

Communication Research of Portable ECG Monitor Based on ARM-uClinux

【作者】 许建军

【导师】 叶树明;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 生物信息学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会的发展和人们生活水平的提高,心血管疾病的发病率不断攀升,提高预防和监测该疾病的手段势在必行。尤其是在农村和中西部边远城市,由于医疗卫生基础薄弱、专业医护人员的缺乏,研发相应的低成本、高性能的便携式远程心电监护产品,显得至关重要。本文将基于ARM处理器和Linux操作系统的嵌入式系统技术应用于便携式心电监护系统的开发,主要研究工作包括:在分析心电监护系统的发展趋势和国内外现状的基础上,提出了将嵌入式系统应用于心电监护的设计思想;选择了低功耗、低成本、高性能的ARM7处理器、MSP430系列单片机为核心的系统硬件平台,选择了嵌入式Linux操作系统作为系统软件平台;在单主多从的通信模式下,采用短数据帧格式,通过ARM中断收发,以状态机的概念设计实现了仪器内部通信协议;详细分析了linux网络体系结构,以客户机/服务器模式,通过建立面向连接的TCP并发服务器,实现了多个客户端心电数据的网络传输,通过Linux多线程开发,实现了医患双方心电数据的实时交互。实验结果表明,本系统平台能够满足心电监护系统的要求,对实现仪器的国产化、微型化、网络化,有良好的社会意义和经济效益。该设计方案稍加修改后还可应用于信息家电、消费电子、工业控制等相关领域中。

【Abstract】 With the development of the society and the living standard of the people, cardiovascular disease is rising increasingly. Improving the prevention and monitoring of the disease is imperative. In rural area and western backland, where the health foundation is weak and the professional medical staff is lacking, the research and development of low-cost, high-performance ECG monitoring products is utmost important.Based on ARM and uClinux, embedded system technology is used in the development of portable ECG monitoring system. The dissertation mainly focuses on the following research works: Based on analyzing the trend of portable ECG monitor, an innovated method is presented. Applying embedded system to the ECG monitor; the hardware platform of portable ECG monitoring system including MSP430, ARM7LPC2292 has been choosen. The embedded Linux is considered as software platform. The internal communication protocol of instrument is designed and realized based on finite state. This solution uses "Single Master,Multi Slaves" model and short-frame fomat. The communication was controled through interruption of ARM. By analyzing the network architecture of Linux, the client/server model network communication application was implemented based on TCP and UDP.The solution realizes the real-time interactive display between doctors and patients.The experimental result has been demonstrated, that the designed platform can satisfy the request of ECG monitor system, which implies that promote the tendency of localization, miniaturization and Networking. With certain modification, the designed system can also be applied on information devices, consumer electronics and industry control.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】TH776
  • 【下载频次】53