

Feasibility Study of Frequency Conversion Transformation for the Auxiliary Machine in Fossil Fuel Power Plant

【作者】 冯英

【导师】 刘敏; 陶永红;

【作者基本信息】 贵州大学 , 电气工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国国民经济的发展,科学发展观、可持续发展、建设集约型社会得到了党中央、国务院的高度关注和大力提倡,并把节约优先、效率为本作为我国能源政策的首要任务。电网迅速发展,对机组的调峰能力要求越来越高,调节辅机以适应电力安全、经济运行,直接影响到电厂的安全性和发电成本,许多国内发电厂采用了变频技术进行技术改造,并取得了很好的效果。本论文根据电厂的现有运行情况,参照国内类似300MW机组的节能技术改造情况,对某电厂内部的部分主要辅机设备(包括氧化风机、增压风机、引风机、一次风机和凝结水泵等)的变频改造进行可行性研究,以达到降低电厂发电标煤耗、减轻环境污染、节约用水、节约厂用电的目的,以改造换节能、以节能换效益,不仅技术上先进可行,而且将带来良好的社会效益和节约效益。从投资估算和财务评价可知,该改造项目总投资为3928万元,技术改造项目完成后,每年可产生的总节能收益为2439.251万元,电厂的发电标煤耗将由原来的325.6g/kW·h降低为322.33g/kW·h,预计每年将节约标煤量约2.5481万吨,可减少SO2排放量约22.4542吨,可减少烟尘排放量约2.8064吨,减少灰渣排放量约0.6033万吨。因此,该改造项目采用先进可行的节能技术改造技术,其节能技术改造效益显著,经济可行且具有良好的抗风险能力。

【Abstract】 Along with the development of our National Economic, the scientific outlook on development. Sustainable development and building the intensive society have been paid high attention and sparkplug vigorously by the Party’s Central Committee and the State Department. And the priority to saving and putting efficient as the root are the principal task of the policy of our energy sources. With the development of the power network, the ability of peak load regulation of the units is required higher and higher. To regulate the auxiliary machine to adapt for the safe and economical operation of the power plant will effect directly the safety and the generation cost of the power plant. The frequency conversion transformation technology is been adopted in many power plants in domestic, and gain good effect.In this paper, according to the condition of the power plant and refer to the technology transformation condition of the similar 300MW units in domestic, I took the feasibility study of frequency conversion transformation for the auxiliary equipment, including precipitator, oxidation fan, pressure fan, draft fan, primary air fan and condensate pump, to gain the goal of decreasing the standard coal consumption rate for generation, lightening the environment pollution, saving water and service power. That, to gain energy saving from reconstruction and gain benefit from energy saving, is not only advanced and feasible on technique, but also will bring upstanding social benefits and saving benefits.From the investment estimation and the financial evaluation, the total investment is 39280 thousand RMB, and after the compliment of the reconstruction, the standard coal consumption rate for generation will be reduced to 322.33g/kWh from 325.6 g/kWh, and 25.481 thousand tons of standard coal will be saved. Furthermore, the discharge amount of SO2, soot and slag will be decreased to 22.4542 tons, 2.8064 tons and 6033 tons for each.Therefore, The feasible economically advanced technology is been adopted in this renovation project, and it will bring remarkable benefit with good anti-risk ability.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 贵州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期