

【作者】 符慧君

【导师】 张成洪;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 工商管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 2009年,上海酝酿多年的“两个中心”建设获国家正式批准,上海随之站在了改革开放的最前沿。加快上海“两个中心”建设驶入快车道,需要文化大都市的定位,更离不开文广影视行业的蓬勃发展。作为主管文广影视行业的政府行政部门,上海市文化广播影视管理局(以下简称:上海市文广局)面临着新的环境与挑战。一方面,随着政府体制改革的逐步深入,政府部门要求履行经济调控、市场监督、社会管理与公共服务四方面的职能,实现现代政府管理的价值目标和行为模式,提供更多符合市场、社会需要的公共物品;另一方面,上海市文广局的重要职能之一——面向社会公众、企业的行政审批,仍然是申报材料多、重复申报多、流转环节多、审批时间长、内部效率低、消耗精力大,而属于电子政务的行政审批系统重复建设、缺少整合,造成信息孤岛、数据不对称现象。如何把握行政改革之契机,借鉴政府再造之理论,运用电子政务之手段,优化审批流程、重构行政组织、消除信息壁垒、缩短流转时间、塑造管理理念、加强监督机制,“打造一个集服务型、集约型、电子化为一体的新型政府”,是本文研究的目的和方向。本文以“新公共管理”中的政府再造为理论依据,基于上海文广影视行业背景、上海文广影视行政审批现状及存在问题分析,对上海市文广局政府职能转变和业务管理模式创新进行了理论研究;对上海文广影视行政审批流程再造进行了探索和实践;对上海文广影视行政审批系统进行了面向政务流程再造的设计和应用。同时,论述了行政审批系统设计、研发过程中所应用的一些相关基础理论,从技术角度上阐述了行政审批系统的总体框架和主要功能设计;从管理角度上阐述了行政审批系统的项目管理经验和系统实施过程。最后,通过业务实例对上海文广影视行政审批系统的应用效果进行了初步的评价与社会效益体现。

【Abstract】 In 2009, Shanghai stands along the forefront of reform and opening, when the establishment of "two centers" in Shanghai is approved by China Central Government. To accelerate the progress of establishing "Two Centers" in Shanghai, it needs not only positioning the city as "culture metropolitan", but also a vigorous development of the industry of culture, radio, film and television. Therefore, Shanghai Municipal Administration of Cultureradiofilm&TV (hereinafter referred to as: SMAC) is facing an environment new and challenging. On the one hand, with the reform of frame of Government deepening, government departments are required to be responsible for the implementation the functions of economic regulation, market supervision, social management and public service. By doing so, our government is able to achieve the value target and behavior patterns of a modern government, thus provide more public goods that meets market and society demand; On the other hand, Administrative Examination and Approval (AEA) for social public and enterprises, a major function of SMAC, is still suffering from the problems, including redundant declaring material, duplicated declaring cases, too much checkpoints in circulation, long processing time, low internal efficiency and huge resource occupation. At the same time, the online system setup for Administrative Examination and Approval finds problems as duplicated construction, lack for integrity, which cause isolated information and asymmetry data.The purpose and direction of my research presented in this paper is to answer the question how to establish a new government of service type, intensive type and computerized type. To achieve this, we should grasp the opportunity for administrative reform, borrow the theory of reinventing government, and take the measure of e-government, so that we can optimize the process of examination and approval, re-construct the government organization, eliminate information barrier, shorten circulation time, shape managerial concepts and strengthen the supervisory mechanism.This paper is based on the theory of reorganization of government in "New Public Management". According to the background of Shanghai culture radio fim&TV industry and analysis of existing problems in administrative examination and approval of this industry, the governing function change and business management model inventing of SMAC are discussed in this paper. It also searches and practices the BPR of AEA; performs a design and application for the BPR of AEA. Meanwhile, this paper elaborates on the related fundamental theory of AEA system design and development; illustrated from technical view of point on the general framework and main function design of AEA system; presents from managerial view of point the project management experience and system implement process of AEA system. At last, this paper evaluates the result of implementing the AEA system for SMAC and its value in social benefits.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】G221
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】81