

A Research on Television Industry Reform According to Production and Broadcasting Separationpattern Practise in Jilin TV

【作者】 李爽

【导师】 郝冰;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 艺术学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 电视节目的制作和播出是电视传媒产业的两个核心环节。由于政治体制、经济体制的不同,各个国家对电视节目制作和播出的管理也有所不同。归纳起来,不外乎有三种模式,即制播合一制、制播分离制,外加介乎于两者之间的相对制播分离制,我们也可以将其称呼为折中式制播分离制。以美国为首的北美地区实行的是制播分离体制,早期的中国和韩国实行的是制播合一制;而在欧洲,以“公共服务”为核心价值理念的英国在上世纪八十年代出现了准制播分离制。中国现阶段的制播模式也类似英国的准制播分离制,或称为折中式制播分离制。本文以吉林省电视台实施制播模式改革栏目《回家》为基础,分析了吉林电视台已经实施了制播分离的栏目现状和尚未实施制播分离的栏目的现状,结合其它省级电视台制播分离改革的案例,证明了中国电视业尤其是省级电视台实行制播分离改革是必要的而且可行的。而后在对制播分离过程中典型的栏目、频道进行分析的基础上得出:制播分离改革对我国电视业的发展具有促进作用。对于中国来说,推行制播分离改革是适应广播电视产业国际化、产业化、全球化发展的需要,是中国广播电视产业与国际接轨的必由之路。同时,制播模式的改革也是出于中国广电产业自身发展的需要,是增强竞争力、提高产品质量的需要。但是,由于中国广播电视产业的二重属性,即事业属性和产业属性,这就使得中国式的制播模式改革需要兼顾二者,使行政力与市场力在“制播模式”的调整中能够形成一种平衡。这既是中国制播分离改革的出路,也是克服推行制播分离阻力的灵丹妙药。最后,从实际应用角度出发,论述了在电视节目制播模式改革进程中所遇到的各种各样的困难和阻力。通过对目前广电业制播改革遇到的困难的剖析,研究了产生这些阻力的原因,提出一些可行性见解。以期为中国电视制播模式改革和探索提供一些有建设性的参考,推动中国广电事业的进一步的发展

【Abstract】 Production and broadcasting are two vital stages in a television supply chain. The management of both is different across countries due to the difference of political frameworks and economic systems. Essentially speaking there are only three patterns: integration, separation and quasi-separation situated between integration and separation. In North America the US takes a lead in audiovisual industry for decades as one of the biggest players who runs its public broadcasting service in the form of independent production. In Europe the UK takes the“public service”as a core principle in its mass media industry and has made it produced successfully by commercial media since 1980s. This can be called quasi-separation similar to that in China.In this paper the reformed program“Going Home”in Jilin TV was taken as an instance to analyze the situation and proceeding of the separate production reform. Through combinations with successful cases in other province-level TV stations it is proved that to reform China’s audiovisual industry is necessary and feasible.Then in broadcasts in the separation process to the system the typical column, the channel to carry on the analysis in the foundation to obtain the system to broadcast the separation reform to have the promoter action to our country video land development. When referring to China, to adapt the separation reform is to meet the globalization and internationalization of broadcasting. It is also the only way for our audiovisual industry to be competitive internationally, and one effective method to enhance competition and improve quality of television programs. However, due to the dual nature of enterprise and industry of China’s media business the reform will have to consider both to balance the administration and marketing for China styled production and broadcasting. Based on this the reform is able to proceed further, the coming obstacles facing it will be overcome.Some specific problems facing the separation reform were predicted and analyzed to obtain workable solutions. We hope that they will become constructive schemes in reforming and exploring of patterns of television programs and promote the prosperity of public broadcasting services in our country.
