

Artistic Research and Influence of HanWo’s Poetry

【作者】 王碧昱

【导师】 詹福瑞;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 韩偓是晚唐五代时期的一位重要诗人,他以一种独特方式来感知世界和人生,其诗歌呈现出浓郁的唯美主义色彩。韩偓不同时期创作的诗歌呈现出异彩纷呈的风格特征:前期的香奁诗描写细致入微,较晚唐其他艳情诗诗人更注重人物丰富多变的内心世界,诗歌领域从对外部世界的描摹转向对人物内心世界的探微,进一步拓展了诗歌表现空间和深度,出色地把流行于唐代的仕女画技巧运用到诗歌创作当中,手法细腻委婉、风格绮艳悲恻。继承了自屈原以来的香草美人传统,借助比兴手法寄托了忠君爱国热忱无法实现的悲怆。中晚期的纪实诗生动翔实地记录了晚唐社会风雨飘摇的历史以及诗人艰难的心路历程,补史实之阙,堪称唐末“诗史”。晚期的山水诗是诗人皈依自然、渴求逃离现实羁绊的真实写照。无论是绮艳幽恻的香奁诗还是具有史诗性质的纪实诗抑或是清新自然的山水诗,都是其诗歌唯美主义倾向的体现,所取得的艺术成就在晚唐独树一帜。其诗歌艺术成就尤其是香奁诗对后世的诗歌、词、小说均产生了重大的影响。

【Abstract】 Han, Wo is a poet of great importance during the late Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties who perceived the world and life by a unique approach, which made his poetry an aestheticism feeling. Sorts of styles and characteristics of Han, Wo’s poetry were presented during his different creative period. His early XiangLian poems have detailed description and paid more attention to people’s various and changing inner world when compared with other poets at the same time, which made his poetry from the description of the outside world to discovery of deep inside and expand performance space and depth of poetry. Popular ladies painting technology during Tang Dynasty were used in his poem creativity with detailed and euphemism approach and flamboyant and sorrow style which absorb the traditional vanilla beauty culture from Qu, Yuan and reflect the sadness of unimplemented loyalty and patriotic enthusiasm by the method of Fu,Bi,Xing. In mid-term and advanced stage, Han, Wo’s poems were the vividly detailed documentary record of the turbulent history of Late Tang Dynasty and his rough life, which is called the "Epic" of Late Tang Dynasty. His late Landscape poems reflected Han, Wo’s mind of being back to nature and escaping from the mundane society. All of the beautiful and sorrow XiangLian poems and the epic record poems and the fresh and natural landscape poems are the presence of aestheticism, which had inimitable artistic achievement in the late Tang Dynasty and made a significant impact on the poetry and novel afterwards especially the XiangLian poems.

【关键词】 韩偓艺术特色唯美艺术接受史
【Key words】 Han WoArtistic FeaturesAestheticismArt reception history
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【下载频次】68