

Zaozhuang City, Family Planning Management and Service Studies

【作者】 张超

【导师】 张锡恩;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 公共管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着市场经济的发展,流动人口日益增加,枣庄市是传统农业型城市,庞大的农业流动人口大军构成的农民工,成为城市各类重体力、艰苦行业的劳动主体;作为以煤兴城的老工业城市,目前在大力发展煤化工产业、机床制造业、旅游服务业、纺织及物流业的同时,涌入枣庄市的外来流动人口也不在少数。至2008年底,枣庄市流动人口已达9.98万,其对枣庄经济社会发展的影响十分突出。城乡流动人员数量庞大且流动性强,居无定所,变更频繁,这给计划生育管理工作带来了新的困难和问题,特别是流动人员政策外生育的管理难度很大,往往出现管不住和无法管的困难。为此,根据对枣庄流动人口管理现状的研究和分析,探索出适合枣庄本地实际情况,顺应社会文明和经济发展的管理和服务新机制,切实做好流动人口的计划生育管理和服务工作,势在必行,刻不容缓。作为国务院审批的全国第二批资源枯竭型城市之一,枣庄的发展必须立足现有工业体系,积极进行产业升级,努力走资源节约型、环境友好型、科技领先型之路,控制人口数量、提高人口素质、优化人口结构是当前枣庄各级人口计生部门及政府部门发展枣庄的重中之重,而流动人口的管理和服务不完善及流动人口计划生育外生育难控制正是制约枣庄人口计生事业发展的难点,本论文在其他专家和学者的研究基础上,立足枣庄实际,查阅众多资料,用大量翔实的数据来证明本人的观点,结合当前全国流动人口管理的新形势,以理论指导实际,探讨出适合枣庄本地情况的流动人口管理方式的思路和建议,探讨分析流动人口管理现状及存在的问题和原因分析,指出枣庄的流动人口发展思路、完善措施、管理模式,并有针对性地对流动人口管理工作提出改进措施,必将对枣庄的经济发展和计划生育事业产生积极的影响。

【Abstract】 As the market economy, growing population mobility, Zaozhuang City is a traditional agricultural-based cities, the huge army of composition of the agricultural floating population of migrant workers into cities in all kinds of heavy physical, hard labor of the main industries; as coal Xingcheng of the old industrial city, at present to develop coal chemical industry, machine tool manufacturing industry, tourism and service industries, textiles and logistics industry, the influx of floating population in Zaozhuang City, there are also many. To the end of 2008, Zaozhuang city, the floating population has reached 99.8 thousand, its economic and social development impact of Zaozhuang very prominent. The large number of rural-urban movement of personnel and the liquidity, of no fixed abode, change frequently, which gives the management of family planning has brought new difficulties and problems, in particular, floating policy, the management of birth is very difficult, often then appear do not live and could not control difficulties.To this end, based on the status of Zaozhuang management of floating population research and analysis, to explore suitable Zaozhuang local conditions, conform to social civilization and economic development, management and service of new mechanisms to effectively do a good job of floating population family planning management and service work, potential will definitely go ahead without delay. State Council for approval as a second batch of the national resource-exhausted cities, Zaozhuang development must be based on the existing industrial system, and actively carry out industrial upgrading, and strive to take the resource-saving and environment-friendly, technologically advanced road-based, control population, to improve the population quality, optimizing population structure is currently Zaozhuang sector and government departments at all levels of family planning a top priority the development of Zaozhuang, while the floating population, inadequate management and service and mobile population, family planning, fertility is harder to control constraints Zaozhuang Population and Family Planning career development difficulties, the paper in other experts and scholars based on the study, based on the actual Zaozhuang, access to a number of data, with a large number of detailed data to prove my point of view, combined with the current management of floating population in the country the new situation, to the theory to guide practical to explore the local conditions suitable for the flow of population in Zaozhuang management ideas and suggestions to explore the management of floating population analysis of the status quo and existing problems and cause analysis, pointing out that the flow of population development in Zaozhuang ideas, improve measures, management models, and targeted the work of the floating population management improvement measures will certainly Zaozhuang’s economic development and family planning have a positive impact.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】C924.21
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】146