

Research on Perception of Risk in Physical Activity of Middle School Students

【作者】 侯婵莉

【导师】 石岩;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 对初中生的多种体育活动的风险认知进行全面的定量判断。本研究运用问卷调查法、专家访谈法、数理统计法和逻辑分析法对初中生体育活动的风险认知进行研究,探讨他们对体育活动项目风险认知的程度。以太原市为例抽取18所初中的学生,另外还对部分体育教师、专家也进行了调查,通过统计处理得出以下结论:(1)在体育活动风险认知理论建构的基础上,初步完成了《学生体育活动风险认知调查表》的编制。对其信效度检验,该调查表同质性信度较好,达到了心理测量学的要求;通过因子分析来检验建构效度,表明自编调查表具有较好的效度。(2)初中生对所选取的14项体育活动的认知程度表现为,武术和单双杠这两项活动的风险最高;其次是足球、游泳和篮球;跑、有氧健身操与舞蹈、羽毛球和乒乓球的风险最低。使用心理测量范式,对体育活动的6个风险认知特征进行分析,得出了体育活动风险认知特征的两个基本维度,即“恐惧性”和“已知性”。体育活动风险的自愿性、知识性和新奇性这3个特征属于“已知性”维度,体育活动风险的一般恐惧性、可控性和结果严重性属于“恐惧性”维度。武术、单双杠、支撑跳跃等属于“恐惧性”维度;乒乓球、羽毛球等属于“已知性”维度。(3)通过帕累托分析对体育活动风险认知的7个影响因素进行排序,前四位是主要因素,分别是参与活动的知识经验、体育器械实施的管理和使用、认知收益和认知风险以及媒介传播。今后还需要从多角度来发掘潜在的没有被重视的其它影响因素。(4)人们对体育活动风险的判断受过去活动事件的可想象性和可记忆性影响,初中教师和专家对体育活动的风险认知与客观实际密切相关并保持一致,而初中生有时低估了对体育活动风险的判断。为使初中生认识体育活动的风险并正确做出决策,将合理的体育活动风险认知信息告知他们是至关重要的。

【Abstract】 A variety of physical activities for junior high school students perception of risk to conduct a comprehensive quantitative judgments. Based on the questionnaire, expert interview, mathematical statistics and logical analysis, study on the physical activities for junior high school students perception of risk, discuss the degree of cognitive of the projects. To Taiyuan city as an example, random 18 junior high schools’ students, in addition, this paper survey on some PE teachers and experts, gain the following conclusions through the statistic disposal:(1)Basic on the physical activities perception of risk theory construction, finished the student physical activities perception of risk questionnaire initially. Study on the reliability and the validity shows that this questionnaire has better homogeneity reliability, and it met the requirements of psychometric to test the construct validity, and it with good validity(2)For the selected 14 physical activities, the degree of junior high school students’ cognitive performance that Martial and single parallel bars in the highest risk; Followed by soccer, swimming and basketball; Running, aerobics, dance, badminton and table tennis in the lowest risk. Used the psychometric paradigm, analysis the 6 characteristics of perception of risk in physical activities, and obtained two basic dimensions, that is "dread" and "unknown". Voluntariness, knowledge and newness of physical activities risk belong to the dimension of "unknown", and commmon-dread, controllability andseverrity of consequences belong to the "dread". Martial, single parallel bars, support jumps belong to "dread"; ping pang, badminton belong to "known sexual".(3) Through Pareto analysis, conduct sort on the 7 influence factors of perceptions of risk of physical activities, first four are the main factors, include knowledge and experience to participate in activities, sports equipment to implement the management and use, cognitive benefits and perception of risk, as well as media. We need to explore other potential influence factors from multi-angle in future, which is not concerned.(4)There exist deviation on the perception of risk of physical activities among the junior high school students, PE teachers of middle school and sports experts. Imaginary and memory of the past activities influence people judgment on the risk of physical activities. On PE teachers of middle school and sports experts, the perception of risk of physical activities is closely related to the objective reality and consistent and junior high school students have underestimated the judgment of the risk of physical activities, sometimes it would be twist. To make for the junior high school students aware of the risk of physical activities, and make decision rightly, it is crucial to tell them the cognitive information of physical activities reasonable.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】G633.96
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】163