

The Study of Plant Landscape Design on the Leisure Agricultural Manor of Changsha Area

【作者】 张佳娴

【导师】 龙岳林;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 观赏园艺, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,长沙地区休闲农业庄园的建设如火如荼,然而农庄景观的设计与建设却存在着诸多的问题,其中植物景观建设就有许多不合理之处,因此,本文着重对休闲农业庄园植物景观进行深入研究。作者采用文献综合、问卷调查、比较分析等研究方法,结合实地调查,通过对长沙地区20家休闲农业庄园植物景观调查与分析,总结出植物景观中存在的问题。在理论上,应用景观生态学、景观美学、植物群落学等相关学科的理论知识,探寻休闲农业庄园植物景观设计新的理论依据。实践上,总结并提出休闲农业庄园植物景观设计的思路和设计模式,并通过实际案例设计对其进行运用。主要研究结果如下:1.通过对长沙地区20家休闲农业庄园植物景观调查,发现其存在的问题:植物景观质量粗糙,生态效益低;植物景观配置不合理,观赏效果欠佳;植物品种雷同,植物配置无特色;植物景观乡村意象失落;滨水植物景观枯燥、生硬等五个方面。2.在植物品种的选择上,作者认为应以有生产价值与观赏价值的农业植物和富有野趣的乡土园林植物为休闲农业庄园植物景观的主要构成品种,并总结出适宜在长沙地区栽植的果树、蔬菜及药用植物种类。在对蔬菜及药用植物种类进行总结时,将其分为了适宜水生、湿生的植物材料;富有野趣的植物材料;藤本类植物材料,以便于设计运用。3.从生产植物景观、园路植物景观和滨水植物景观三个方面提出休闲农业庄园植物景观设计思路及模式。其中,生产植物景观设计模式有:纯植式植物景观模式、间植式植物景观模式、套植式植物景观模式、轮植式植物景观模式四种。园路植物景观设计模式有:果—花(蔬)路模式、果—花—蔬路模式和花—蔬路模式。休闲农业庄园植物景观设计,应该着重突出植物景观的乡土特色。选择有生产价值与观赏价值的农业植物和富有野趣的乡土园林植物,并予以合理的配置,使园内植物景观达到生产、生态与生活三生一体的最佳效果。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the development of the leisure agricultural manor in Changsha area is rapidly. Howerve, the design and construction of the leisure agricultural manor landscape existing many problems. Among them, the construction of the plant landscape has a lot of problems. Therefore, this thesis focuses on the study of the leisure agricultural manor plant landscape.Through the method of data collection, investigation and comprehensive analysisa approach, investigate and study on the 20 leisure agricultural manor plant landscape in Changsha, then, sums up the problems on plant landscape. The theories of Landscape Ecology, Landscape Aesthetics, Phytocoenology and other correlative sciences are applied in this paper as new theoretical basis for controlling the disaster. In practice, the paper concludes and puts forward the design thought and design model of the leisure agricultural manor plant landscape. The results were as folloes:1. Trough investigate on the 20 leisure agricultural manor plant landscape in Changsha, sums up the problems on plant landscape:Rough quality of the plant landscape, low ecological benefit; Irrational allocation of the plant landscape, poor in appreciation effect; same variety and monotonic plant landscape; the plant landscape lost the native characteristics; insipid water front plant landscape.2. In the plant variety’s choice, the author thought that should take have the production value and the ornamental value agricultural plant and the rich rural feeling local ornamental plant as the leisure agriculture manor plant landscape compose largely variety, and summarizes being suitable the fruit tree which the vegetables and the medicinal plant variety transplants in Changsha area. When carries on the summary to the vegetables and the medicinal plant variety, has divided into being suitable it aquatic, the humidogene plant material; Rich rural feeling plant material; The liana class plant material, is advantageous for the design utilization.3. From the production plant landscape, the garden road plant landscape and the shore water plant landscape three aspects proposes the leisure agriculture manor plant landscape design mentality and the pattern. And, the production plant landscape design pattern includes:Plants the type plant landscape pattern, to plant the type plant landscape pattern, the wrap purely to plant the type plant landscape pattern, the wheel to plant the type plant landscape pattern four kinds. The garden road plant landscape design pattern includes:Fruit-flower (vegetables) road pattern, fruit-flower vegetables road pattern and flowered-vegetables road pattern.The leisure agriculture manor plant landscape design, should emphatically the prominent plant landscape local characteristic. The choice has the production value and the ornamental value agricultural plant and the rich rural feeling local ornamental plant, and gives the reasonable disposition, enables in the garden the plant landscape to achieve the production, the ecology and lives three lives a body’s desired effect.
