

The Thinking Theory of the Evaluation System of Academic Journals in the Communicating Environment of Network

【作者】 周艳霞

【导师】 陈燕;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 传播学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着网络传媒时代的到来,网络环境下的学术期刊评价引起了越来越多的关注,知识创新条件下,提高创新知识流的传播速度和传播效率已经成为学术期刊界所面临的最紧迫任务。随着社会高度发达对信息传播要求的提高,传统的学术期刊评价体系已经越来越不能适应学术期刊的评价要求,在这样的背景下,重新深入思考适合网络传播环境的学术期刊评价系统是非常必要的。基于这一认识,本文以阐述学术期刊评价在网络传播环境下的变化为切入点,首先回顾了学术期刊评价的历史及发展现状,从而对学术期刊评价历程进行了全景式的梳理;接着探讨了网络传播环境下学术期刊的评价概况,并对网络传播环境下的学术期刊评价体系进行以深入浅出的分析,结合传统学术期刊评价体系中存在的问题,指出了网络传播环境下学术期刊评价的发展策略及趋势,并以“中国学术期刊文献评价统计系统”为实例,对传统纸质学术期刊的评价指标体系进行了一些调整和补充,提出了一些适用于网络学术期刊评价的新指标。本文的特点在于,结合实例分析将网络传播环境下学术期刊评价体系作为系统整体进行考察和分析,使得对于网络学术期刊评价在认识上具有完整性,并着眼于当前网络学术期刊评价体系的发展提出了相关建议,从而避免了认识与视野上的狭隘和策略上的顾此失彼。不仅具有一定的理论意义,所作分析及所提建议对于网络传播环境下的学术期刊评价实践也能提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 With the coming of the era of web as the major medium of information dissemination, more and more attention has been paid to the evaluation of academic journals. To increase the speed and efficiency of the information transmission has been the most urgent task in this area. Traditional evaluation of academic journals can no longer fulfill the demand to the evaluation of academic journals. Under such background, it is urgent to study the evaluation system of academic journals which can be propitious to the communicating environment of network.Based on this understanding, this thesis begins with the introduction of the changes of the evaluation of academic journals in the communicating environment of network. Then, the thesis reviews the history and development which is evaluation of academic journals firstly. This review clears up the process of evaluation of academic journals. Secondly, the thesis discussion the overview of the evaluation of academic journals in the communicating environment of network, and analyses the evaluation system of academic journals in the communicating environment of network. Coming with problems which is existing in traditional evaluation system of academic journals, indicates the development strategy and trend in the future. And "Chinese academic journal literature evaluation of the statistics system" as an example, adjusts and adds some evaluation index for traditional evaluation system of academic journals. Meanwhile, makes some applies which are new indicators to the evaluation of academic journals.The thesis reviews and analyzes the evaluation system of academic journals in the communicating environment of network as a whole system. From this way, the understanding about evaluation system of academic journals in the communicating environment is integrated. Another point of this thesis lies in the advices which focused on the current evaluation system of academic journals in the communicating environment but not some certain method, which can avoid narrow understanding and incomprehensive strategies. The viewpoints in this thesis have certain theoretical value. The analysis and suggestion in this thesis will also benefit the publishing practice in the future.The thesis reviews and analyzes the evaluation system of academic journals in the communicating environment of network as a whole system. From this way, the understanding about evaluation system of academic journals in the communicating environment is integrated. Another point of this thesis lies in the advices which focused on the current evaluation system of academic journals in the communicating environment but not some certain method, which can avoid narrow understanding and incomprehensive strategies. The viewpoints in this thesis have certain theoretical value. The analysis and suggestion in this thesis will also benefit the publishing practice in the future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】G237.5
  • 【下载频次】187