

Yongji City of Exploration and Study of Public Services

【作者】 和熠

【导师】 杜创国;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 行政管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪60年代以来,在全球化背景下,世界各国政府纷纷开展行政改革。而自80年代初期以来,出现了政府规模、政府管理范围,特别是官僚体制的猛烈抨击。政府规模不断膨胀的现实表明,压缩政府规模的措施难以卓见成效,于是政府不得不求助于改变其管理方式的做法。随着产品的充足供应,顾客需求的个性化和信息的迅速发展,顾客的选择机会和选择权力大大加强,生产者导向型社会逐渐向顾客导向型社会转变。这种转变不仅体现在企业的经营活动中,而且也日渐为政府所模仿。与企业一样,随着社会环境的迅速变化和公众需求的多样化、个性化,政府迫切需要摆脱以高高在上的官僚机构自居,只管生产而不顾公众需求的形象,树立起“为顾客服务、对顾客负责”的新的顾客导向型政府的形象。至90年代,西方国家诸如美、英、加拿大、澳大利亚等国在改革中都把顾客导向作为重要原则,并逐渐形成了塑造服务型政府的全新行政理念。较之西方国家,中国行政改革起步较晚,虽然改革至今在理论和实践上也取得了较大进展,但总体上看,以往改革主要侧重于机构改革和政府职能转变问题,而对改革的目标方向未能给予足够重视,这种局限不仅束缚对改革路径的探寻,而且影响改革的实践效果。党的十六届三中全会明确提出要完善政府社会管理和公共服务职能,为全面建设小康社会提供强有力的体制保障。在2007年召开的十七大上,胡锦涛同志在党的报告中明确提出“要加快行政管理体制改革,建设服务型政府。”十七大报告第一次把服务型政府写到了报告里,为当前和今后一个时期继续推进政府管理体制改革确定了基本方向和目标。无论从服务型政府的理论探索来看,还是从我国服务型政府建设的实践来看,现在各级地方政府都已经意识到这一点,从中央到地方在此认识基础上都提出行之有效的对策,进行了有益的探索。在此背景下,理论界对建设服务型政府给予了高度的关注,不少论著在评介西方行政改革理论的基础上对WTO条件下我国实现政府模式转换的紧迫性、服务型政府内涵及改革路径作了较深人的阐述,但对于如何通过实施运行机制创新以尽快实现从管制型政府向服务型政府转变,目前实证研究涉及较少。本文在对永济市公共服务现状作深人调研的基础上,对建设服务型政府过程中存在的体制机制障碍及改革路径作具体分析,通过对永济市公共服务的调查,基于农民基本公共服务的现实需求,分析农村民生类、生产类、公共安全类和环境保护类基本公共服务现状和存在的主要问题,并根据调查结果提出了发展永济市公共服务体系的政策建议。

【Abstract】 Since the 20th century 60’s, under the globalization background, the various countries government have developed the administrative reform in abundance. But since the 80’s initial period, has appeared to the government scale, the government has managed the scope, specially bureaucrat system criticizing fiercely.The government scale inflates unceasingly the reality indicated, compression government scale measure with difficulty distinguished opinion result, therefore the government can not but seek help in changing its management way the procedure.Along with the product sufficient supply, the customer demand personalization and the information rapid development, customer’s choice opportunity and the choice authority big enhancement, the producer guides the society gradually to guide the society to the customer to transform.Not only this kind of transformation manifests in enterprise’s management, moreover also day after day imitates for the government. Is same with the enterprise, along with the social environment rapid change and the public demand diversification, the personalization, the government urgent needs to get rid of the bureaucratic apparatus which keeps aloof to pose as, produces by all means does not give a thought to the public demand the image, sets up; serves, is responsible for the customer the new customer for the customer; guides government’s image.To the 90’s, Western countries and so on country such as America, England, Canada, Australia all guide in the reform the customer took the cardinal principle, and has gradually formed the mold service government’s brand-new administrative idea.Compared with the Western country, the Chinese administration reform start is late, although reformed until now also obtains in the theory and the practice progressed greatly, but looked as a whole, formerly reformed mainly stresses on the organization reform and the transform shift the government functions question, but has not been able to give to the reform goal direction enough takes, not only this kind of limitation fettered to reforms the way inquiring about, moreover influence reform practice effect.Party’s 16 session of Third Session proposed explicitly must consummate the government social management and the public service function, provides the powerful system safeguard for the comprehensive construction well-off society.Convenes in a big way 17 on in 2007, Comrade Hu Jintao in party’s report proposed explicitly;must speed up the administration organizational reform, the construction service government; 17 big reported first time has written about the service government in the report, will continue for current and the next time to advance the government management organizational reform to determine the basic direction and the goal. Regardless of looked from the service government’s theory exploration, serves the practice from our country which the government constructs to look, now all levels of local authority all already realized this point, from as central as the place in this understanding foundation all proposed the effective countermeasure, has carried on the beneficial exploration.Under this background, the theorists to constructed the servicegovernment to give the high attention, many discussed in is discussing andintroducing the Western administration reform theory in the foundation ourcountry to realize the pressing, the service government connotation and thereform way to the WTO condition under which the government patterntransformed has made the deep person’s elaboration, but how regarding byrealized as soon as possible through the implementation operationalmechanism innovation from the control government transforms to the servicegovernment, at present the real diagnosis research involves few.This article inis used as in the basis to the Yongji city public service present situation whichthe deep person investigates and studies, to constructs the systemmachine-made barrier and the reform way tool body analysis which in theservice government process exists, through to the Yongji city public serviceinvestigation, based on the farmer basic public service realistic demand,analyzes the countryside livelihood of the people class, the production class, the public security class and the environmental protection class basic public service present situation and the existence main question, and proposed according to the investigation result develops the Yongji city public service system policy suggestion.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期