

【作者】 韩建伟

【导师】 郭定平;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , MPA, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 “郡县治,天下安。”自秦一统天下以来,县就成为我国行政机构设置中最基本、最稳定的建制单元,也是我国政权体制中历史最悠久的一个重要层级。我国的行政层级为“中央——省——市——县——镇”五级行政管理体制。无论从国际上来看,还是从2600多年的历史看,实行五级行政管理层级的少之又少。上世纪90年代以来,尤其是进入21世纪后,我国先后有20多个省份进行了“强县(市)扩权”、“扩权强县(市)”等多种模式的改革试点,加之2005年以来,国家领导人和官方文件多次公开提出“具备条件的地方,可以推进‘省直管县(市)’改革试点”,标志着我国行政体制改革从减员、减事、机构合并的职能调整,真正发展到“减少层级”的公共管理体制改革,而“省直管县(市)”代替目前的“市管县”是理论界的主流观点。省直管县(市)行政体制改革涉及到行政区域调整、地方利益分配、人员分流安置等众多极为复杂的问题,必须要积极稳妥,由点到面,谨慎推行。作为改革发展中的新事物,省直管县(市)体制改革,是革除当前“市管县”行政体制弊病的突破点,是推进社会主义新农村建设和壮大县域经济发展的着力点,更是推动城乡经济社会发展一体化的重要抓手。本文以推行“省直管县(市)”行政管理体制改革的可行性为研究对象,对在我国当前推行省直管县(市)行政管理体制改革的背景、条件等进行了深刻分析和探讨,并提出了改革设想。本文在广泛考证相关文献资料、深入系统分析典型案例的基础上,从行政学、管理学、经济学视角探讨了关于在我国推行省直管县(市)体制改革的有关问题,对我国推行省直管县(市)体制改革的可行性、总体思路、主要原则、具体设想、配套政策等进行了深刻论证。本文分为四大部分:第一部分导论,主要介绍论文的选题背景、研究意义、研究思路、研究方法、研究综述、国外经验借鉴和理论依据等。第二部分介绍省直管县(市)改革的时代背景,主要包含市管县(市)体制的严格和存在的消极影响,以及目前当前实施省直管县(市)体制改革的大环境。第三部分介绍了目前我国省直管县(市)体制改革各地区的试点情况,突出分析了浙江、海南、重庆、湖北、四川、河南、吉林等省份的改革实践,对改革的过程、成效、存在问题进行了简要叙述和分析。第四部分析介绍了省直管县(市)体制改革的可行性、主要原则、总体思路、实施步骤和配套政策等方面内容,对在全国范围普遍推行省直管县(市)改革提出了具体的设想。

【Abstract】 "The county well governed, the country has fair government."Since the Qin Dynasty unified the country, the county has been the basic level, the most stable organizational unit of the administrative system of China, and it is an important level of the regime system of China, which play a role of linking hub. Now, the hierarchy of the administrative system of China in practice consist of five levels, "central -provincial (autonomous regions, municipalities, Special Administrative Region)-City (autonomous prefectures and leagues) - county (city, district, flag) - Town (Township). Few countries in the world today, even in the 2,600-year-long history of China, implement the Five-level administrative system.Since the 1990s, multiple experiments for the reform of the administrative system was made, such as "counties (city) expand their powers," "To expand the right of the counties (cities)", " To joint the financial System between provinces and counties (cities)," or " the counties (cities) administered directly by the province"; Since 2005, national leaders proposed publicly more than one times that" the reform of the ’provincial-counties (cities)’ system should be carried forward in conditional places", written in official documents, which marked that China’s administrative system reform make headway to the public service system reform, reducing the level of theadministration, from adjusting the functions before, reducing employees and affairs, mergering institutions.And it is the main point of view that we should replace the current system of "a city has jurisdiction over counties" by "counties under the direct jurisdiction of the province ".This reform is concerned with many fairly complicated problems ,such as the adjustment of the divions into districts, the distribution of local benefits,the resettlement and arrangment of the surplus personnel.We must carry through cautiously,actively and reliably, from a spot to a large scale. As a new thing occuring from the reform and development, this system reform to govern the county directly by the provionce is a breakthrough point to lay aside the abuses of the current administrative system,and an impetus for the biulding of the socialist countryside,an important handhold to drive forward the integration of urban and countryside.This essay investigates the feasibility to implement the administrative system reform of "province govern county (city) directly", analyzes and discusses the background and conditions of the reform, presents the conceptions for the folowing step. On this basis of a largely research for associated documents and a deeply systematic analysis of typical cases, this essay studies some questions about the "province govern county (city) directly"system reform ,in view of public administration, Management and economics;it also deeply proofs the feasibility, the general approach, major principles, concrete design, supporting policies,etc. about this reform.This paper consists of four main parts. The first part as an introduction, mainly introduces the background and significance of selecting the topic, research model, research method, a summary overview on this study, reference to the experiences of other countries and the according theories.The second part is mainly about the background of age of the "province govern county (city)"system reform, the firm function and it’s negative influence in operation, and the general environment to implement this reform at the present time.The third part introduces the situation about the "province govern county (city)"system reform carrying out in different pilot areas,especially analyzes the reform and practice in Zhejiang province,Hainan province,Hubei province,Sichuan province,Henan province,Jilin province and Chongqing municipality directly under the Central Government.This part also gives a brief account and analysys of the process, achievements and problems in the reform.The fourth part throws light on the feasibility, the general approach, major principles, concrete design, supporting policies of the reform,and brings forward some concrete designs to go ahead with the "province govern county (city)"system reform all over the country.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】D621
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】629