

Introgression Line Cultivated Through the Interspecific Crosses B.juncea×B.napus Agronomic and Quality Traits Evaluation

【作者】 杨超

【导师】 刘忠松;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 油菜是世界上重要的油料和经济作物之一。目前我国主要栽培的甘蓝型油菜由国外引进,种质资源极为有限;芥菜型油菜起源于我国,具有许多优良特性。通过芥甘种间杂交培育具有优良遗传特性的种间杂种后代,对于油菜育种创造新种质具有重要意义。本研究于2007-2008年对160个芥甘种间杂交培育的渐渗系农艺性状与品质性状进行鉴定评价,并研究其性状的相关性,旨在鉴定出具有优良农艺性状、品质性状的油菜新种质,为其利用提供依据。获得的主要结果如下:1 160个油菜渐渗系中株高135cm以下渐渗系8个、多分枝(14个分枝以上)渐渗系3个,多角果(单株角果数900个以上)渐渗系2个,高产渐渗系(单株产量50g以上)2个,同时获得4个综合农艺性状表现好的渐渗系。2渐渗系产量构成因素相关性分析进一步表明油菜单株产量主要受单株总角果数的影响,单株产量与单株总角果数呈极显著正相关。高产育种时应把增加单株-次分枝数和单株角果数作为育种目标。3用NIR法测定160个油菜渐渗系的种子芥酸、硫苷、油分和油酸含量,并用索氏抽提法对高油分渐渗系进行进一步分析,发现低芥酸、低硫苷(双低)渐渗系52个,高油分渐渗系2个,高油酸渐渗系2个,并获得综合品质性状较好的渐渗系2个。4渐渗系品质性状相关分析表明芥酸含量、硫苷含量、油分含量和油酸含量之间无相关性。

【Abstract】 Rapeseed is the world’s major oil and cash crops. At present, China has cultivated Brassica napus from abroad, germplasm resources are very limited; Brassica juncea originated in China, has many good features. Through interspecific hybridization between B.juncea×B. napus canola cultivation has an excellent genetic characteristics of interspecific hybrid offspring, for the creation of new breeding germplasm rape of great significance. In this study, in 2007-2008 to 160 mustard interspecific hybridization introgression line cultivated agronomic traits and quality traits to identify the evaluation and to study the relevance of its characters to identify with good agronomic traits, quality traits of rapeseed new germplasm, to provide a basis for its use. The main results obtained are as follows:1 160 rape introgression lines below 135cm height 8 introgressive line, multi-branch (a branch above) 3 introgressive line, multi-pod (pod number per plant or more) two introgression line, high-yielding introgression lines (above the yield per plant gg) 2, at the same time access to comprehensive agronomic traits 4 introgression line for good.2 Department of introgression of yield components for further correlation analysis showed that rapeseed yield per plant by the impact of the total number of pods, total yield per plant and pod number per plant showed highly significant positive correlation. Breeding should be high time to increase the number of branches per plant and pod number per plant as a breeding goal.3 Determination by NIR Rape 160 introgression lines of seed erucic acid, glucosinolate, oil and oleic acid content, and with Soxhlet extraction method for high oil introgression line for further analysis and found that 52 low-erucic acid introgression line, low sulfur glycoside (even lower), two high-oil introgression line points, two introgression line of high oleic acid, and better integrated quality traits introgression line 2.4 Introgression line quality traits related to content analysis showed that the erucic acid, glucosinolate content, oil content and oleic acid content of no correlation between.
