

A Research into the Needs and Uses of the Medical Service of TCM in the Community of Shandong Province

【作者】 杨春涛

【导师】 尹爱田;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 中医药学是我国的传统医学,是中华民族优秀文化的重要组成部分,为中华民族的繁衍昌盛和人类健康做出了不可磨灭的贡献。长期以来,中医药以其特有的优势和特色,在基层卫生服务中发挥着独特的不可替代的作用,成为我国医疗卫生事业的一个亮点和特色。中医药融入社区卫生服务,是由中医药具有的显著疗效和特色优势决定的,是时代发展的需要,也是开展好社区卫生服务工作的必然选择。社区中医药卫生服务对于解决目前卫生领域“看病难、看病贵”难题,健全医疗保健服务体系,保障社区居民身体健康、促进社会和谐,促进中医药事业发展具有重要意义。山东作为中医药的发祥地之一,中医药事业发展相对较快,其社区中医药卫生服务取得一定的成绩,具有一定代表性。本研究目的是调查山东省社区中医药卫生服务的需求和利用水平,对其影响因素进行分析,发现目前社区中医药卫生服务中存在的问题,并针对以上问题提出改进措施和建议。本文通过文献分析、问卷调查和现场访谈等研究方法,对山东省三个市区的社区居民的社区中医药卫生服务需求和利用情况进行调查研究,并用统计学原理进行分析。本文的主要研究结果是:社区中医药卫生服务与中医药能够提供的服务不相称,利用不充分,特色发挥不充分,创新不足,中医药知识宣传不够,社区居民对中医药了解不够充分,社区中医药文化氛围不够。建议要在社区卫生服务中大力弘扬中医药文化;开展社区中医药科普宣传,加强中医药健康教育;以群众卫生健康需求为出发点,不断创新社区中医药卫生服务;突出中医药特色,开展形式多样的社区中医药卫生服务;以社区卫生服务需要为重点,推广和应用中医药适宜技术。

【Abstract】 Traditional Chinese medicine is an important component of the Chinese culture and has made great contributions to the prosperity and development of the whole nation. It plays an essential role in community hygiene for a long period of time, thus being the unique feature of our national health-care services.Due to its significant clinical efficacy, TCM serves the community hygiene,which is also the result of the development of society. TCM serving for the community is of great importance in resolving issues such as the difficulty and high cost of getting medical service, making our medical establishment more perfect, ensuring the health of community residents, promoting a harmonious society. TCM has developed rapidly in Shandong Province, which is considered as one cradle of TCM. A lot of achievements have been made on TCM in community medical services, which is more typical.This study is carried out to investigate the needs and utilization of TCM in community hygiene in Shandong Province, to make an analysis on its influential factors, to find the problems and their improving measures. By means of literal analysis, questionnaire method and interview, we made a study on the needs of TCM in community medical services in three cities in Shandong Province and analyzed it statistically.Results: Inadequate needs for TCM in community medical services, lack of innovation and propaganda of TCM, little information of TCM available for the community residents. Suggestions :Propagating the TCM culture,improving popularization health education of TCM, conducting various popularized activities to meet the needs of community medical services.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】R197.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】228