

Faunistic and Distribution Pattern Studies on Tenebrionidae of the North China Region (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidea)

【作者】 王凤艳

【导师】 任国栋;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 动物学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 华北动物区地处我国温带和亚热带的过渡地带,昆虫区系具有一定的特殊性。该区拟步甲区系分类研究虽有一定基础,但缺乏全面系统的总结工作。本研究在比较全面鉴定河北大学馆藏拟步甲标本,进行野外考察和采集并借用国内有关科研院所标本的基础上,对该区的拟步甲进行了比较全面地资料总结和种类总结,丰富了该区昆虫区系研究资料。全文行文10万余字,分为3个部分。第1部分简要介绍了华北动物区的古今自然概况、地理形成与变迁、昆虫区系研究背景;第2部分介绍了课题研究的材料与方法、野外考察情况及标本采集点分布图信息;第3部分介绍了种类目录、区系组成与分析、区系起源与演化、生物地理学等内容。全文论文共记述6亚科24族54属114种拟步甲,编制了亚科、族、属、种的检索表,列出了亚科、族、属的鉴别特征、引证文献和标本信息。取得如下主要研究成果:1.基本明确了华北动物区拟步甲的组成和区系特点。华北动物区已知的114种拟步甲,有5种区系成分,即古北种(48种)、古北+东洋共有种(40种)、特有种(18种)、广布种(7种)、东洋种(1种),分别占42.11%、35.09%、15.79%、6.14%和0.88%,其中以古北区成分最丰富,古北+东洋共有成分次之,特有成分相对贫乏。2.华北动物区拟步甲的分布类型与分布特点。华北动物区拟步甲在属、种级阶元上均突出地表现为以古北型占主体、古北+东洋型次之的分布特点;在属级阶元上前者占41.82%,后者占12.73%;在种级阶元上前者占57.89%,后者占35.09%;具体在中国动物地理区中,华北+蒙新型所占比例最高,华北型次之,分别是29.82%和25.44%;华北动物区拟步甲在总体组成上突出了古北型优势,古北-东洋共有型次之的特点。3.华北动物区是我国拟步甲分布的贫乏区。与中国其他动物地理区相比,该区的拟步甲区系组成总体表现为地域面积较大、分布种类分布较少的趋势。拟步甲分布以区域土栖种类占较大优势,树栖种类相对少;从辖区各省的种类分布来看,物种丰富度由多到少表现为陕西(48种)>河南(34种)>河北(31种)>北京(29种)>山西(29种)>山东(28种)。4.华北动物区拟步甲的区系总体具有古北区性质,与蒙新区亲缘关系更近,部分土栖种类可能是蒙新区起源,部分树栖种类可能是东洋区起源;在分布格局上,在蒙新区与华北动物区交界处呈现两区成分混杂现象;在该区与华中区交界处,呈现古北+东洋成分交融的现象,表现为混合分布。

【Abstract】 North China region lies between the North Temperate and Subtropical, the fauna is somewhat particular. Although with some foundation, the taxonomic study on Tenebrionidae from North China region needs a comprehensive and systematic study. Based on the data from field investigation and the results of identifying specimens deposited in Hebei University Museum and other research institutes, we make a more comprehensive summary of the Tenebrionidae from the area, which provide an additional information to the faunistic study of North China region.The dissertation contains one hundred thousands words, and divided into three parts. Part 1 briefed the ancient and modern overview of the natural, geographical formation and change, the background of insect fauna research of the North China region; Part 2 introduced the research materials and methods, as well as the field investigation information; Part 3 contains catalog of species, the faunistic component and analysis, the origin and evolution of the Tenebrionidae fauna from North China region, as well as the bio-geography. The dissertation recorded 114 species, belong to 54 genera,24 tribes and 6 subfamilies, provided the keys to subfamilies, tribes, genera and species that distributed in North China region, the diagnosis and cited literatures of each subfamily, tribe and genus, as well as the information of the examined specimens. Main research results obtained are as follows:1. Preliminarily make clear about the component and characteristics of the fauna on Tenebrionidae of North China. It has recorded 114 species up to now, belong to 54 genera,24 tribes,6 subfamilies. The 114 species contains five faunistic component, namely Palaearctic Region species (48), Palaearctic Region+ Oriental Region species (40), endemic species (18), widespread species (7) and Oriental Region species (1), the proportion accounted for 42.11%,35.09%,15.79%,6.14%,0.88%; Palaearctic Region species are predominate, Palaearctic Region + Oriental Region species take the second place, while relative lack of endemic species.2. Distribution types and distribution characteristic of Tenebrionidae on North China region. On the level of genera and species, it shows obviously that the Palaearctic Region type is dominate, Palaearctic Region + Oriental Region type in the second place. On the general level, the former type accounting for 41.82%, while the latter accounted for 12.73%; on species level, the former type accounting for 57.89%, while the latter accounting for 35.09%. In the zoogeographical regions of China, the Mon-Xin region+ North China region type shows the highest proportion, while North China region type takes the second place, the former one accounting for 29.82%, the latter one accounting for 25.44%. On the whole, the fauna on Tenebrionidae from North China region suggest that Palaearctic Region type is dominate, Palaearctic Region+ Oriental Region type in the second place.North China region is a district with relative less Tenebrionidae species. Compare with other regions, the fauna shows a trend with larger area and fewer species. As a whole, there are more soil darkling beetles than arboreal ones in the North China region. In the provincial distribution, the richness of the six provinces shows that:Shaanxi (48)> Henan (34)> Hebei (31)> Beijing (29)> Shanxi (29> Shandong (28).The Tenebrionidae fauna of The North China region shows the characteristic of Palaearctic Region, and suggest a closest relationship with the Mon-Xin region. Some soil species may be origin from Mon-Xin region, while some arboreal species from Oriental Region. In the distribution pattern, at the junction zone of Mon-Xin and North China region, the component is mixed, while at the junction of Central China and North China region, Palaearctic Region component mixed with the Oriental Region component.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】Q959
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】124