

Public Policy Research on Gender Equality and Harmonious

【作者】 申丽娟

【导师】 梁丽萍;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 行政管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,中国社会正处于转型过程中,在现代化发展和社会进步方面取得了巨大进展的同时,由于社会快速的变化,新的社会问题不断出现,比如大学生就业难、贫富分化日趋严重、女性的不平等待遇等等。这些问题会给整个社会的健康发展带来极为不利的影响。解决社会问题需要相关公共政策的介入加以避免和消除。公共政策是特定的主体对社会资源进行权威性分配的过程,在现代社会条件下,通过对这种资源的进行合理的分配,对于协调社会群体之间的利益关系、促进社会的整体化发展、提升社会的质量、实现社会的良性运行和健康发展,有着重大的作用。正因为公共政策针对的是所有社会成员,涵盖政治、经济、文化教育的方方面面,如果把广大的女性排除在公共政策的关注范围之外,使她们不能从中受益,那么这样的公共政策显然是不平等、不公正的。本文查阅了大量的相关资料,通过借鉴国外先进的理论知识,并结合中国特殊的历史国情,以社会性别平等的视角审视我国现行的公共政策。首先,吸纳大量的国内外的理论体系,对性别平等的内涵、女性主体意识、公共政策的内涵及特征做出了基本的概念界定,并且引入社会性别视角对公共政策进行性别分析。其次,以我国推动性别平等的公共政策的发展历程入手,整理并总结建国初期、文革时期到十一届三中全会时期的发展脉络。分析发现,我国已经形成了以宪法为基础,以妇女权益保障法为主体,包括劳动法、婚姻法、继承法等法律、法规在内的保障妇女权益和促进妇女发展的法律体系,并且把男女平等作为基本国策加以贯彻实施。最后,分析我国现行的人口生育政策、教育政策、就业政策、妇女参政政策、婚姻家庭政策中性别不平等的具体表现形式,并探究其深层次的制度原因。本文通过文献分析法,收集了国内外的重要文献和理论进行分析研究,以获得重要的理论支持和经验支撑;比较研究法,研究我国两性平等发展现状时,主要从女性发展为切入点,并以男性发展为参照来进行比较一定的研究和分析。并结合国际妇女的发展现状,国外在两性发展、妇女发展方面所取得的成绩和经验,以寻求促进我国女性发展、两性平等的有效途径。最后,本文提出只有通过有利于两性平等发展的公共政策选择,把社会性别意识纳入决策主流,以及政治、经济、文化教育相关的机制保障,才能实现真正意义上的性别平等和谐发展。

【Abstract】 At present, in the process of social transformation in China, the country has made tremendous strides on the road to modernization and social progress. Meanwhile, due to rapid changes in society, the new social problems are emerging continuously. For example, employment of university students, the growing polarization between the rich and the poor, unequal treatment of women, etc. These issues will have a strong negative bearing on social healthy development. To solve social problems needs the public policy to intervene to avoid and eliminate. Public policy is a process that the specific subject distributes social resources authoritative. It is propitious to coordinate the interests of social groups and promote the development of society and develop the social healthy operation through the rational allocation. Public policy is aimed at all members of society covering political, economic, cultural and educational aspects. If women are excluded from the scope of public policy, they will not get any benefit, and then obviously the public policy is inequality and injustice.The author of this paper borrows the advanced theoretical knowledge through consulting a lot of relevant information, and combines with Chinese special historical conditions to examine the existing public policies. Firstly this paper defines the basic concept of gender equality and feminine consciousness and characteristics of public policy, tipping up the current public policy from the gender perspective. Secondly analyses the public policy of promoting gender equality during the years of the early period after the founding, the Cultural Revolution, the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party. China has now established a legal system with the Constitution as its basis and the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of Women’s Rights and Interests as its main part. And implement the equality policy between men and women as the basic state policy. Finally analyses the concrete forms of inequality between the sexes in the existing family planning policy, education policy, employment policy, women’s political participation policy, marriage and family policy. Then, investigates the deep-seated reasons for the system.This paper uses the method of literature analysis to obtain the support of the important theory and experience. And makes use of the method of comparative study to study on development of gender equality in our country, with comparing the different development on the men and the women. Combines with the development and the experiences of international women’s status abroad to find an effective path to promote Chinese gender equality development. At last, this paper introduces that in order to achieve the true sense of the harmonious development of gender equality the government should carry out the gender mainstreaming and put the public policies of politics, economy, culture, education into effect.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期