

【作者】 肖旭东

【导师】 陶平; 杜定全; 杨光忠;

【作者基本信息】 贵州大学 , 矿物学·岩石学·矿床学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文概述了研究区区域成矿地质背景和地质矿产特征,在野外地质调查、典型剖面研究、室内观察分析测试所取得的大量资料、数据的基础上,重点从研究区金矿化类型、控矿因素、矿物特征、微量元素地球化学特征以及找矿远景区等几个方面,对黎平古邦金矿化区进行了系统研究,得出以下几点认识:1、研究区主要金矿化类型为蚀变岩型金矿化,局部地段存在石英脉型金矿与蚀变岩型金矿相伴生的现象。推测在古邦北东向亚罕复式背斜的轴面位置以及伴生小构造中的顺层滑脱带或层间剥离空间产出石英脉型金矿,但规模不大。2、亚罕复式背斜为区内主要背斜构造,其次级褶皱构造控制区内主要蚀变(断裂)带和劈理的发育和展布。具体表现在区内金矿点(化)和蚀变带主要受亚罕复式背斜北西翼区域性北东向古邦逆断层和高青地坪断层及其次生断裂F3、F4、F5所控制。3、通过野外观察、镜下鉴定以及电子探针分析在区内发现明金、黄铁矿、毒砂、臭葱石、褐铁矿、方铅矿、赤铁矿、石英、重晶石、云母、伊利石、钠长石、金红石、锆石、绿泥石和粘土矿物等;另外在区内还发现了稀土矿物,其中以独居石居多。伊利石、金红石、铬铁矿、锆石、重晶石、钠长石以及独居石这几种矿物为区内首次发现。这些发现,有助于该区金矿化类型及找矿前景研究。4、通过野外研究以及微量元素与金的相关性分析,对研究区内金矿找矿标志有了系统的认识。硅化、毒砂化、黄铁矿化、磁铁矿化、辉锑矿化等蚀变的叠加部位,尤其是前三者叠加部位,是较有效的找矿标志。5、稀土元素配分模式表明石英脉型金矿化成矿物质主要来源于地壳深部,但是结合前人的研究表明,部分来源于围岩。蚀变岩型金矿体(化)成矿物质大部分来源于深部,小部分来源于围岩。6、区内蚀变岩型金矿找矿范围应主要集中在亚改附近褪色蚀变带与高青地坪断层及其次生断裂的结合部位。石英脉型金矿与蚀变岩型金矿相伴生的复合型金矿找矿范围应集中在古邦正东面D3地质点附近,其表面存在着顺层石英脉型金矿化,深部可能存在蚀变岩型金矿。7、根据“3+1”项目组工作及本次研究,在区内圈出3个找矿远景区。

【Abstract】 This article has stated the regional geological background of the study area and characteristics of geology and mineral resources.According to the large amounts data of geological survey in the field, research of the typical section,analysis and measurement indoor,the focus is the type of gold deposit, ore-controlling factors,mineral characteristics,geochemistry of trace elements and prospecting areas,researching Gubang gold deposit systematically and forming the following points:1、the main gold deposit types of area is altered rock-type gold deposits,and in local section quartz vein type gold deposit and the altered rock-type gold deposits accompany.Speculate that gold quartz vein exists in axial location of Yahan double anticline and the associating structure in the small slip with bedding or stripping space between layers,but gold mine is small.2、Yahan double anticline is the major anticline structure for the region,and secondary drape structures control the development and distribution of the main alteration envelope and cleavage. Specific fact is that the mining point of gold and the alteration zone is mainly affected by North-Eastern regional Gubang fault which is in the north-western part of Yahan double anticline and Gaoqingdi fault and secondary fault F3,F4,F5.3、Through field observation,microscopy and electron microprobe analysis in the district found out gold,pyrite,arsenopyrite,smelly green stone,limonite,galena,hematite,quartz,barite,mica,illite, albite,rutile,zircon,chlorite and clay minerals and so on are found;the rare-earth minerals are also discovered in the deposit,in which the most one is monazite.Illite,rutile,chromite,zircon,barite,albite, are found for the first time in the region.These findings contribute to the research of the area gold mineralization type and the prospect.4.Through field research,as well as trace elements’ analysis of relativity,a systematical opinion was formed about the prospecting signs.The superposition parts of silicification,alteration of arsenopyrite and pyrite and magnetite and Stibnite,especially the superposition parts of silicification and alteration of arsenopyrite and pyrite are more effective signs for prospecting.5.REE patterns show that the minerals of gold quartz vein mainly come from the deep,but some of the minerals are from the wall rock according to previous research,materials of the altered rock-type gold body mainly comes from the deep,a few of them come from wall rock. 6、The district of prospecting altered rock-type gold should be mainly concentrated in the vicinity of the sub-bleaching alteration zone,the Gaoqingdiping fault and secondary binding sites of fracture. The area in which quartz vein type gold deposit and altered rock-type gold deposits are found should be near the east of Gubang D3 geological point,quartz vein type gold deposit exists through the bedding in the surface,there may have the altered rock-type gold deposits in the deep.7、In accordance with the work of "3+1" project team and the study,circled three prospect areas in the region.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 贵州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期