

The Investigation and Research on the Influencing Factors of the Development of Physical Education in Private Middle Schools in Xi’an

【作者】 高龙

【导师】 刘新民;

【作者基本信息】 西安体育学院 , 体育教学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究主要采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、现场调查法、访谈法、数理统计法和理论分析法,全面客观地对西安市民办中学学校体育发展现状及存在的问题进行调查和研究,并对其影响因素进行深入分析,结果归纳如下:(1)在高考人才选拔制度和传统认识观念的影响下,不论是上级教育主管部门、学校领导,还是家长、学生,甚至是体育教师,他们在不同程度上对学校体育的地位和作用都存在认识不足、重视不够的现象,从各方面制约民办中学学校体育的健康发展。缺乏重视是影响西安市民办中学学校体育发展的最主要因素之一。(2)民办中学为了发展、为了经济利益的最大化,在扩大班级人数的同时提高教师工作课时量,直接结果是民办中学体育教师人员缺口大、工作繁重,间接结果是师生比缩小,不论是课堂安全性还是课堂教学效果上都大打折扣。所以,对于西安市民办中学来说,教师不足是制约其健康发展的又一影响因素。(3)为了最大限度地降低办学风险和投入,许多民办中学减少甚至取消了比较容易出现运动伤害事故的体操类器材和场地的配置,限制场地和器材的使用。体育场地和器材的缺乏成为制约民办中学学校体育发展的主要影响因素之一。(4)上级主管部门缺乏对西安市民办中学学校体育的有效监管,导致民办中学学校体育开展不规范,校内各级负责学校体育的管理者或部门管理不到位,限制了民办中学学校体育的健康发展。缺乏管理是制约西安市民办中学学校体育发展的主要因素之一。最后,针对西安市目前民办中学学校体育的发展现状,提出了一些促进西安市民办中学学校体育发展的可行性建议。

【Abstract】 This essay used different ways of analysis investigating and researching the existing problems comprehensively and objectively in the development of the PE lessons in the middle school, and analyzed the influencing factors thoroughly. The results are as follows:(1) Under the effect of the traditional thinking about the university selection system, people paid less attention to physical education in a way ranging from educational authorities to school leaders, from parents to PE teachers. Lacking attention is one of the most important factors affecting the development of the physical education in the private middle schools.(2) Private schools expand greatly recently in order to develop and maximize the economic profit. The expansion, at the same time, directly resulted in the shortage of the PE teacher in the private middle schools and overwork, and indirectly led to the inefficiency of the class security and teaching effectiveness. Therefore, for the private middle schools in Xi’an, the deficiency of the teacher is another factor affecting the development of the physical education.(3) In order to minimize the risk and investment of running a school, many private schools reduced or even canceled the activities and the facilities which are difficult or more likely to get hurt. The shortage of the playground and facilities also constrained the development of the physical education in the private middle schools.(4) The educational authority lack proper supervision to the private middle schools in Xi’an, which led to the non-standard development of physical education. The management of the school leaders is not in place, which also restricted the development of the physical education. Therefore, lacking of the management is another factor that limited the development of physical education.All in all, the essay brought about some feasible suggestions to improve the physical education in the privates education according to the present situations in the private schools in Xi’an..

  • 【分类号】G807.04
  • 【下载频次】130