Newhall navel orange roots were well,and the growth of Newhall navel orange are subject to different degrees inhibition when the phosphorus level was lower than the 25.00mg-L-1 or higher than 45.00mg-L-1.When the phosphorus was at the level of 45.00mg-L-1, the root surface area was the largest, it was to 137.14cm2 per plant. But root length and root volume was the largest with 25.00mg-L’1 phosphorus, it was to 307.54cm per plant and 4.85cm3 per plant, the second lever was 45.00mg-L-1.There were no significant differences among the level of 25.00mg-L-1,45.00mg-L-1 and 65.00mg-L-1 on the root activity, and it was the largest to 1.73mg-h-1-g-1FW when the Newhall navel orange trees were treated with 45.00mg-L-1 phosphorus.The phosphorus fertilizer accelerated the effective absorption of the other mineral elements. Under the condition of the phosphorus levels with 25.00mg-kg-1 and 45.00mg-kg-1, it were optimum level to the mineral element of Newhall navel orange leaf. When the phosphorus was 25.00mg-kg11, the Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium,Iron, Copper, Zinc, Manganese,B conten were optimum level,the nutrient of Newhall navel orange leaf contents were to 2.58%,0.14%,1.03%,3.87%,0.31%,128.43mg-kg-1,7.25mg·kg-1,22.39mg-kg-1,26.58mg-kg-1, 46.14mg-kg-1,these nine mineral element contents were all in the fit range of our country which was used to evaluate the nutrient of Newhall navel orange, and the level of 45.00mg-kg-1 was also in this range, and it was better than the level of 25.00mg-kg-1.When the phosphorus level at 5.00 mg-kg-1, the nitrogen (in the nutrient solution culture under the conditions of 5.00mg-kg-1.), magnesium, zinc, boron and manganese contents were all significantly reduced in the absent level. With the phosphate increasing, these five mineral elements contents increased significantly, but the increasing extent was gradually smaller. When the phosphate levels was higher than 85.00mg-kg-1, the nitrogen content is no more than 2.50% and belonged to the lack level. When the phosphorus level was 125.00mg-kg-1,the potassium content was less than 1.00%, and it was also in the lack of reference, and when the phosphorus was between 65.00mg-kg-1 and 125.00mg·kg-1,, the zinc content of Newhall navel orange leaf was in a lack of range.When the phosphorus in the soil was 25.00mg-kg-1, Pn., Tr. and WUE were the largest, up to 7.66μmolCO2m-2·s-1,1.85μmolCO2m-2·s-1,4.14mmol·mol-1 at 10:00am.When the phosphorus were below 25.00mg-kg-1 or higher than 45.00mg-kg-1, Pn., Tr., WUE. of Newhall navel orange were subject to different degrees of inhibition, the chlorophyll contents were all significantly reduced. At the soil culture conditions, at the 25.00mg-kg-1 phosphorus content, the photosynthetic rate of a day and transpiration rate were all higher than the other contents, the second lever was 45.00mg-L-1.Under the conditions of soil culture and cultured in nutrient solution for the phosphate levels lower than 25.00mg-kg-1(mg-L-1), the soil pH values and the rhizosphere pH were all lowered, and cultivate environmental was acidification,and acid the phosphatase activity to increase in Newhall navel orange roots, roots acid phosphatase’s secretion, leaves and culture medium soil. With the phosphate increasing, the pH values raise and acid phosphatase activity to significantly reduced.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 贵州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期