

【作者】 张靖永

【导师】 王新;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 计算机科学技术, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 一直以来,纳税人向税务机关递交的各项申请都以纸质形式进行审批,这种以传统纸张为载体的信息传递与处理方式的效率很低,不仅需要花费相当的人力、物力来完成信息的处理、组织、存储以及查询检索,而且往往造成审批环节繁杂、时间冗长,极大的影响税务机关审批效率。目前有不少现成的政府公文审批系统,在一定程度上可以解决文书的自动审批,但基本都是将工作流程进行固化,后期难以对其进行重新定义和维护。同时也缺少对原有业务流程的系统性分析,没有对工作流程进行合理的优化,不能适应税务机关“优化行政审批工作流程,简化办税服务程序”的要求。本文作者运用基于活动网络的工作流模型对现有税务文书审批流程进行分析,并采用基于Socket通信标准的三层分布式软件系统架构,将数据库服务、服务端服务、客户端服务和业务数据服务独立分开,符合现代信息系统松散耦合的特点。同时系统开发过程中也充分体现了面向对象的程序开发思想和科学的软件开发方法。本系统开发在以下三方面有所创新和突破:一、实用性方面,通过对组织机构、表单格式、审批流程、访问权限等全面提供了自定义,满足各种审批项目的定义需要,随着税务行政改革的不断深入,可随时根据自定义项目进行调整,适应因改革引起的变化需求,避免很多审批系统在应用一段时间因为需求的变化无法满足需求而无法应用的情况,增强了实用性。二、易用性方面,可视化表单定义、工作环境,图形化审批流程定义环境,可使不同应用人员通过短期的培训熟练掌握各项应用功能,对于管理人员而言,实现了快速部署和轻松维护。三、可靠性方面,采用三层分布式系统架构,确保数据传输的安全、可靠,同时内部权限设置严密,为工作人员提供身份二次认证功能,大大提高了审批系统安全性能。

【Abstract】 All along, the taxpayers of the tax authorities to submit applications for approval are in paper form, such as the traditional paper-carrier mode of information transmission and processing efficiency is very low, not only require a considerable amount of manpower and material resources to complete the information the processing, organization, storage, and query and search, and often result in the approval part of complex, lengthy, a great impact on the efficiency of the tax authorities for approval.There are a lot of ready-made examination and approval system, government documents, to a certain extent, the instrument can solve the auto-approval, but the basic workflow is to cure them later is difficult to re-define and maintain. But also the lack of systematic analysis of existing business processes, there is no reasonable workflow optimization, can not meet the tax authorities, "Optimization of administrative examination and approval workflow, simplify procedures for handling tax service" requirements.The author using FlowMark net-based workflow model approval process for existing tax instruments, analysis and communication standards based on Socket’s three-tier distributed software system architecture, database services, server services, client services and business data services handled separately in line with the characteristics of modern information systems loosely coupled. At the same time the system development process is also fully embodies the object-oriented program development thinking and scientific method of software development. The system has been developed in the following three areas of innovation and breakthrough:1、practical aspects, through the organization, form, format, approval process, provide access to a comprehensive range of self-definition, the definition of projects to meet the needs of a variety of examination and approval, with the deepening of the reform of tax administration may at any time according to the custom the project to adjust to the changes caused by the reform needs to avoid a lot of examination and approval system in the application of a period of time because of changes in demand can not meet the needs of the situation can not be applied to enhance the usability.2、in terms of ease of use, visual form definition, work environment, approval process definition graphical environment allows different applications through short-term training of personnel proficiency in the various applications, for the management of personnel, the realization of the rapid deployment and easy maintenance.3、reliability, using three-tier distributed system architecture, to ensure data transmission security, reliability, and tight internal permissions settings for the secondary staff identity authentication capabilities, greatly improving the performance of examination and approval system security.

【关键词】 工作流税务行政审批
【Key words】 WorkflowTaxAdministrationExamination
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【下载频次】77