

Study on Low-speed High-torque PMSM and Its Control System for Direct Drive Oil Pumping Unit

【作者】 王帅

【导师】 张炳义; 冯桂宏;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳工业大学 , 电机与电器, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 石油是人类赖以生存的能源之一,对于进入开发的中后期油井,大多为低液井、稠油井,需要开采设备满足长冲程、低冲次,传统的采油方式都无法满足这样的要求。大部分的抽油机因为有减速机,使系统整体存在传动效率低与电机工作效率低两方面问题,而从驱动控制等方面都无法从根本上解决这些问题。只有使用无减速机的直驱结构,并且将电机做成低速大转矩永磁同步电机,才能从根本上解决传动效率低、电机耗电量大的问题。本文结合低速大转矩的传动特点,对低速大转矩永磁同步电动机的设计特点和方法进行研究。分析低速传动中产生转矩脉动的原因,并探讨采用分数槽绕组、合理设计极弧系数以及斜槽等削弱转矩脉动方法的有效性。用仿真软件分析电机的磁场分布、气隙磁密波形以及纹波转矩等。结合样机的实验结果,说明本文提出的低速大转矩永磁同步电动机的设计方法以及转矩脉动消除方法的有效性。通过对油田采油的实际工况及直驱结构运行特点的分析,在结合永磁同步电动机数学模型的基础上,设计出针对直驱低速大转矩永磁电机的配套控制系,采用高性能可编程变频器,取消PLC等控制元件。通过实验调试,对控制方案进行了优化,并应用于全平衡式抽油机。根据直驱螺杆泵工作特点采用无传感器矢量控制原理,减少了机械减速器和皮带减速器,增加了反转制动机构,可实现带电停机、断电制动的功能,降低系统控制复杂程度。对系统停机过程进了分析,通过实践的验证,设计方法简单可行、易于操作。最后经过样机制作与控制系统的安装调试。实现了长冲程、低冲次的控制功能,提高机械结构的传动效率以及电机的工作效率,大大降低了电能消耗,实现了科学、有效地开采地下原油,达到节能降耗、可持续的开发自然资源的要求。

【Abstract】 Petroleum is one of the most important energy of human. Now, our domestic oil fields have go to the meta or later period, the characteristic of the well in our country is low liquid level deep well, viscous crude wells. Most of the pumping units have the characteristic of poor performance transmission efficiency, energy-intensive, and the motor power factor is low. They can not satisfy the need of the wells. But the control system could not resolve this contradiction. Therefore, only use direct drive structure and low-speed high-torque PMSM could significantly improve the transmission efficiency of pumping system and energy saving.The paper discusses the characteristic and design method of low speed and high torque PMSM considering driving requirement of the oil extraction system. The cause of producing pulsatile torque is analyzed, and some measures for weakening pulsatile torque are analyzed, which includes fractional slot winding, reasonable pole arc coefficient and skew stator slot. The distribution of magnetic field, waveform of magnetic filed density and pulsatile torque are caculated and simulated. These results can validate the rationality of magnetic filed pathway. The experimental results are analyzed, and these results are used to show that the method brought forward by this paper to design low speed and high torque PMSM is effective.By analyzing the actual working conditions and characteristics of direct drive structure, the control system of low-speed high-torque PMSM is designed. In order to replace PLC and other control components, the control system use programmable high performance converter. Through the test, the control system has been optimized and applied to the full balanced pumping unit.From the analysis of the direct drive screw pump unit and the techniques of oil extraction, the theory of senseless vector control is adopted. This system abort reducing mechanical and strap decelerator and increasing the reversal braking setups,which can realize functions of electrification stopping,power-off brake. Finally, the prototype and control system are installed and debugged. The low energy consumption, long stroke and low the frequency of stroke are realized. The system improves the driving efficiency by introducing a low-speed and high-torque PMSM. The result has proved that the control project is feasible and effective to extract oil effectual and scientifically, decrease energy consumption, achieve energy-saving emission reduction goals.
